Women of Wisdom and Intuition Manifesto:
Since the beginning time, women have been given a role “being everyone’s keeper. I am sure you have heard this term “I’m not my brother’s keeper.” I come ask myself, was this role given to us by men? Did we take on this role as women of intuition? Did God create Eve from the heel of Adam’s foot so men could oppress us, or did God create us from the rib of Adam to be as equals. I asked myself these questions countless of times, trying to make sense what makes women so different from men. I want to believe, that there is a purpose to what women face every day, regardless of where live are in this beautiful globe. Men has thought themselves as superior beings, and this concept has spread though out our history. Women have been mistreated in physically, sexually, verbally, mentally, and been murdered in the hands of men. Women that voiced their opinion, beliefs, goals, would be killed in passed, for not being compliant to husbands, fathers, teachers, religious leaders, political leaders, that are led by men, We women of intuition with great wisdom, must gather to help re-wire new generations of men, and teach our young men that oppression, is women slavery and it is an unethical, and could be labeled a crime. The male thought process regarding this issue, has infected the minds of men creating a monster called “male supremacy.” I believe, women were given a spiritual connection and intuition, to unveil the enemy, and show devil hiding in the details. Our human rights been violated from being under paid compared to men in which we struggle to make ends meet. According to the pay wage gap, we women are under paid compared to men, by gender and ethnicity. This matter sits uneasy to many women that work just as hard as men. Why do men think of themselves as higher superior beings to women? Who thought this concept was acceptable or ethical?
According to “Bureau of Labor Statistics data,” in 2020, women’s annual earnings were 82.3% of men’s, and the gap is even wider for many women of color”. Mar 19, 2021. We want to voice our opinions, and play a part in political arena, concluding economical conflict. There are political conflicts all over the globe, and women need to be part of the solution. Furthermore, according “The Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation in the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA/CMM) of the United States Agency” Kvitashvili, Elizabeth Director “Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)” introduced a document “Women and Conflict: An introduction guide to programing, addressed to the “USAIDE from the American people”, to develop leadership for “economic growth, democracy, education and health” on countries impacted by conflict that target mostly women. We women must become part of the resolution, to this economic crisis. The oppression on women has been like a virus infecting every country, from the beginning of time including, America -the land of liberty, freedom, and dreams.
in the “Red stocking Manifesto “we identify this as male supremacy, one the oldest and most basic form of domination.” and no one seems to think that there is something wrong with issue. The burden that women face daily is out of control. Gender oppression is wrong and even those who think it is unethical are still participate in it. These individuals are part of the system that do not speak up for change, and care more if they become targets for speaking up so they overlook the problem. Women are targeted for sexual harassment in the workplace, and fear losing their jobs if they speak about the assault. Men in power are feared by the women in the workplace, because men take their power and leadership to the extreme. This government has allowed this behavior of men oppressing women in the workplace for far too long. We declare liberation of such unacceptable behaviors to the leaders of this country, and a call to immediate action, (excluding male believers of women liberation).
In fact, research, has shown that women of color -that are survivors of violence, have been hurt by such laws which women are blamed for and arrested in domestic violence issues. I do not want to think of this as a crime, but if you analyzed the argument, it shows criminal actions against all women, especially women in neighborhoods of color. If we do not make oppression on gender a crime, women will never see the yoke lightened. If we don’t see changes, the yoke of women oppression will be felt by later generations of women. Our daughters and their daughters do not deserve this way of living. Let us make a difference and show a new wave of empowered women, who can become the new voices and a new generation of women feminist, fighting for women rights and equality across the board.
I come to understand many women writers like, (I want a wife) written by feminist Judy Brady. She asked herself, why she wants a wife? She wants a wife for obvious reason. A wife’s duty is 24 hours 7 days a week with no rest, while men kick back after an 8-hour shift with a beer and remote on hand, changing channels as if not clear or undecided. Clearly women have more responsibility than men. Men are constantly getting, what I call “fake praise” for doing what is needed as if they have won a contest. I would like to conduct an experiment in the mid-future, like changing the role of a wife to a husband, and a husband changing his role into the wife and see how long it last. I do not speak of all men, but I do speak against the male supremacy that narcissistically believe the right to oppress women.
As women of wisdom and intuition, women are more than conquerors. We are survivors of evil, and we will prevail against the attacks of the enemy. God made us women with an ability of strength, that men do not possess. I believe, we have the power and intuition that was given to us from the beginning of time to detect violence before it occurs. Furthermore, in scriptures Proverbs 14:1 written by: King Soloman “every wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one will only destroy it” I believe we are coming closer to women equality with a changing world. I believe this our chance to rise in power in a realm of movements that target these issues of gender inequalities. Our main goal is, to liberate women that are underpaid, overworked, overlooked, oppressed, violated by males, under privileged, and avoided in the political arena, etc.
This concept that men have of a wife is oppression of slavery, and not a proper description of a wife. Both men and women have been given a gift of unification to be united and become one body, one mind, and one voice. Both species of homo sapiens has been given distinct functions in life, that helps nature flourish and nourish, as an echo system needs to survive. Any disruption to this function can cause great division and devastation to all humankinds as we know it. It is crucial to re-evaluate this concept and begin a new one. Let us start a greater concept of living. The concept of united we stand but divided we fall. If you do not hear our voice, then see our struggles, our brokeness to be counted as an equals. Respect and honor women, as we are all born from a women which produces the beauty of life. See and witness the struggles of your mothers and daughters, and return us the same empathy, compassion, and love we give. Gender equality and equal pay is a must, not a priviledge.