Elba Leon
I thought my parents were heroes, happy, flawless individuals. I mean they came with literally nothing but the clothes on their backs. When I was younger, say around eight years old, I truly believed that nothing could happen to them. We would be the “American dream” I mean I didn’t actually think the words the American dream, I had no idea what that even meant. I was not exposed to so many places around the country, not even the English language until preschool. Then my life changed for the worse, I had a hard time in school, at home, and to be honest I did not have any friends.
The problem did not start externally, the media, and society did not ruin it for me. In fact, it was my own parents. I saw how emotionally abusive my father was towards my mother. When he first said he was leaving our family, I was in fourth grade, he decided it was a great idea to start threating he was going to leave us. At the time I was extremely heart broken, that’s just what a child thinks at the time. But now I take my time and I mean how dare he you know. I mean sure I understand divorces happen everywhere, no one should stay married or have to live with each other if there is so much toxicity. But how could he say all those things when he knows that he is the breadwinner of an undocumented immigrant family. Sure, my brother and I are born in the U.S but they aren’t, something happens and who knows if we’re going to be ripped apart since both could be deported. Do we end up in foster care? With our uncles? Or do we leave with them? I mean did my father does not care about us when he hits us or yells at us and broken walls, tvs, phones. My mother wanted him to leave but time and time again this happened, and months would go by and we wouldn’t speak to him until things cleared up and it would happen again.
The way my father has acted towards us, his immediate family, truly has shaped the way I am. When I was in middle school, he pulled the same trick, “I’m leaving”. That pushed me to become depressed, I actually couldn’t handle it, I was bullied at school, didn’t have a group of friends I could count on, I was so unstable, yet again because of my father. Time flew by and I was happy when I went to high school, finally I thought out of that middle school, I made so many friends and I was winning awards for being one of the best on the swim team, transferred to another school, kept making more friends, more awards, and joined clubs, sports, the orchestra. I mean I was absolutely happy. My father comes out of the blue with his famous phrase “I’m leaving” I was tired of it. Absolutely done with his manipulation, for me it seemed that whenever I was so happy, and the family was peaceful his anxiety or whatever it is rushed him to say that we would be abandoning us. At that moment I told him straight to his face that I was done and that the door was there so he could leave whenever he wanted to. He did not have the courage to leave after he saw that I would not cave this time and let him manipulate me. The same way Ijeoma A.in “Because you’re a girl” told her cousin to “do it your damned self” the utter shock and disapproval look and vibe he gave me after I told him to leave.
I mean I was never truly happy deep down. My parents’ marriage seemed like a soap opera. My father is an alcoholic, he will truly never stop being one, sad to say but that is the truth. My mother always being pushed around emotionally by him, she’s fiery and resilient but I cannot handle this anymore and that is why whenever there is an argument, I need to speak up. I’m tired of holding my feelings in.
My true inspiration, motivation, and my drive to be the most successful person I could be is my mother. One thing that I could say so proud is getting able to do a study abroad program during high school. I heard about it my first year of high school and it lit my eyes up but I knew that we would not be able to afford it. Nor my Hispanic parents would let me go because they would not even let go to a sleepover at my cousin’s house in Elmhurst. I mean I was extremely persistent with my school and the program that’s a trait that my mother has encouraged me to have, she grew that little flame I always had. I wrote essays and was in touch with the people that allowed me this opportunity and I was able to go, received a scholarship for seven thousand dollars all I had to do was pay for my flight. This was one of my victories I am proud to say because who would think the daughter of immigrants would have the opportunity to do such a thing. This experience truly meant the world to me, to stay an entire month in another continent it was my second time flying out of the country, I barely know what the U.S. has to offer. I met 50 people from the whole nation, stayed with a host mom and their daughter and made a close friend group that I absolutely adore.
