Instructions: For this fourth essay, please feel free to expand on your in-class writing, discussion board posts, and class discussion based on MODULE 9. Your essay should be about 500 words (2 pages double-spaced, in 12 point font). You can turn your essay in on Blackboard OR as a post on Open Lab. If you make a post on Open Lab, you can write in the text box or “Add Media” and upload your document. Make sure to select Essay #4 as your category for the post.
PROMPT: Using the materials from Module 9, please reflect on the different ways that “family” is defined and the role that “family” plays in society– as in, what are the social and cultural expectations of what a family is or does? What are the economic or legal aspects of the “family?” What do feminist or queer interventions show about the limits of the nuclear family as the dominant family type? Please use evidence from at least one of the readings or film from the Module. You can also bring in other evidence from your experience and/or popular culture, history, etc.