Mariam Varazashvili Essay 4

 Family is a very important unit for humankind. It is a strong network between relatives. Family is a hope, force, support, motivation, and base of everything. The first what can I say is that family has a huge influence on the child’s psychology. We should remember that our childhood has a very important role in our personality. Who are we today? We are big children. A good families can create good persons and good generation. Because of this, I think that family is a vitally important connection in our society. Persons need to shear something with someone; they need to know that they are not alone, and there are people who care about them. Every religion preach that we must love our family. It has a huge role not only in our hearts, but also in our society. There are different kinds of families. Household family is a more spread types of family. According to the reading, BEYOND SAME-SEX MARRIAGE, families that are created by same sex people are norm in our society.  “Recognizing the diverse households that already are the norm in this country is simply a matter of expanding upon the various forms of legal recognition that already are available. The LGBT movement has played an instrumental role in creating and advocating for domestic partnerships, second parent adoptions, reciprocal beneficiary arrangements, joint tenancy/home-ownership contracts, health care proxies, powers of attorney, and other mechanisms that help provide stability and security for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and heterosexual individuals and families.” 

 Also, there is speaking about nuclear family. Definition of nuclear family is an elementary family where are two parents and usually two or three children. “U.S. Census findings tell us that a majority of people, whatever their sexual and gender identities, do not live in traditional nuclear families.” According to the reading marriage is an important factor for part of our society. “Marriage is not the only worthy form of family or relationship, and it should not be legally and economically privileged above all others. While we honor those for whom marriage is the most meaningful personal ­– for some, also a deeply spiritual – choice, we believe that many other kinds of kinship relationship, households, and families must also be accorded recognition.” Although, there are some problems for them who wants to marriage. It is not easy for LGBT people. There are some economic and other policy problems. Additionally, I want to speak about economic stress that has effect on the families. Millions of people are anxious about economic situation, because in the United States, more and more individuals and families are experiencing the violence of poverty. 

 I think that everyone must has chance to make a family. I cannot see problem if couple do not want to marriage. Even though I am sure that nuclear family where parents feel love each other has a perfect influence on new generation. This kind of household is more solid. I think that in my case, I will marriage. 

Mariam Varazashvili Final Project

                                    Women’s problems in Georgian society

  Georgia is a country where women are given the status of a goddess.  Especially, mother has a huge role in every man’s heart. A lot of Georgian famous poets write about mothers and their values in the world. There does not exist drinking-bout where toast masters and other men will not stand up and say toasts of women, wife, house keepers and mothers. After all of this, they drink one or more glasses wine.  Georgian women are perfect for Georgian men. Georgian men think that Georgian women have a unique beauty, though they like Slovak and Russian girls.  Women are source of a new life. There are a lot of words, where “mother” is basic part of Georgian words in the language. For example: mother tongue ( დედაენა), the earth ( definition is mother ground, დედამიწა)  and so forth.

Unfortunately, reality is radically different in our society.  I can bravely say that women have a lot of problems in our country. I will start from women’s childhood. There are framework if how must grow up baby girl. Parents think that girl and boy do not have equal terms. In this case, if boy has a freedom that means that they can do what they want, girl cannot live similarly. There are the famous sentence- you are a girl and you must … there are a lot of version how will I finish it; you must study better, you must be sophisticate, you must do house works, you must stay at home and your promised bride will find you, you are mirror of our family, you must eat accurately, you must come at home early, you must be virgin and etc. Also, I can say that a lot of surgery make operation of renewal hymen repair. When you are a girl, almost everyone try to control your life; not only your parents but also your brothers, friends of brother, neighbors and so forth. Everyone try to control you. They want to know everything. If you are a boy, you do not have a problem.  No one try to control you. If a boy has a lot of sexual partner, it just means that he is cool. Almost every boy is proud of this fact and they attract more and more girls. They do not need a high education and accurately manners. They just know how flirt with girls. There are a huge number of boys who have psychological problems. They have a lot of complex and low self-appraisal; they try to cover it with bulling other girls. Georgian men are proud and sometimes they do not want relationship with girl who is more successful. Because of this fact, they try to bulling women; generally boys have a better experience of relationships. Boy start bulling like this, you are short, you have a long nose, you have short hands or what do you know? You do not have an enough knowledge or where do you live? Are you from village? Do you live in suburb?..  This type of man try to oppress woman and try to kill woman’s self-confidence. The man start toxic relationship with his partner. After all of this, he is proud and he thinks that he is better. Unfortunately, a large number of good girls are victims of this kind of relationships. The problem comes from childhood. There does not have mean how much perfect you are; girls always are under the critic. Parents, teachers or society want to be better and better. Parents a lot of observations give to baby girls and they forget to encourage own children. Because of this fact, from childhood woman have serious problems of self-confidence and when they grow up they become easily vulnerable.

