The truth about gender inequality within the workplace is that it exists and it is a reality that most women live in their day to day lives. Many like to argue that opportunities are based on experience, skill and qualification, but in reality: men have more opportunities than women and will therefore affect the overall earnings between men and women. Men have been in the running for many generations, and although we have gone through many revolutions and fought for many rights, there is still inequality within our system. Since the late 1980s, there has been an enormous increase in women earnings but even with this immense rise, women still end up earning less than men in almost every profession. The reason may lie in the ideas of misogyny, contempt towards women, failed opportunities and the acts of patronizing women within the workplace.
With that being said, I want to introduce a fictional story that portrays the common circumstances women are forced to face as an employee or even an employer. The reason I’m choosing to portray this kind of idea as a story is to highlight how frequent these conditions are. Women have shown time and time again that they are worthy of achievements and recognition but are time and time again overlooked due to their gender status/standing. With this story I hope to aid my readers to imagine a picture the struggles of women today in modern society.
A story of an independent and strong individual, Joy, who is ready for her expected promotion at her long-lasting job of 5 years. Instead of the victory she anticipates (and not to mention, deserves), she is instead bombarded by the news that she was not expecting. This is a short story that reveals the true reality of rising females that experience inequality (specifically) within the workplace. Even with the support of noncompetitive coworkers and encouraging friends, Joy will forever be obstructed by her gender.
Background: Joy is a middle aged women working in a office like establishment in NYC. She is surrounded by many supporting friends like the doorman (Ricky), her best friend (Joie) and her coworker (Mark). Each supporting character has a little scene with Joy to show how those around her do in fact see the potential that she carries. Joie has been through every failed promotion and still believes in her. Ricky has seen her commitment each day as she goes to work. Mark sees Joy’s potential first hand in the workplace and looks up to her. After many years of failed promotions, Joy believes this year will finally be her chance. Joy operates and manages a team all while promoting the company’s publicity unlike any other employee. Although Mark and Joy are partners, Joy has more authority than Mark, giving Joy the possibility of believing she has a chance at a promotion this year. There will be no other competition like previous years since Joy has shown her dedication countless times unlike any other manger/operator and team.
Scene I (bar) The night before, Joy gets a couple of drinks with Joie due to nervousness: main character (Joy), best friend (Joie)
“You should try some affirmations, you look stressed and you need a confidence booster” said Joie.
*Sigh* “It’s not even that Jojo. I know I’m going to be fine, it’s just so nerve racking. And it’s like, I have a really good feeling about it this time. I think this might be it. I’m not trying to sound cocky but *it has been years*, and I mean years, I just don’t want to be let down again by my own imagination”
Jojo stared at me with her drunk self and smiled, “It’s not your imagination Joy” she says confidently as she takes another swing.
*Laugh* “Thanks Jo, that definitely boosted my confidence. (Pause) Look, I’ll catch you later okay, it’s getting pretty late and I gotta get in early for the big day tomorrow, so don’t drink too much okay Jojo? You know how you get”
Joie laughed, “Alright Mom”
Scene II (walking to work) Joy talks to herself on the way to work: main character (Joy)
So I tried what Jojo suggested to me last night and, I don’t know, it felt weird. I think the alcohol got to her. (Pause) Oh don’t get me wrong, I love self care and what not but it just felt so silly to do. Anyways, I don’t need to tell myself those things, I am confident, and again, not in the cocky way. I just know I’m going to land this promotion. I *deserve* this promotion (smiling) Oh gosh I need to stop smiling so hard, my cheeks are starting to hurt!
Scene III (work) Joy had just encountered Ricky: main character (Joy), doorman (ricky)
“Did the sun just come out or did I just get blinded by the brightest star?” Ricky said jokingly.
*Teasing* “Rick”
(Pause) Ricky gently grabs Joy’s hand and sighs, “I am so proud of you Joy, after years of working here, I have never seen a more dedicated person before (pause) and hey maybe you’ll finally get some more sleep huh?” he chuckles and lets her hand go.
Joy couldn’t help but smile, “You are the best, you know that? Thank you Ricky” she says as she walks towards the elevator.
“Yeah I know” Ricky shouts, laughing.
Scene IV (elevator) Joy encounters her work partner, Mark: main character (Joy), work partner (Mark)
“Hey Sunshine” Mark smirked as he held the elevator door for Joy.
Joy jokingly rolled her eyes, “Never gonna happen Mark”
“Hey, a hundreth time’s a charm right? Also, I hope you didn’t forget what today was” Mark questioned.
Joy gave him the eye, “How could I? I’ve been nervous all week. I’m sweating already”
Mark laughs at her comment, “You be fine Sunshine. (pause, serious) Hey, seriously Joy, you probably heard this a thousand times already but we all know it’s been way overdue. You deserve this more than anyone, congratulations” Mark said as he reassured her.
