Mariam Varazashvili

                                    Women’s problems in Georgian society

  Georgia, is a country where women are given the status of a goddess.  Especially, mother has a huge role in every men’s heart. A lot of Georgian famous poets write about mothers and their values in the world. There does not exist drinking-bout where toast masters and other men will not stand up and say toasts of women, wife, house keepers and mothers. After all of this, they drink one or more glasses wine.  Georgian women are perfect for Georgian men. Georgian men think that Georgian women have a unique beauty, though they like Slovak and Russian girls.  Women are source of a new life. There are a lot of words, where “mother” is basic part of Georgian words in the language. For example: mother tongue ( დედაენა), the earth ( definition is mother ground, დედამიწა)  and so forth.

  Unfortunately, reality is radically different in our society.  I can bravely say that women have a lot of problems in our country. I will start from women’s childhood. There are framework if how must grow up baby girl. Parents think that girl and boy do not have equal terms. In this case, if boy has a freedom that means that they can do what they want, girl cannot live similarly. There are the famous sentence- you are a girl and you must … there are a lot of version how will I finish it; you must study better, you must be sophisticate, you must do house works, you must stay at home and your promised bride will find you, you are mirror of our family, you must eat accurately, you must come at home early, you must be virgin and etc. When you are a girl, almost everyone try to control your life; not only your parents but also your brothers, friends of brother, neighbors and so forth. Everyone try to control you. They want to know everything. If you are a boy, you do not have a problem.  No one try to control you. If a boy has a lot of sexual partner, it just means that he is cool. Almost every boy is proud of this fact and they attract more and more girls. They do not need a high education and accurately manners. They just know how flirt with girls. There are a huge number of boys who have psychological problems. They have a lot of complex and low self-appraisal; they try to cover it with bulling other girls. Georgian men are proud and sometimes they do not want relationship with girl who is more successful. Because of this fact, they try to bulling women; generally boys have a better experience of relationships. Boy start bulling like this, you are short, you have a long nose, you have short hands or what do you know? You do not have an enough knowledge or where do you live? Are you from village? Do you live in suburb?..  This type of man try to oppress woman and try to kill woman’s self-confidence. The man start toxic relationship with his partner. After all of this, he is proud and he thinks that he is better. Unfortunately, a large number of good girls are victims of this kind of relationships. The problem comes from childhood. There does not have mean how much perfect you are; girls always are under the critic. Parents, teachers or society want to be better and better. Parents a lot of observations give to baby girls and they forget to encourage own children. Because of this fact, from childhood woman have serious problems of self-confidence and when they grow up they become easily vulnerable.

   I want to notice religion role in the above mentioned problems. Orthodoxy has a huge influence in our community.  Christian religion tells us that the man is a head of everything. The woman must not have sexual partners before marriage, she must get marriage just once and etc. Women must have more sense of patient. She must be honest…

  Also, I think that women’s role in family is a caustic issue. ( I will say about It and lastly I will say solution.

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