Just like in module nine, the “nuclear family” limits other members to be recognized a legitimate family. For example just like “Beyond Sex Marriage: A New Strategic Vision For All Our Families & Relationships” brings out to advocate for other structures of families. Families do not have to be romantic. They can be platonic, for instance grandparents with their grandchildren, close friends, siblings, and care givers. That’s what I acquired when I went onto high school a second family. My friends like Aaliyah, Adrianna, and Jordan are so close to me and I keep them close as my definition of family since my father ruined my perspective on what it means to be a biological one. The funny part is that my child psychology professor told us to take an attachment theory test and the results were not shocking to me but the way my father paints it to others is that were the best family and that he’s the perfect father. My attachment theory came out to be secure because my mother took part in that and that’s how my connection is with my mom and friends and my father and relationships give me fearful avoidant. Secure attachment means that an individual feels connected, trusting, confident and let individuals have independence but caring as well. The fearful avoidant attachment style affects individuals by making them live in a state of being afraid of being both too close or to distant from other individuals.
Throughout my whole life I have seen my mother go from feeling oppressed to feeling more comfortable in her own skin and being able to stand up to my father. My mother implemented the eating lunch/dinner at the table around three pm every day since I was a baby so she would cook these typical Mexican dishes that are absolutely delicious, and my father would always complain why he had to eat greens and vegetables and then when I was in middleschool/highschool he complained when there weren’t any vegetables or mixed greens at the table, if the food was not salty or too salty for his liking. I always thought the food was spot on delicious, anything my mother made I knew it was going to be good. My father made everyone insane especially when he would drink. I mean this man chugged the whole bottle of don Julio on one occasion and we woke up to find him on the floor the next day. Covid definitely had such a major impact on us that we order food from the 311 food for NYC program, and he can eat whatever he wants or whatever there is to eat, and she no longer worries if he’s going to like the food or not.
Also, the pandemic has pushed us to find ways to make money, I started to sell my lightly used items on an app that is called depop. My mom works as a housekeeper at this five-story brownstone. And My mom’s attitude about money is so smart, she said she will be budgeting our household in order to have some savings and if another pandemic occurs or if were in this situation much longer we have something to fall on. Which we have to hide from our father because he’s so toxic that 20 years ago when my mother started a college fund for me and my brother my father said it was useless and drained the account.
Now I just hope with time my life just keeps moving forwards and I prosper into what I am meant to do. My mother keeps being such a motivation for me and what has stuck with me the most, is how my mother mentions to me that I should be my own priority. Which is what has made become such a strong, persistent, and bright person. We evolve and that is what I take from this marriage, sure it traumatized me, but it left we with that message. It only means I can go up from here. I want to work in the mental/public health sector. I would definitely would like to work with individuals and becoming a therapist, social worker, or a patient representative. Which might just be another way that reflects that I had endured so much and that I would definitely want to be there for others.
*My goals in life is honestly to be happy, yes it does sound cliché, however that doesn’t matter to me. I do nails that makes me happy, I ride my bicycle that makes me happy, I help others that makes me happy. I want to do constant things that make me happy. I also definitely understand that I have to have sad moments. I see it painted in a way a graph is. There is a happy line and if that is all we know, well it gets pretty pointless and that is the mundane, throw in some sad or frustrating moments and that is the balance that is needed to understand that the feeling needs to be there and a constant push and pull in order for me to feel like its normal. My goal in this final project is to finally write down the way my home life has been, and it being seen. I also think honesty is working just fine in this project.
I think I’m a little clueless on what else to add. I feel like I’m the type of person when someone says one word it triggers thousands of different responses. Maybe the clarity or the timeline is something I could definitely work on. I have the main idea how my home life has been the exact opposite of the American dream. But I also know that I haven’t had it the worse and its not a pity party I just like mentioning a lot. Any pointers on where I should expand or what I should not include would be greatly appreciated, as to sometimes I don’t realize if I have rambled, or it was transferred from my brain to paper the way I wanted to.