 I want to notice religion role in the above-mentioned problems. Orthodoxy has a huge influence in our community. 83% of citizens are Christian in Georgia. The patriarch is idolized by people. He is   more influential person than other members of political figures. Christian religion preaches us that the man is a head of everything. The woman must not have sexual partners before marriage, she must get marriage just once etc. For example, my friend got married with a man who was divorced years ago. (Person can religiously wedding 3 times in life) This one was second for the man. Because of this, the priest said that religious wedding and prayers will not be traditional, and it will be different in this case, the woman is not virgin. My friend was virgin; the man was proud.  Christianity sermonizes that woman must have more sense of patient. She must be honest… There is patriarchate. A lot of things are wrongly taking from the Bible. I cannot say that a huge part of men are churchgoers, but they use church to control women. They are good manipulators. Old traditions take a big place in our society; today, is different time and they are useless. I can say that years ago everything was differently. There were more gentlemen. Women were estimated by men. For example, the fight between two men could be stopped by the woman who thrown a headdress between them. The Soviet Union have changed a lot of things in our country. Today, I think that social media has a huge influence on the people. For example, they take new trends from the USA and Europe; unfortunately, the above-mentioned trends are disfigured. They cannot take it correctly.   

Additionally, I want to speak about women’s role in our economic system. Our country has a really hard economic situation. We beautiful country, and there is every source in order to be rich capital, but we do not have a productive government; people do not have jobs. A huge number of women are emigrants. They keep our country’s economic system. They send us money. Women are sacrifices. They are abroad. They work for their family. There are a lot of cases, when they cannot come back in own country, because they are illegal. They stay 5, 10, 15 years, and more long time in abroad. They are nurses, and they go outside two or one days per week. Sometimes, they die in other country. There are some problems. For example they send money, and their husband get married with other woman; children (30-40 years) do not want to come back mother because they will not have more money, and etc.

  Also, I think that women’s role in family is a caustic issue. A lot of women are under the stress. Often, men violence toward women. They do not need reasons. Men jealous; they afraid of everything. For example, if couple separate, he continue control of ex-wife. He do not want to comprehend that the woman is not object; she has own life and she can contact with other men. There are a lot of case where ex-wife was killed by ex-husband, and where ex –wife are beaten or raped by husbands or ex-husbands. Violence take place of every level of society. There are large number of famous women who have own bad experience. Fortunately, step by step everything is changing. Years ago, I mean 7 or 5 years ago women do not speak about this problem. They shame on society. They used to start thinking, I must endure it; what kind of reaction will have people; everyone will speak about me and my family and etc. Social media has a huge role in our lives. Today, everything is transparent.  Women know that they are not alone. There are NGOs that can help to them and they can fight for them.

  Finally, I hope that one day everything will change. Fortunately, every boy and man do not look like each other. We have good persons in every generations. Everything needs time. “Rome was not build in a day.” People wakes up. Almost everyone realizes that they need innovations. I know a lot of boys who do not like that their mother are abroad. Almost every emigrant wants to come back in Georgia. We love our homeland. There everything is differently better for us. I hope that one day we will not have the above mentioned problems. I believe that my and future generation will change everything.

