Leticia Rodriguez

Essay proposal

I would like to write a manifesto on feminism and the different kind of problem women face as wifes everyday. I would like to write in regards of being a wife with children. As I read a short essay by: Judy Brady, 1972 ” I want a wife”, I can relate to her essay as she writes about, what it means to be a wife with children and endless responisibilities. In Brady’s essay she made me realize, how bad we all need a wife. It never dorn to me how much responsibility we have on our hands.

In my first essay I wrote about “The Politics of Housework” (1970); Pat Mainardi. These two essay’s are very similar in regards to being a wife and the stereotype of what a woman’s duty is as a wife/mother. The oppression that women face is felt in these two compelling essays. Pat Mainardi, was speaking for all women when she wrote her essay. I was deeply moved by both story’s from these amazing feminist setting the stage for others to speak out about this issue that arises, and is still being past down to other generations. I believe God created Eve by the rib of Adam and not his heel to be stepped on. Both were created to help eachother, and not to be enslaved or oppressed by your companion.

I find it interesting that as women, we play a big part in an the arena called life. We are not recognized as a sole providers, but more like stepping stools to help other go on to where they need to go in life. We lack respect from our husbands, children, and even at work for most women. I ask myself does a wife take on the responsibility of being a mother to your own husband? Most men look for a mother figure in a wife. I believe that most men grow up without a mothers attention or love. I feel like it could be abandonment issues that come from chilhood.

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