We will definitely talk more about the final project next week! But in the meantime:

  1. Here are the instructions for the assignment
  2. You can sign up for the one required meeting with me here
  3. You can sign up for your class presentation here
  4. The proposal is due next week, by Tuesday.  My suggestion is to look at your discussion board posts and/or Essay #1 and/or any notes you have taken in class and/or the readings/materials + ask yourself: what’s sparking your interest? What are you feeling excited or curious about? What do you want to say?

    • Proposal [3 points]: Write a short proposal (~2-3 paragraphs) in which you state:
      • which form you will be working in (memoir or manifesto)
      • initial ideas about the themes or issues that you want to engage: what do you already know about and what do you want to explore? 
      • if you already know: what form will you work in (an essay, or something else?)

DUE DATE: TUESDAY MARCH 23. You can write your proposal as a post on our Open Lab site and select “PROPOSAL” as your category. You can make it private or public. Either way, my feedback to you will be private. 

Loving your posts <3 + co-work/open office hours today 12-1:30pm

hi all! I am loving your posts! Will be reading and commenting more today but in the meantime, a reminder: I’m holding open office hours today from 12-1:30pm. You can come to co-work with me and/or ask a question or anything else.

Office hours are at my Zoom Room here:

Resources at BMCC

I hope everyone is taking good care and getting a chance to enjoy the lovely weather!

I wanted to make sure that you all know about some resources that are available at BMCC:

BMCC Counseling Center  does a lot of different things– including offering 1:1 support, peer-based groups that offer support on specific topics, academic counseling which supports students in navigating pressures and challenges at BMCC. They can generally be a good resource when you need someone to speak with about something going on in your life, challenges at BMCC, or  issues that are affecting your mental health. They are also very responsive (in my experience) +their services are free and confidential.

Women’s Resource Center is a space that offers  “fun and educational eventsprograms, services and resources about feminism, gender equity, women’s empowerment, healthy relationships, women’s health, gender based violence, positive masculinity, social justice, LBTQIA+ identities, and much more.”

The Advocacy and Resource Center  offers services to students that  include “food assistance, finance consultation, health insurance and other services that may address challenges students experience.”

Academic Support Services include the Library, Writing Center, and the Learning Resource Center.

for this week….

Our goal for this week: collective care.

Thank you to all of you for participating in such a beautiful, thoughtful, and vulnerable conversation this afternoon. I am appreciating the culture and community that you are building with one another.

I know you have a group chat on What’s App + I hope you are using it to check in with one another. Please know you can also reach out to me anytime as well.

For this week, there is no new reading or other material- let’s take this week to pause, reflect, show our care and support for one another. All you need to do this week is a new Discussion Board post. 


This week, please shower the class with your favorite memes, songs, tweets, images, poems, quotes, photographs, videos, or anything else that you think can offer the class some care and support.

Instructions/How to post here

Please title your post whatever you like.

DISCUSSION BOARD #6 (due 3/15) 

DISCUSSION BOARD #6 (due 3/15) 

This week, please shower the class with your favorite memes, songs, tweets, images, poems, quotes, photographs, videos, or anything else that you think can offer the class some care and support.

Feel free to post as many times as you like.

Instructions/How to post here

Please title your post whatever you like. 

Module 6


Our goal for this week: collective care.

Thank you to all of you for participating in such a beautiful, thoughtful, and vulnerable conversation this afternoon. I am appreciating the culture and community that you are building with one another.

I know you have a group chat on What’s App + I hope you are using it to check in with one another. Please know you can also reach out to me anytime as well.

For this week, there is no new reading or other material- let’s take this week to pause, reflect, show our care and support for one another. All you need to do this week is a new Discussion Board post. 


This week, please shower the class with your favorite memes, songs, tweets, images, poems, quotes, photographs, videos, or anything else that you think can offer the class some care and support.

Instructions/How to post here

Please title your post whatever you like.

Essay #2 

The prompt for Essay #2 will be up later today and the suggested deadline is next week.