Mariam Varazashvili Essay 3

Today, wage gap is a serious issue in our society. I want to explain what does mean a wage gap.  It is an inequality wage between women’s and men’s earnings; even though it is not everything. There is a caustic problem of gender wage gap. According to the article, “The simple truth about the gender pay gap”, since start of the pandemic, more women lost their jobs than men. There we are speaking about restaurants, retails, hotels, travel sectors and so forth. “… Different genders have a different path through education and training. This often stress women into fields and even specialties within fields… “There are a lot of stereotypes of gender that create additional barriers for women. Unfortunately, men and women do not have an equal term in employer’s eyes. Motherhood is penalty and fatherhood are bonus. Employers try to hire women who do not have children. They offer mothers lower salaries and fewer promotions than they offer to women without children. Meanwhile, fathers make 119% of what men without children earn. Women who have children earn 73% of what fathers earn. Additionally, there are other issues. Women have a lower salary than men, even when the job require the same level of skills, education, and trainings.  

  Additionally, there is a trouble about race. If you are a black color woman, you will have low salary than Latina or a Native American woman, but if you are a white woman, your salary will be higher.  

 Also, there are other types of gendered disparities in the workplaces. According to the “Policies to End the Gender Wage Gap in the United States”, women and men have a different kind of jobs. There are “jobs for women” and “jobs for men”. Fortunately, women made some progress pass thirty years in some realms. For example, they occupation medicine. Women made a little progress in male blue collar jobs such as constructions. “Neoclassical economists believe that women are less productive and that they choose lower-paying jobs to care for their families. Women work fewer years than men, and if they work at all, women with young children are more likely to work part-time compared to men with young families. Anticipating their family needs, women choose occupations that allow them flexibility in the hours they work, such as nursing and teaching, and they avoid jobs that require highly specific skills and knowledge that become quickly outdated, such as in physics, knowing that they may take time off to raise families.”(page 279) The problem comes from our society, and it clearly are showed in the above mentioned quote. 

  I think that there are some solutions. I believe that everything will change, but it needs time. “Rome was not built in a day”. I hope that step by step women and men will have equal terms in a different job, and they will have an appropriate salary. Although if we want to have changes, we must fight for this. I feel that if women and even men will not silence, they will have a progress. For example, no one imagined women as a bus driver, worker in a construction, as a pilot and so forth. Although today we have women who can work better in “men’s job” than even men. I hope that one day everything will change, and we will not have same problems.  

Mariam Varazashvili DB 13

The workshop and discussion that was about healthy relationship was a very interesting and cognitive. I got a huge information. Although, I want to take one caustic issue, and I want to speak about it. This one is JEALOUS. When the woman is young or teenager, she likes boy who is jealous. They call her a lot of times a day. Jealous man forbids her many activities. The girl likes it because she thinks that he is masculine. He can protect her in any kind of situation. The man who jealous means that he loves and care about the girl. Unfortunately, the girl and woman who have these kinds of thinks make a huge mistake. They start a toxic relationship with a jealous man. Step by step they start recognizing that they made a mistake, and the jealous does not comes from a strong love. Generally, the person who jealous about partner (I mean when there is not any kind of occasion of this fact, and it is a just pathological jealousy) has a lot of psychological problems. He is not healthy. He is selfish and envy. He has problems of self-confidence, realization, complexes and so forth. Trust me, there is not person who will be happy with these kinds of man. They are not adequate. There are a big number of tragedies that were based on jealousy. A lot of women are killed by her husbands and boyfriends. Their main motivation was jealousy. I think that it is a caustic problem today. Women must recognize that healthy relationship does not bring stress, fear, complex, melancholy for us. Take care of yourself.  

Mariam Varazashvili (NEW)

Women’s problems in Georgian society

  Georgia, is a country where women are given the status of a goddess.  Especially, mother has a huge role in every men’s heart. A lot of Georgian famous poets write about mothers and their values in the world. There does not exist drinking-bout where toast masters and other men will not stand up and say toasts of women, wife, house keepers and mothers. After all of this, they drink one or more glasses wine.  Georgian women are perfect for Georgian men. Georgian men think that Georgian women have a unique beauty, though they like Slovak and Russian girls.  Women are source of a new life. There are a lot of words, where “mother” is basic part of Georgian words in the language. For example: mother tongue ( დედაენა), the earth ( definition is mother ground, დედამიწა)  and so forth.

