Leticia Rodriguez

Women of Wisdom and Intuition Manifesto:

Since the beginning time, women have been given a role “being everyone’s keeper. I am sure you have heard this term “I’m not my brother’s keeper.”  I come ask myself, was this role given to us by men? Did we take on this role as women of intuition? Did God create Eve from the heel of Adam’s foot so men could oppress us, or did God create us from the rib of Adam to be as equals. I asked myself these questions countless of times, trying to make sense what makes women so different from men. I want to believe, that there is a purpose to what women face every day, regardless of where live are in this beautiful globe. Men has thought themselves as superior beings, and this concept has spread though out our history. Women have been mistreated in physically, sexually, verbally, mentally, and been murdered in the hands of men. Women that voiced their opinion, beliefs, goals, would be killed in passed, for not being compliant to husbands, fathers, teachers, religious leaders, political leaders, that are led by men,  We women of intuition with great wisdom, must gather to help re-wire new generations of men, and teach our young men that oppression, is women slavery and it is an unethical, and could be labeled a crime. The male thought process regarding this issue, has infected the minds of men creating a monster called “male supremacy.” I believe, women were given a spiritual connection and intuition, to unveil the enemy, and show devil hiding in the details. Our human rights been violated from being under paid compared to men in which we struggle to make ends meet. According to the pay wage gap, we women are under paid compared to men, by gender and ethnicity. This matter sits uneasy to many women that work just as hard as men. Why do men think of themselves as higher superior beings to women? Who thought this concept was acceptable or ethical?  

According to “Bureau of Labor Statistics data,” in 2020, women’s annual earnings were 82.3% of men’s, and the gap is even wider for many women of color”. Mar 19, 2021. We want to voice our opinions, and play a part in political arena, concluding economical conflict. There are political conflicts all over the globe, and women need to be part of the solution. Furthermore, according “The Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation in the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA/CMM) of the United States Agency” Kvitashvili, Elizabeth Director “Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)” introduced a document “Women and Conflict: An introduction guide to programing, addressed to the “USAIDE from the American people”, to develop leadership for “economic growth, democracy, education and health” on countries impacted by conflict that target mostly women. We women must become part of the resolution, to this economic crisis. The oppression on women has been like a virus infecting every country, from the beginning of time including, America -the land of liberty, freedom, and dreams.  


 in the “Red stocking Manifesto “we identify this as male supremacy, one the oldest and most basic form of domination.” and no one seems to think that there is something wrong with issue. The burden that women face daily is out of control. Gender oppression is wrong and even those who think it is unethical are still participate in it. These individuals are part of the system that do not speak up for change, and care more if they become targets for speaking up so they overlook the problem. Women are targeted for sexual harassment in the workplace, and fear losing their jobs if they speak about the assault. Men in power are feared by the women in the workplace, because men take their power and leadership to the extreme. This government has allowed this behavior of men oppressing women in the workplace for far too long. We declare liberation of such unacceptable behaviors to the leaders of this country, and a call to immediate action, (excluding male believers of women liberation).  

In fact, research, has shown that women of color -that are survivors of violence, have been hurt by such laws which women are blamed for and arrested in domestic violence issues. I do not want to think of this as a crime, but if you analyzed the argument, it shows criminal actions against all women, especially women in neighborhoods of color. If we do not make oppression on gender a crime, women will never see the yoke lightened. If we don’t see changes, the yoke of women oppression will be felt by later generations of women. Our daughters and their daughters do not deserve this way of living. Let us make a difference and show a new wave of empowered women, who can become the new voices and a new generation of women feminist, fighting for women rights and equality across the board.  

I come to understand many women writers like, (I want a wife) written by feminist Judy BradyShe asked herself, why she wants a wife? She wants a wife for obvious reason. A wife’s duty is 24 hours 7 days a week with no rest, while men kick back after an 8-hour shift with a beer and remote on hand, changing channels as if not clear or undecided. Clearly women have more responsibility than men. Men are constantly getting, what I call “fake praise” for doing what is needed as if they have won a contest. I would like to conduct an experiment in the mid-future, like changing the role of a wife to a husband, and a husband changing his role into the wife and see how long it last. I do not speak of all men, but I do speak against the male supremacy that narcissistically believe the right to oppress women.  