Joy smiled and reached over for a hug, almost tearing up.“Thanks Mark”
Scene V (office) Derek makes the big announcement in front of all the employees: main character (Joy), work partner (Mark), boss (Derek)
“Can I have everyone’s attention please!” shouts Derek. Everyone slowly brings their smalltalk to a halt as they turn their attention to him.
“Thank you, thank you, now as you all know, this is a very big day for a special someone. And I believe they know who they are. But before I give the big announcement, I just wanted to say that this person has done a lot for the company and we wouldn’t be here without them. Not only do I see their potential but so does everyone else”. Joy begins to tense up, but in a positive way.
“You’re sweating sunny” Mark whispers towards Joy as Derek continues to ramble on.
Joy nudges Mark because of the comment he made but it made her chuckle, loosening up her mood.
“Anyways, enough of that snappy talk. It has been such an honor to work with all of you… and it has been an amazing honor especially to you, Mark! Congratulations on your promotion and to many more years!”
The sound of cheer and applause filled the room. But it echos away quickly as the color drains away from Joy’s face.
“Uh.. thank you so much Derek, thank you guys..” Mark chuckles awkwardly as he looks over at Joy “Joy.. I-”
Joy comes back to her senses and turns to face Mark, “Congratulations Mark, you deserve this more than anyone” she says with a forced smile and turns to walk away.
Scene VI (bathroom) Joy doubts, questions and belittles herself: main character (Joy)
Why..? Why did *Mark* get the promotion. I deserve it… right? My head was spinning, I felt sick to my stomach. I thought that maybe after 5 years of working for this company, I would have earned it. But no. Why? I do just as much work… maybe even more. First it was Jack, then Simon, and even Qiqi, but that was his wife! It just baffles me because no matter what I do, I just don’t stand a chance, I can’t compete… (Pause, breaks down crying) I’m so happy for them, they truly do deserve it but… so do I.. right, I deserve a promotion don’t I? I work just as much as them, my efforts have been proven and shown time and time again.. so why? Why am I getting overlooked? Why have my efforts been unnoticed? Why..? I guess I don’t deserve a promotion… (realization).
Society has shaped the ideas of dominance and subordinates between male and female. This can be found in many families, in different professions and at school. Within the workplace, it is common to find male dominant figures, men who make the last decision, men who are at the top of the food chain while women are found to come in second. Although this may be common, there are many women who have worked hard for their position as a superior. But even with this, there is still a wage gap between male and female that obtain the same job. Throughout many occupations ranging from janitors, barbers, teachers and managers, men earn a higher weekly earning than women do. Even the jobs that women have been given many years ago have become undervalued due to gender: “Workers in female-dominated fields are paid lower salaries than workers in male-dominated fields, even when the jobs require the same level of skill, education and training” (AAUW 3). There is no scientific or logical reason that claims that women who do the exact same job as a man should receive less than they deserve which leaves many like myself to believe that gender plays a role in earned income. Gender should not account or determine the value of a person but it unfortunately continues to play a part in modern society.
Not only does gender affect a person’s worth but one’s race does as well. There is a huge gap for many women of color that is wider than the overall gender wage gap due to women of color working at low paying jobs. This is due to the lack of opportunities that women of color receive. These individuals struggle with educational opportunities which then affect their job opportunities making their wage gap an endless cycle of low paying jobs that are undervalued and undercompensated as well. With all these factors coming to play it is apparent that these factors: “race, age, education, physical ability, migration status, sexual orientation and so on—the wage gap varies dramatically. But in each group, women earn less money than their male counterparts” (AAUW 2).
The underrepresentation of women in many occupations can also be influenced by patronizing dominants who look down on others due to gender and/or race. Even with the same opportunities that both male and female receive, women tend to make less than men,
“Although women have made some progress over the past thirty years in some professional occupations such as law and medicine, women work in the lower-paying specialties of these fields, and they remain in the same low-paid jobs in which they had always worked, such as office support and service occupations.” (Marlene Kim 1).
At the end of the day, women continue to be oppressed by the acts of superiors. Although this is true there will be a continuous growth and increase in women earnings throughout every race. There has been an increase of 4-26% within women earnings promoting the rise in women wages compared to men. Based on these projections, there will be a continuance of growth within the years to come and women across all races will soon reach wage equity between male, female and race.
Assessment: I feel as if my project did meet my goals, originally I did not plan for how this would go but I am glad it did. I didn’t plan to write a story but I believe it was a nice spin to it and can help readers relate to it more because reading a story is much more enjoyable than reading text by text. I incorporated feedback from Dr. Munshi and fellow classmates to strengthen my story and point. If I had more time to work on the project I would add more details to the story, add more details between characters and future situations. I had a lot of fun writing about my final project. I thought writing a story would be a creative spin towards a serious topic. I would give my final project an A because although I was able to create a creative spin to this project, I made sure to add text which includes quotes from materials that we discussed in class.