  Unfortunately, reality is radically different in our society.  I can bravely say that women have a lot of problems in our country. I will start from women’s childhood. There are framework if how must grow up baby girl. Parents think that girl and boy do not have equal terms. In this case, if boy has a freedom that means that they can do what they want, girl cannot live similarly. There are the famous sentence- you are a girl and you must … there are a lot of version how will I finish it; you must study better, you must be sophisticate, you must do house works, you must stay at home and your promised bride will find you, you are mirror of our family, you must eat accurately, you must come at home early, you must be virgin and etc. When you are a girl, almost everyone try to control your life; not only your parents but also your brothers, friends of brother, neighbors and so forth. Everyone try to control you. They want to know everything. If you are a boy, you do not have a problem.  No one try to control you. If a boy has a lot of sexual partner, it just means that he is cool. Almost every boy is proud of this fact and they attract more and more girls. They do not need a high education and accurately manners. They just know how flirt with girls. There are a huge number of boys who have psychological problems. They have a lot of complex and low self-appraisal; they try to cover it with bulling other girls. Georgian men are proud and sometimes they do not want relationship with girl who is more successful. Because of this fact, they try to bulling women; generally boys have a better experience of relationships. Boy start bulling like this, you are short, you have a long nose, you have short hands or what do you know? You do not have an enough knowledge or where do you live? Are you from village? Do you live in suburb?..  This type of man try to oppress woman and try to kill woman’s self-confidence. The man start toxic relationship with his partner. After all of this, he is proud and he thinks that he is better. Unfortunately, a large number of good girls are victims of this kind of relationships. The problem comes from childhood. There does not have mean how much perfect you are; girls always are under the critic. Parents, teachers or society want to be better and better. Parents a lot of observations give to baby girls and they forget to encourage own children. Because of this fact, from childhood woman have serious problems of self-confidence and when they grow up they become easily vulnerable.

   I want to notice religion role in the above mentioned problems. Orthodoxy has a huge influence in our community.  Christian religion tells us that the man is a head of everything. The woman must not have sexual partners before marriage, she must get marriage just once and etc. Women must have more sense of patient. She must be honest…

  Also, I think that women’s role in family is a caustic issue. A lot of women are under the stress. Often, men violence toward women. They do not need reasons. Men jealous; they afraid of everything. For example, if couple separate, he continue control of ex-wife. He do not want to comprehend that the woman is not object; she has own life and she can contact with other men. There are a lot of case where ex-wife was killed by ex-husband, where ex –wife are beaten and raped by husbands and ex-husbands. Violence take place of every level of society. There are large number of famous women who have own bad experience. Fortunately, step by step everything is changing. Years ago, I mean 7 or 5 years ago women do not speak about this problem. They shame on society. They used to start thinking, I must endure it; what kind of reaction will have people; everyone will speak about me and my family and etc. Social media has a huge role in our lives. Today, everything is transparent.  Women know that they are not alone. There are NGOs that can help to them and they can fight for them. I hope that one day everything will change. Our new generations will not have old mentality and they will realize that women and men are equal. The men is not patron of the woman after marriage.  

Mariam Varazashvili

                                    Women’s problems in Georgian society

  Georgia, is a country where women are given the status of a goddess.  Especially, mother has a huge role in every men’s heart. A lot of Georgian famous poets write about mothers and their values in the world. There does not exist drinking-bout where toast masters and other men will not stand up and say toasts of women, wife, house keepers and mothers. After all of this, they drink one or more glasses wine.  Georgian women are perfect for Georgian men. Georgian men think that Georgian women have a unique beauty, though they like Slovak and Russian girls.  Women are source of a new life. There are a lot of words, where “mother” is basic part of Georgian words in the language. For example: mother tongue ( დედაენა), the earth ( definition is mother ground, დედამიწა)  and so forth.