As women of wisdom and intuition, women are more than conquerors. We are survivors of evil, and we will prevail against the attacks of the enemy. God made us women with an ability of strength, that men do not possess. I believe, we have the power and intuition that was given to us from the beginning of time to detect violence before it occurs. Furthermore, in scriptures Proverbs 14:1 written by: King Soloman “every wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one will only destroy it” I believe we are coming closer to women equality with a changing world. I believe this our chance to rise in power in a realm of movements that target these issues of gender inequalities. Our main goal is, to liberate women that are underpaid, overworked, overlooked, oppressed, violated by males, under privileged, and avoided in the political arena, etc. 

This concept that men have of a wife is oppression of slavery, and not a proper description of a wife. Both men and women have been given a gift of unification to be united and become one body, one mind, and one voice. Both species of homo sapiens has been given distinct functions in life, that helps nature flourish and nourish, as an echo system needs to survive. Any disruption to this function can cause great division and devastation to all humankinds as we know it. It is crucial to re-evaluate this concept and begin a new one. Let us start a greater concept of living. The concept of united we stand but divided we fall. If you do not hear our voice, then see our struggles, our brokeness to be counted as an equals. Respect and honor women, as we are all born from a women which produces the beauty of life. See and witness the struggles of your mothers and daughters, and return us the same empathy, compassion, and love we give. Gender equality and equal pay is a must, not a priviledge.

Leticia Rodriguez DB #10

The film “Out in the Night” follows the story of 4 young Black lesbians who experience sexual harassment on street which happened in West Greenwich Village, Manhatten. When they act in self-defense, they are wrongfully accused, arrested, charged, and incarcerated. The man that sexually threatned the women with volience did not get charged accused the 4 women of gang related violence, dismissing the fact these women were threatened with sexual violence, to only stand accused for protecting themselves from a hate crime that was captured on video surveillance cameras in which their rights were violated.

This film gives good reason and evidence to how people of color have been, and still are targeted for the most ridiculous and hidden laws that are only applied when its a person of color. This unethical and obvious radical behavior from the officers that were sworn in to protect the citizen if this country safe has inforced aggressive measures to the neighborhoods of color. Being under constant attack from law enforcement can create a ticking time bomb ready to explode.

Crenshaw’s concept of “Intersectionality” is a term used in the 20th century by “American Black Feminist” such as Cooper, Julia and Stewart, Maria and others just to name a few. Crenshaw wrote “here have been African American women who have articulated the need to think and talk about race through a lens that looks at gender, or think and talk about feminism through a lens that looks at race”. 1989 in her paper written for the University of Chicago Legal Forum.

I believe its important that we look through the lens of race to view the differences of involvement in women of color ,who are not priviledged as the white women. Laws are enforced on people of color that are petty laws and end up dead due to obvious rasism. Certains laws are not enforced in white neighborhoods which clearly paints a picture here of white surpremacy and racism.

These 4 women that were attacked, and charges were reversed to criminals when the truth is the 4 women being the victims. This behavior from city officals is negligence of the police department in investigating the case properly which was handled with and stereotyping with bias to the victims.

Leticia Rodriguez

Essay #2 

Carillo, Joe “And when you leave take your pictures with you, Editor: Moraga, Cherrie Anzaldua, Gloria: The Bridge Called My Back, Writings by radical women of color (Kitchen Table: Women of Color Press, 1981) racism in women movement. Pg. 63 Carillo, “take your pictures with you, Pg. 63. Authors a compelling poem, of how our white sisters’ have an image of who we are as people of color, which they hang on their walls. “We’re not as happy as we look on their wall.” According to the writer our white sister depicts color people of our clothes on a factory machine or waving weapons and carrying children of color. Our white radical sisters depict what we eat, and how we live like they know our culture and what we honor. Their pictures image of us is walking in the hot flaming sun through the fields with distinct hats and clothing. Other pictures image us as slaves and they think we are submissive to their demands and when they finally meet us, not as they pictured in their head like the pictures on their walls, they do not like what they see, there are not sure if they like us, as they depicted in the first place.  

Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta, “How We Get Free: Black Feminism and the Combahee River Collective, 2017 (Haymarket Books Chicago Illinois). This compelling and inspiring writings of Black Feminist since 1974 have been fighting for Black Women liberation movement, in the political in a system of white supremacy. “The synthesis of these oppression creates the conditions of our lives.” Black feminists argue that they are oppressed not only by the color of their skin, but by their gender as well. The white supremacy groups have embodied Black Women as slaves. It has been a fact that Black Women have been struggling against oppression since the 1960’s. This declaration of Black Women Liberation is powerful and speaks out for other people of color. The role they played on socialism is equality by the community, as a whole and not being separated by class, color, or gender. 

These two readings speak to me, because it is an atrocity to believe that women have been fighting just for human rights and freedom from this oppressive conditions, and need liberation as is our right. No women of color should be struggling, because of their skin color or sex. This issue must have a solution and some changes need to be written as a violation of the law. We women have a key role in this nation, and we need to be respected for our demanding work and passionate effort to keep this country running in obedience to the laws written. We most hold those accountable that discriminate against women of color. We have the right and freedom of speech to demand freedom and liberation of all women of color across the board. If we allow this to continue, we will never have leaders that critically thinks with common sense, and moral ethics in equality to be able to lead this country properly. 

Leticia Rodriguez Essay #3

Dalton, Meg, “Domestic Workers Hit Hard By the COVID-19 Pandemic, (13:49) March 2021. 

According to the article in our reading “90 percent of Spanish-speaking domestic workers they surveyed lost jobs due to COVID 19”. Spanish speaking workers, have a substantial wage gap opposed to other cultures. Latinas get hit the hardest with the wage gap especially domestic workers for example, home health workers, nannies, household cleaning services, Domestic work jobs are, strenuous, exhausting, and these types of jobs are devalued by most people, because it does not require a college degree and most people believe these workers are not educated enough for equal pay. I believe these jobs to be the hardest in labor than most jobs and is not respected enough in the work force.  

According to the amendment on equal rights, we have the right to be treated and respected as equals, no matter the culture, religion, gender, you are. Paul, Alice (ERA Digital History) Feminist 1923, on Equal Rights Amendment Digital History ID 4069 Quote: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the U.S or any other state on account of sex.” we have equal rights as one of the amendments but should be a violation of human rights and anyone who opposes should trialed as a criminal for violating the law. I believe equal rights should be obeyed across the board for, gender equal pay, liberation of women oppression, and equal job opportunities.  


What I would like to understand, that we know the inequalities but what are the solutions to change it. Something must be done to honor the women, people of color, gender gap, included in the equal rights amendments, and if this the case -then our amendments are lies told by our government to shut the mouths of those individuals that suffer from this atrocity. When I see the wage gap according to gender and culture, it angers me just knowing that I am a Latina and would never get paid what I am worth. God said our humanness and our worth is bigger than we think.  

The government will go as far as we let them if we do not fight this evil. Our leaders need to be analyzed mentally to decide the common sense that most of them lack. This concept of injustice affects many female Americans, especially female Latin Americans today. The leaders of this country are involved because we have not seen this issue change throughout history. We can never grow as individuals who are part of this wonderful country, and it just goes to show we are not so different from other countries. Women are seen as a lower class of human than males, in which is ignorant just to think about. Furthermore, most people perish from lack of understanding. There is a division in our country, and it is a tremendous crisis we have at hand. Hopefully, we will see change with fast changing world. This is my prayer to God. 

