DB 13

I think what they were talking bout was very interesting and very important. Every person should be in a healthy relationship, whether it’s platonic or romantic, or familial. For romantic it’s important and well helpful that you both work together to make it work and that you both can help form each other no matter how you are feeling. Needs to be someone that cares and loves you unconditionally for you and will be there and support you in every way you could ever think of. There are o many relationships out there that are filled with hurt and negative energy, and with that, a lot of those just end up broken relationships in the sense of it does more damage staying together than it is to break apart. We need some who gonna be there to help us, to help us carry the load if we aren’t strong enough and sees it as no effort or burden. Someone who will help motivate us and keeps us on our toes. Someone you can fall in love with over and over again. Love is beyond a beautiful thing and even more amazing to experience, whether it is romantic, platonic, or anything else. With that, there is so much to learn and put into practice. 

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