Hi Everyone!
My name is Alex, and this is my first time back in college since 2016 so I’m really excited to be here. I moved to Brooklyn from Jersey City in October so I’m in somewhat of a transitional phase of changing people, places, and things in my life (scary, but also thrilling).
Those changes aside, I’m definitely a creature of habit and the things that bring me the most comfort and joy are the things I try to keep in my life every day. for example: I enjoy making my bed, it’s like giving myself a tiny gold star first thing in the morning and sets me up for the rest of my day. I also love crossword puzzles and try to do the New York Times crossword every day. The pandemic has definitely amplified the importance of performing these little rituals for me.
There’s a tweet that I read back in 2012 that said “Everything happens so much” – I still think about it a lot.
Big fan of horse_ebooks. Nice to meet you!
Thanks for sharing, Alexandra! I also try to do the NYT puzzle every day- in fact, one of the signs that life is out of balance for me is when I am not getting to my daily puzzle!