Leticia Rodriguez Manifesto


Since the beginning of time, women have been given a role of being everyone’s keeper. I am sure you have heard the term “I’m not my brother’s keeper.”  I come ask myself, was this role given to us by men? Did we take on this role as women of intuition? Did God create Eve from the heel of Adam’s foot so he could oppress us, or did God create Eve from the rib of Adam to be as equals? I asked myself these questions countless of times, trying to make sense of what makes women so different from men. I want to believe, that there is a purpose to what women face every day no regardless of where live are in this beautiful globe. Men has the thought of being superior beings, and this concept has spread though out history. Women have been mistreated physically, sexually, verbally, mentally, and murdered. Women that voiced their opinion, beliefs, goals, would be killed for not being compliant to husbands, fathers, teachers, religious leaders, political leaders that are led by men, and so forth.  

According to the neuroscientist explored differences in male, female brains, David Kattenburg, March, 2016 (CBC News). https://www.cbc.ca>news>health Women process information 5 times faster than men do. Women are wired differently than men, in which our thinking process and have cognitive performance. There is endless of differences, and process in males brian, than in female brains. One example is sexual differences. One is more sensitive while the other is aggressive.  

We as women of wisdom, must vioces this issue and help re-wire new generations of men, teaching them that oppression of women is slavery, its unethical, criminaland a violation of human rights. The thought process of men regarding this very issue, has infected the minds of generations of men, creating a monster called “male supremacy.”  I believe, women were given a spiritual connection and intuition to unveil the enemy, and show the devil hidding in the details. Our human rights been violated from being under paid compare to men, from political to economic conflicts, as in the “Red stocking Manifesto “we identify this as male supremacy, one the oldest and most basic form of domination.” and no one seems to think that there is nothing wrong with this issue. The burden that women face daily is out of control, and we declare liberation of unacceptable behaviors from the men feel like they owed this power of control. I declare, to the leaders of this country a call to immediate action, (excluding male believers of women liberation) making and passing laws as a crime of women oppression and under paid opposed to men.

Women are More Than Conquerors. We are survivors of evil, and we will prevail against the attacks of the enemy that want and keep women under oppression. God created us women with an ability of strength that men do not possess. I believe, we have the power and intuition that was given to us from the beginning of time. Bible quote written by King Soloman: Proverbs 14:1 “every wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one will only destroy it” I believe we will be coming closer to women liberation and equality with a changing world. I believe this our chance to rise in power in a realm of feminist creating movements that target these issues of gender inequalities. Our main goal is, to liberate women that are underpaid, overworked, overlooked, oppressed, violated by males, under privileged, and avoided in the political arena, etc. 

I come to understand many women writers like, Feminist Judy Brady, written an article, (I want a wife) as she asked her self why does she wants a wife? She wants a wife for the obvious reasons. A wife’s duty is a 24 hours 7 days a week with no rest job, while men kick back after an 8-hour shift with a beer at hand. Clearly women have more responsibility than men. Men are constantly getting, what I call “fake praise” for doing what is needed as if they have won a contest. I would like to conduct an experiment in the mid-future, like changing the roles, and analysing how long will they last. I believe men cannot be men without a woman. This concept of a wife is slavery, oppression, and its an evil concept of the meaning of a wife. We are all human and are created for different purposes. Men, as much as a women have a function in this world and sooner or later will have to answer to a higher power.

Women declare freedom and liberation from male supremacy and equality as it is our rights as the laws of nature.

Leticia Rodriguez Manifesto

Women of Widoms Manifesto 

Since the beginning time, women have been given a role of being everyone’s keeper. I am sure you have heard the term “I’m not my brother’s keeper.”  I come ask myself, was this role given to us by men? Did we take on this role as women of intuition? Did God made Eve from the heel of Adam’s foot so he could oppress us, or did God make us from the rib to be as equals? I asked myself these questions countless of times, trying to make sense what makes women so different from men. I want to believe, that there is a purpose to what women face every day no regardless of where live are in this beautiful spinning blue marble. Men has the thought of themselves as superior beings, and this concept has spread though out history. Women have been mistreated in physical, sexual, verbally, mentally abused, and murdered. Women that voiced their opinion, beliefs, goals, would be killed for not being compliant to husbands, fathers, teachers, religious leaders, political leaders and so forth.  

