Angelee Torres DB 1

Coming into this class, my initial impression about “feminism” was just women who fight for rights and equality and just wore feminism shirts, and pins, and protested so that they can be equal to men. My impression of “sexism” is men being superior and the lack of equality and rights towards women. I believed “gender and women’s studies” was based on the role women play in society and their history and elevation.  One quote that tries to imply what feminism is “Simply put feminism is a movement to end sexism. This was a definition of feminism I offered in Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center more than ten years ago. It was my hope at the time that it would become a common definition everyone would use. I liked this definition because it did not imply that men were the enemy. By naming sexism as the problem, it went directly to the heart of the matter.” A line that indicates some type of evolution is “Women’s studies programs, now common, were rare on campuses just a few generations ago. The evolution of the discipline, and its status in academe today, are the subjects of the essays in The Evolution…” 

Angelee Torres DB 8

When did the wage gap start getting noticed as a problem? 

How much time does It take to compare all the information and numbers for the statistic on the wage gap? 

Something I noticed/ experiences was when I used to work in a supermarket. I was a cashier, and another position was to be a “stock boy.” Notice how the position has the word boy at the end and only males worked in that position. All of the cashiers were females and the men worked longer hours than the cashiers which means they were paid more as well. 

Angelee Torres DB 3

In the text Seneca Falls Convention, “Declaration of Sentiments” (1848), one quote that stood out to me was “The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.” This line stood out to me because I felt this sentence as it shook me to my core. That quote states that we are still living the same unfortunate reality. The “history” is not really history if us women never stopped getting hurt by men whether that is politically, socially, emotionally, etc. That men have a horrid oppressive rule over women and it is not new, but it is definitely old. It has been going on for fat too long. Another quote that stood out to me was “He has endeavored, in every way that he could, to destroy her conficence in her own powers, to lessen her self-respect, and to make her willing to lead a dependent and abject life.” This line stood out to me because I have encountered and seen this happen to so many women on Tv, social media, and real life. Men crush women’s dream and potentials so that they can be under their wing and not surpass them. So that they can be dominant, in control and superior. 

Angelee Torres Proposal

The form of writing I will be working on is a memoir. I believe I have encountered several situations in which men felt they had the upper hand or when men were given things/ opportunities faster than a woman. I come from a home where there is no gender equality. The women cook, clean, and must cater to the men. I know everyone has their own opinion on this situation and feel differently. I also know some people go through similar situations and I would like to know their take on this topic. I want to explore people’s thoughts, situations they have encountered, and if they believe that this is the correct way of living. 

The form of work I would like to do is an interview style slide show. I would like to give a select amount of people a time to tell a story in which they encountered gender inequality, if they grew up with that mind set and if they agree with it and all of their thoughts and opinions and if they believe we need to change, how would they imagine it. I will be quoting people on each slide and I might incorporate voice clips. 

Angelee Tores DB 5

Two major themes from this week’s readings is gender and racial equality .In the poem, “And When You Leave, Take Your Pictures With You” by Carillo, it states “Our white sisters radical friends love to own pictures of us walking to the fields in hot sun with straw hat on head if brown bandana…” This line goes to show that due to these women skin color, their “white sisters” loved to see them at their lowest and struggling. In the reading “ The Combahee River Collective, “A Black Feminist Statement” (1977)” a statement that caught my attention was “we are actively committed to struggling against racial, sexual, heterosexual, and class oppression…” this expresses womens lack of freedom, struggle, their limitation in society, and being silenced in a way. I see these issues resonant today in jobs that do not pay fair wages to women as they would to men like plumbing and engineering, when it comes to racial profiling there is still a lot of that happening in this world and there has been a black lives matter movement. Things may not be as intense as before but it still is very much still occurring.

Angelee Torres

The texts from this week opened my eyes more and gave me a more thorough/ visual representation of what it was like to be a woman in the 1960s-1970s whether that was your assigned sex or not. Throughout the different texts for this week, the common issue shared was the oppression of women and what was required of women and their role in society.

Something that caught my eyes throughout the text is the statement “Women are inferior to men.”  Women make up half of humanity, nurture, work around the clock as mothers, do the house chores, work 9-5 jobs, do all these things like wonder women and are still not given the respect, equality or credit.

Also, something that stood out to me in “women’s liberation aims to free men too” is that some believe women have small brains which sounded completely absurd. Women are not always given the opportunity to show their true and full potential for such rude and ignorant remarks.

In “Redstockings Manifesto,” “I Want a Wife,” and “The Politics of Housework” these articles shared feminist views and the oppression occurring. The women’s “role” in society/everyday life. The difference between “I’m Glad I was in the Stonewall Riot” is that Sylvia Rivera was into drag, brought down, treated as less for being gay and was able to participate in the “Stonewall Riot” that included many people whom were also in women and peace movements. 

Angelee Torres

Hi, my name is Angelee Torres. I am a 19 year old Latina, I was born and raised in Brooklyn, Ny and I am a Libra. Something that brings me joy and comfort are quotes and elephants. One quote that brings me comfort is “Everyone wants happiness, nobody wants pain but you can’t make a rainbow without a little rain.” this quote helps me get through the days I am not at my best because I know better days are coming. I personally love elephants because they are gentle giants that symbolize strength and power.