Since the beginning of time, women have been given a role of being everyone’s keeper. I am sure you have heard the term “I’m not my brother’s keeper.” I come ask myself, was this role given to us by men? Did we take on this role as women of intuition? Did God create Eve from the heel of Adam’s foot so he could oppress us, or did God create Eve from the rib of Adam to be as equals? I asked myself these questions countless of times, trying to make sense of what makes women so different from men. I want to believe, that there is a purpose to what women face every day no regardless of where live are in this beautiful globe. Men has the thought of being superior beings, and this concept has spread though out history. Women have been mistreated physically, sexually, verbally, mentally, and murdered. Women that voiced their opinion, beliefs, goals, would be killed for not being compliant to husbands, fathers, teachers, religious leaders, political leaders that are led by men, and so forth.
According to the neuroscientist explored differences in male, female brains, David Kattenburg, March, 2016 (CBC News). https://www.cbc.ca>news>health Women process information 5 times faster than men do. Women are wired differently than men, in which our thinking process and have cognitive performance. There is endless of differences, and process in males brian, than in female brains. One example is sexual differences. One is more sensitive while the other is aggressive.
We as women of wisdom, must vioces this issue and help re-wire new generations of men, teaching them that oppression of women is slavery, its unethical, criminaland a violation of human rights. The thought process of men regarding this very issue, has infected the minds of generations of men, creating a monster called “male supremacy.” I believe, women were given a spiritual connection and intuition to unveil the enemy, and show the devil hidding in the details. Our human rights been violated from being under paid compare to men, from political to economic conflicts, as in the “Red stocking Manifesto “we identify this as male supremacy, one the oldest and most basic form of domination.” and no one seems to think that there is nothing wrong with this issue. The burden that women face daily is out of control, and we declare liberation of unacceptable behaviors from the men feel like they owed this power of control. I declare, to the leaders of this country a call to immediate action, (excluding male believers of women liberation) making and passing laws as a crime of women oppression and under paid opposed to men.
Women are More Than Conquerors. We are survivors of evil, and we will prevail against the attacks of the enemy that want and keep women under oppression. God created us women with an ability of strength that men do not possess. I believe, we have the power and intuition that was given to us from the beginning of time. Bible quote written by King Soloman: Proverbs 14:1 “every wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one will only destroy it” I believe we will be coming closer to women liberation and equality with a changing world. I believe this our chance to rise in power in a realm of feminist creating movements that target these issues of gender inequalities. Our main goal is, to liberate women that are underpaid, overworked, overlooked, oppressed, violated by males, under privileged, and avoided in the political arena, etc.
I come to understand many women writers like, Feminist Judy Brady, written an article, (I want a wife) as she asked her self why does she wants a wife? She wants a wife for the obvious reasons. A wife’s duty is a 24 hours 7 days a week with no rest job, while men kick back after an 8-hour shift with a beer at hand. Clearly women have more responsibility than men. Men are constantly getting, what I call “fake praise” for doing what is needed as if they have won a contest. I would like to conduct an experiment in the mid-future, like changing the roles, and analysing how long will they last. I believe men cannot be men without a woman. This concept of a wife is slavery, oppression, and its an evil concept of the meaning of a wife. We are all human and are created for different purposes. Men, as much as a women have a function in this world and sooner or later will have to answer to a higher power.
Women declare freedom and liberation from male supremacy and equality as it is our rights as the laws of nature.
Hello Dr. Munshi,
My goals are to try and prefect a manifesto, because I believe that manifesto’s are powerful declarations wriiten by amazing writers with a complelling arguement educating us on unjust inequalities that oppress us in many ways.
I think my project was inspiring and but need to add more to make an powerful impacting manifesto that can be used as example in the future to other students. God willing..
I believe I need improvement on structure from A – Z in order for a complete thought to make sense I went with my heart on what i wanted to declare which women liberation of oppression but would like more insight on what can make my manifest just as complelling as the great writers in our readings. Thank you so much professor for being amazing i truly repect and admire you. you inspire me to continue reaching for my goals.