According to the neuroscientist explore differences in male, female brains, David Kattenburg, March, 2016 (CBC News). https://www.cbc.ca>news>health Women process information 5 times faster than men do. Women are wired differently than men, and our thinking process and have cognitive performance. There is endless of differences of process in males, female brains. One example is sexual differences. One is more sensitive while the other is aggressive.  

We women must gather to help re-wire new generations of men, and teach that oppression, women slavery, is an unethical and a crime. The ways of male thought regarding this very issue, has infected the minds of men creating a monster called “male supremacy.”  I believe, women were given a spiritual connection and intuition to unveil to the enemy, and show devil in the details. Our human rights been violated from being under paid compare to men, to political, economic conflicts, as in the “Red stocking Manifesto “we identify this as male supremacy, one the oldest and most basic form of domination.” and no one seems to think that there is something wrong with issue. The burden that women face daily is out of control, and we declare liberation of such unacceptable behaviors to the leaders of this country and a call to immediate action, (excluding male believers of women liberation). 

Women are More Than Conquerors. We are survivors of evil, and we will prevail against the enemy of attacks. God made us women with an ability of strength that men do not possess. I believe, we have the power and intuition that was given to us from the beginning. Proverbs 14:1 “every wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one destroys it” I believe we will be coming closer to women equality with a changing world. I believe this our chance to rise in power in a realm of movements that target these issues of gender inequalities. Our main goal is, to liberate women that are underpaid, overworked, overlooked, oppressed, violated by males, under privileged, and avoided in the political arena, etc. 

I come to understand many women writers like, (I want a wife) written by: feminist Judy Brady. She asked her self why she wants a wife? She wants a wife because of the obvious. A wife’s duty goes to 24 hours 7 days a week with no rest, while men kick back after an 8-hour shift with a beer at hand. Clearly women have more responsibility than men. Men are constantly getting, what I call “fake praise” for doing what is needed as if they have won a contest. I would like to conduct an experiment in the mid-future, like changing the role of a wife to a husband, and a husband changing his role into the wife and see how long it last. I believe men cannot be men without a woman. This concept of a wife is slavery, oppression, and not a wife’s role at all.

Since the beginning time, women have been given a role of being everyone’s keeper. I am sure you have heard the term “I’m not my brother’s keeper.”  I come ask myself, was this role given to us by men? Did we take on this role as women of intuition? Did God made Eve from the heel of Adam’s foot so he could oppress us, or did God make us from the rib to be as equals? I asked myself these questions countless of times, trying to make sense what makes women so different from men. I want to believe, that there is a purpose to what women face every day no regardless of where live are in this beautiful spinning blue marble. Men has the thought of themselves as superior beings, and this concept has spread though out history. Women have been mistreated in physical, sexual, verbally, mentally abused, and murdered. Women that voiced their opinion, beliefs, goals, would be killed for not being compliant to husbands, fathers, teachers, religious leaders, political leaders and so forth.  

According to the neuroscientist explore differences in male, female brains, David Kattenburg, March, 2016 (CBC News). https://www.cbc.ca>news>health Women process information 5 times faster than men do. Women are wired differently than men, and our thinking process and have cognitive performance. There is endless of differences of process in males, female brains. One example is sexual differences. One is more sensitive while the other is aggressive.  

We women must gather to help re-wire new generations of men, and teach that oppression, women slavery, is an unethical and a crime. The thoughts of male supremacy regarding this issue, has infected the minds of men creating a monster called “male supremacy.”  I believe, women were given a spiritual connection and intuition to unveil to the enemy, and show devil in the details. Our human rights been violated from being under paid compare to men, to political, economic conflicts, as in the “Red stocking Manifesto “we identify this as male supremacy, one the oldest and most basic form of domination.” and no one seems to think that there is something wrong with this issue. The burden that women face daily is out of control, and we declare liberation of such unacceptable behaviors to the leaders of this country and a to make a call to immediate action, (excluding male believers of women liberation). 

Women are More Than Conquerors. We are survivors of evil, and we will prevail against the enemy of attacks. God made us women with an ability of strength that men do not possess. I believe, we have the power and intuition that was given to us from the beginning. Proverbs 14:1 “every wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one destroys it” I believe we will be coming closer to women equality with a changing world. I believe this our chance to rise in power in a realm of movements that target these issues of gender inequalities. Our main goal is, to liberate women that are underpaid, overworked, overlooked, oppressed, violated by males, under privileged, and avoided in the political arena, etc. 