  Unfortunately, reality is radically different in our society.  I can bravely say that women have a lot of problems in our country. I will start from women’s childhood. There are framework if how must grow up baby girl. Parents think that girl and boy do not have equal terms. In this case, if boy has a freedom that means that they can do what they want, girl cannot live similarly. There are the famous sentence- you are a girl and you must … there are a lot of version how will I finish it; you must study better, you must be sophisticate, you must do house works, you must stay at home and your promised bride will find you, you are mirror of our family, you must eat accurately, you must come at home early, you must be virgin and etc. When you are a girl, almost everyone try to control your life; not only your parents but also your brothers, friends of brother, neighbors and so forth. Everyone try to control you. They want to know everything. If you are a boy, you do not have a problem.  No one try to control you. If a boy has a lot of sexual partner, it just means that he is cool. Almost every boy is proud of this fact and they attract more and more girls. They do not need a high education and accurately manners. They just know how flirt with girls. There are a huge number of boys who have psychological problems. They have a lot of complex and low self-appraisal; they try to cover it with bulling other girls. Georgian men are proud and sometimes they do not want relationship with girl who is more successful. Because of this fact, they try to bulling women; generally boys have a better experience of relationships. Boy start bulling like this, you are short, you have a long nose, you have short hands or what do you know? You do not have an enough knowledge or where do you live? Are you from village? Do you live in suburb?..  This type of man try to oppress woman and try to kill woman’s self-confidence. The man start toxic relationship with his partner. After all of this, he is proud and he thinks that he is better. Unfortunately, a large number of good girls are victims of this kind of relationships. The problem comes from childhood. There does not have mean how much perfect you are; girls always are under the critic. Parents, teachers or society want to be better and better. Parents a lot of observations give to baby girls and they forget to encourage own children. Because of this fact, from childhood woman have serious problems of self-confidence and when they grow up they become easily vulnerable.

   I want to notice religion role in the above mentioned problems. Orthodoxy has a huge influence in our community.  Christian religion tells us that the man is a head of everything. The woman must not have sexual partners before marriage, she must get marriage just once and etc. Women must have more sense of patient. She must be honest…

  Also, I think that women’s role in family is a caustic issue. ( I will say about It and lastly I will say solution.

Mariam Varazashvili DB 11

What forms of gendered violence are represented in this film? What do we learn about this violence and its impacts?

I want to speak about ,,Out in the night” there are violence problems of racism and homosexuality. Black and lesbian people are oppressed. There we can variety of violence: killing, beating, raping , abusing, arresting and etc. There we can see that media and court are not just. There are new and old generation who fight in order to live in a calm area. They just want to live as normal persons, but they can not do this. There are a lot of persons who attack them. When I have seen this movie, I remind movie where people were oppressed because of their sexual orientation. I mean that there were problems of toilet and working places.

I want to say that they are minority of our society. People do not have a enough information about them. They think that they are sick or profligates. I think that everyone is equal and everyone has own life. We do not have right to oppress them. Today it is a really caustic problem in our lives. A lot of person are killed.

Mariam Varazashvili DB 10

Based on the film(s) you watched, using Crenshaw’s framework of intersectionality, what do you see as the  the role of racism, or other structures of oppression like homophobia, in these stories of misogynistic violence?

According to the Films, there were a lot of problems of racism and homophobia. There we can see that black people have a huge problems; they are oppressed. They are under the stress from childhood. People do not have a normal life style. Bulling, killing, beating and etc. are parts of their lives. There are people who hate black race, and they try to destroy it. In the movie, I can see that black lesbian people have a huge problems because that they are lesbian. They do not have that have problems they want to say that it is a normal. There was a lesbian black woman who said own history, where she was oppressed by man and also she says story about her friends who was killed. Unfortunately, media and court always are not just. There is speaking about fight in Manhattan where 4 person were unfairly punished. Also there is information about Gangs of Lesbian.

I think that this movie ,, Out in the night” is a really good source to get information about black lesbian people’s problems. They were target of bulling, killing, harassing.

I think that people afraid of different things. The above mentioned violence is a really good example of this.

Mariam Varazashvili DB 3

According to the article -“An Appeal to the Christian Women of the South” usually, women are participants of abolitionist movement. Angelina Grimke is a really good example of this activities. She tried to persuade women of the immorality of slavery. She said : “…an inalienable right to liberty, then it is equally true that no man can be born a slave, and no man can ever rightfully be reduced to involuntary bondage and held as a slave, however fair may be the claim of his master or mistress through wills and title-deeds….”