Grades + happy summer! (please read…)

Congratulations on completing the semester! The last few months continued to be  unlike any we have ever experienced and I hope that you feel good about getting to the end, whatever that has looked like for you. I know that all of us are doing our best and are each facing our own every day challenges.

I loved this class and getting to know all of you, your writing, ideas, questions. The final projects in this class were so sophisticated, beautiful, powerful– and say a lot about what Gender and Women’s Studies can do and what active GWS scholars and practitioners (that’s us!) care about.

As I mentioned on the last day of class, our relationship can continue even though our class time together has ended. I hope you will see me as a resource here at BMCC and beyond.  I wish all of you the very best in your next steps and I hope you will keep me posted on where your life path takes you!

A few notes for you:

  • Grades have been posted on CUNY First. IF you feel I have made an error in calculating your grade — which is different than feeling unhappy about your grade– please send me a message with specific details and I will review the Gradebook.


  • If any of you are interested in taking more  Gender and Women’s Studies classes or Ethnic Studies courses, learning more about these majors, or anything related to these areas of BMCC, please be in touch.


  • I will be on Sabbatical in the 2021-2022 academic year so I won’t be teaching. I am around through the end of July but then I will be limited in my email access/communication until next summer- so I will reply to you if you reach out to me in that time, but know that I may not reply quickly.


  • If you want to stay in touch with me without using the Open Lab/BMCC email– especially if you are graduating– please feel free to email me with another email address + I will update my address book.

have a great summer! <3 

Professor Soniya

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