I come to understand many women writers like, (I want a wife) written by: feminist Judy Brady. She asked her self why she wants a wife? She wants a wife, because of the obvious. A wife’s duty goes to 24 hours 7 days a week with no rest, while men kick back after an 8-hour shift with a beer at hand. Clearly women have more responsibility than men. Men are constantly getting, what I call “fake praise” for doing what is needed as if they have won a contest. I would like to conduct an experiment in the mid-future -like changing the role of a wife to husband, and a husband changing his role into the wife, and see how long it last. How many complaint will we get as we come home and kick back with a beer. I believe, men cannot be real men without a woman. This concept of a wife is slavery, oppression, and not a wife’s role at all. We are created to help one another. To love, share, populate, protect, and help bulid leaders of men and not followers of evil.

Leticia Rodriguez DB9

In the Article “BEYOND SAME-SEX MARRIAGE: (A NEW STRATEGIC VISION FOR ALL OUR”) feminist and queer interventions challenge ideas of the (“nuclear family”) by wanting to have accorded recognition as they struggle for “marital rights, and secured stability of diverse households and families”. They struggle to end the requirements of marital and conjugal relationships, quote: “our government define as “legitimate families” to only those households with couples in conjugal relationships” in which I do not agree with our government laws, requirements, belief and definition of what is a legitimate family is. Why do the LGBT community need to conform to these requirements, and why do they need to fight for their rights when it should not be an issue to have to think about to begin with? It’s a fact that is also a way to divide and oppress many Americans that do not meet a certain quota which is against human rights.   

According to the (US Census) the “majority of people, whatever their sexual and gender identities, do not live in traditional nuclear families” Separating the LBGT community from what they define as a normal traditional family. These certain limits have been ancient traditions that must catch up to new generations of diversity. I believe this is going against our human rights, as people should have the right to choose to pick their own families without any judgement. 

Some visions of how to forms a family or relationship besides marriage could be, common law, unmarried partners with children, no matter what gender or same sex partner. I believe family is formed through love, honesty, trust, and bond that no limited traditions can understand. The requirements are no longer a valid reason to separate or decline families of their rights that have been already established. These interventions help us unveil the obvious ridiculous requirements that do not make sense. They are an invasion of rights, privacy and hinder many Americans today.  

Leticia Rodriguez DB8

The gender pay gap is 4% since 2019. Women earned $4.13 or (13.13%) less than men. The way that gap is calculated by finding the mean, which is adding up all employees’ wages, and dividing that total by the number of employees. My question is who is responsible for such calculations and is this the law? Does anyone find it fair or just because someone “man” decided to even pass such unreasonable laws? There will be always oppression if we do not see this as unethical, wrong, and a crime.

What I have learned in my experience in the workforce has been interesting to me in a few ways: one, because I realized no matter how hard you work, equal -or in most cases more dedicated, organized, and ethical compared to masculine fools! and will forever be seen as a vulnerable, imperfect, and frail lower-class individuals. I believe, no matter how hard women fight for equal pay rights as men starts with changes in government.

I also have a problem with the system of politic and women, strong, brave, passionate women who want to make a change, ends up having to conciliate and conform to her superiors/leaders with higher rank. Women work hard and endless hours to make a difference while trying to feed her family and come home with half a pay just for being a female. Moral ethics can be compromised in gender when you feel you threaten and can lead to strange behavior and mental illness when having to follow unethical acts just to keep a job.

All women, wives, mothers, and our daughters are and will continue to be under-paid, unappreciated, and overworked until this right becomes a law passed. The division in this country brings sorrow and pain and endless violence. Abraham Lincoln said,” A house divided against itself cannot stand”. This quote relates to slavery oppression, but I analysis, it can also relate to both genders being measured as an unequal human species.

