In this week’s assignment I watch the film Anita. The film featured Professor Anita Hill who experience sexual harassment by Judge Clarence Thomas. The film shows documented footage of Professor Anita Hill giving her testimony to an all white male senate judiciary board. The senate judiciary did not treat the issue with delicacy or professionalism, instead they made a show of Anita’s testimony and seemed to interrogate her. They questioned her character, moral, motive and even went as far as to question her sexual history. The trail, as it seemed, was not fair and easy to watch. Anita explained the emotional trauma she had to endure from giving her testimony and due to the publicly she was receiving. Though things were tough in the courtroom, Anita did have public and media support. The topic of sexual harassment in the workplace at the time was common. However, it was not as common to publicly speak against it. Although Anita did not intend to receive public attention, in fact her story was leaked to the media, it was important she did. Sexaul harassment within the workforce was pervalant and Anita speaking about her experience was perfect for many women, and men, across America.
Anita’s story is an important topic because of the intersectionality of her experience. Initially, Anita experience sexual harassment from Judge Thomas, however I do not believe the harassment stopped there. When Anita was giving her testimony to the all white male senate board they made a show of her situation. Giving repetitive and inappropriate questions. Despite friends and family giving testimony about Anita’s good character and heart. Countless people who have encountered professor Hill speak about the impressions she leaves them with. The judge’s body language seemed uncomfortable as well as their facial expressions. Anita faced racial discrimination and well as the sexist attitudes of many of the judges on the senate board. On the other hand, Judge Thomas’ experience was the complete opposite. The judges seemed remorseful and Thomas denied all of Anita’s claims upon the start of the testimony.
Despite Anita facing all the adversity with the senate judiciary board and sexual harassment in the workplace she continued to remain a public figure. She became a voice for the voiceless, she sacrificed herself for the good of women around America. Anita continued to speak about her experience across America as well as releasing a book along the way. Anita Hill became a necessary public figure that was appreciated by many people.