Claudia Domfeh-osafo,DB3

What do you see as the relationship between women’s movement and abolitionist movements?

when it comes to women’s movement its means they want to start and end something. The women’s movement is mainly about women fighting to have the same rights as men, voting , equal pay and etc. women wanted to stop the discrimination towards them because they are women and won’t be able to do the same things as men.

when it comes to abolitionist movements its more about ending something yet starting something new such as the women’s movement. for example African Americans made a movement to end slavery , so they can start a life so they can be free.

Even though these movements topics are different they couldn’t be any different . both movements fight for the same things equal rights , social equality and to stop discrimination based on who they are.

Claudia Domfeh-osafo, DB2

What does Frye mean by “oppression”? and how is it different than being miserable or frustrated?.

When reading frye discussion on oppression , the meaning of oppression is limitations for someone , male or female. its being subjected to certain authorization that limits you. she went further with her statement saying that females are oppressed but also male , but the difference between them is that the male benefits more than female.

The difference between oppression and feeling frustrated and miserable is that as frye said you can be oppressed (limited) without feeling frustrated. so being frustrated and or miserable mean your angry or upset about whats going on or whats happening to you but just like frye said males are also oppressed but it benefits them, they are not frustrated on their standpoint on some things.

Claudia Domfeh-osafo : DB1

coming into this class , what are some of your initial impressions of the terms “Feminism” Sexism” and “Gender women studies”?

When coming into this class my initial impression of feminism was that it meant females fighting for equal rights, they are fighting for the same treatment , pay, career as men. They don’t want to be limited to things because their females.

When it comes to the word sexism , my initial impression of it was being treated differently because your either a female or male.

At first when thinking about gender women studies I really wasn’t sure about what i would learn about or what it’s really about , but when I tried getting more into depth with it , I believe its about females who empower other females and changed certain things in society.