Leticia Rodriguez

Essay proposal

I would like to write a manifesto on feminism and the different kind of problem women face as wifes everyday. I would like to write in regards of being a wife with children. As I read a short essay by: Judy Brady, 1972 ” I want a wife”, I can relate to her essay as she writes about, what it means to be a wife with children and endless responisibilities. In Brady’s essay she made me realize, how bad we all need a wife. It never dorn to me how much responsibility we have on our hands.

In my first essay I wrote about “The Politics of Housework” (1970); Pat Mainardi. These two essay’s are very similar in regards to being a wife and the stereotype of what a woman’s duty is as a wife/mother. The oppression that women face is felt in these two compelling essays. Pat Mainardi, was speaking for all women when she wrote her essay. I was deeply moved by both story’s from these amazing feminist setting the stage for others to speak out about this issue that arises, and is still being past down to other generations. I believe God created Eve by the rib of Adam and not his heel to be stepped on. Both were created to help eachother, and not to be enslaved or oppressed by your companion.

I find it interesting that as women, we play a big part in an the arena called life. We are not recognized as a sole providers, but more like stepping stools to help other go on to where they need to go in life. We lack respect from our husbands, children, and even at work for most women. I ask myself does a wife take on the responsibility of being a mother to your own husband? Most men look for a mother figure in a wife. I believe that most men grow up without a mothers attention or love. I feel like it could be abandonment issues that come from chilhood.

DB 7

Leticia Rodriguez

March 22, 2021

Dr. Soniya Munshi

“It’s Time to End the Long History of Feminism Failing Transgender Women”

I read the article written by Velasquez Tina, which quoted Sandeen Autumn, a transgender activist and U.S service that wanted to succeed a petition in changing her gender identification on all her military records. Autumn quoted: “Transphobia is no longer acceptable in the name of feminist”. I do not believe that is right to make anyone feel alienated from what they identify with, nor think -that an individual are not capable to perform a job, because of gender identity. Feminist can be women, men, teens, transgender, LBGT community, etc. I believe that this movement is for civil rights across the board. There are many phobia’s that people possess from, diseases, racial color, third world countries, religion and even gender identity. It’s a crisis that many perish from lack of understanding.

Velasquez writes a compelling article and quoted many feminist that were either radical feminist like Cathy Brennan, or feminist organizations that possesses moral ethics, beliefs, and practices. I was deeply disturbed by Mary Daley, 1978 book GYN/Ecology comparing the drag queen “Phenomenom” to blackface, even going on to say that surgeons can make a person feminine, but not produce a woman. I clearly think that anyone who has this mind frame has been brought up with a radical religious back round which are another type of radicalism, that believe God hates when God really loves. God hates evil and ominous thoughts in people but loves people. In my opinion, I call this radical behavior, and mental illness as well.

In Velasquez writing, she unveils extreme radicals in feminism with no moral ethics, like Cathy Brennan that should not be tolerated. Another issue that I find shocking is a transgender racial feminist by the name of, Dana Taylor identify as a transexual separatist—quoted”someone who thinks society will be better off if trans people do not participate in spaces meant for women”.  Taylor thought that she was doing the right thing for a noble cause, but later realized her morals were unethical and pulled out of the radical feminist movement. Today Taylor suffers from PTSD and anxiety due to these cruel feminist radicals which inflict violence and humiliation for being who they are.

Velasquez wrote a profound quote: “The idea that I’m homophobic and anti-women was upsetting, given that I’m a queer woman“. It is sad to say that feminist, are only women when this movement accepts all genders and people (including men) that stand for the same rights. Furthermore, It is no ones business whom people choose to relate to as gender identity. If more people (all people no matter who you are) have a voice of opinion on this matter, the better for possible change.

We are a nation divided by politics, let us not divide individuals who want to be evolved in this movement. Other so-called feminist with lack of morality, through ignorance of their own issues do not really matter. These individuals should be removed from ever speaking on social media that write hate or negativity about others trying to make a difference. after all, we should not be denied or abridged by feminist racial groups or government in the account of feminism and transgender rights movements. I believe this is a branch from a tree, called hate crimes and how top officials overlook it.