Reminder: Discussion Board Post #2 due today

Post On Discussion Board #2 (Due 2/15)

Instructions/How to post here

For this week’s discussion board, please reply to one of the following sets of questions– you do not need to reply to all of them (but you are welcome to do so!). When writing about specific readings, try to find a quote in the text that helps to back up your point or discussion.

  1. What does Frye mean by “oppression” and how is it different than being miserable or frustrated? What does Lorde’s essay tell us about oppression? How do you relate to these pieces, if at all? Can you think of examples or experiences that connect to Frye and/or Lorde’s arguments?
  2. What is the system of patriarchy? How do we participate in this system? What does this approach help us to see that an individualistic model does not? Give specific examples.
  3. Fausto-Sterling and the IG chat both take up the issue of intersexness. What connections do you see between medical systems and sex/gender? What are the questions that come up for you as you read/watch these pieces?
  4. Ijeoma A. and Pascoe write about expectations that are placed on girls and boys, respectively. What are some of the norms that they write about? What are some of the norms that you grew up with, either in your own experience or that you witnessed? How did you relate to these norms?

Please title your post: First Name Last Name: DB 2 and select “DB 2” as the category for your post.

corrected Zoom link

hi all,

I’m still trying to figure out what went wrong last week with the links! But, here is the link for today (and all other days):

Our class meets every Tuesday from 2:00-3:15 on Zoom.

This is the ZOOM link for our class (and it’s always the same link):

Join Zoom Meeting:

Password: gws2021

Reminder! Discussion Board Introduction and Post #1 due by 11:59 PM tonight

dear all,

Please try to post your Discussion Board introduction and Post #1 by the end of the day.  We will go over posting and other details about the site tomorrow in class so bring any questions or problems you are having.

See you tomorrow at 2!
Professor Munshi

Sign up for the Open Lab

dear all,

It was so great to meet you today! I appreciate your patience with the technical difficulties with the Zoom link and all.

Module 1 will be up for you to review tomorrow/Wednesday morning. In the meantime, some things for you to do now:

Sign up for the Open Lab site and become a member of this class. To access this site, all you need to do:

1. Sign up for an OpenLab account with your BMCC email address– it’s a quick and easy process! Here are the instructions.

If you are having trouble with your BMCC email address,

If you do not have a BMCC email account, have never used one, or have forgotten your username and/or password for an existing email account, contact the BMCC Service Desk at (212) 220-8379, or, or visit the Service Desk in Room S-141.


2. Go to our course site here and join the site as a member:

That’s all! You’re now a member of the class, which means you will be able to view all the course materials and post and comment on the site. Once everyone has joined the site, I will make it private for our class only.

If you have any trouble with any of these steps, you can email the Open Lab at  and/or email me (Professor Soniya Munshi) at smunshi@bmcc.cuny.ed