Claudia Domfeh-osafo,DB9

When reading “Beyond same-sex ,marriage: A new strategic vision for all our families band relationships” there was a phrase called the “nuclear family” and feminist and queer challenged that quote on how families are suppose to be and look. They wanted to let people to know that they struggle to have the same rights as regular families. The government finds conjugal relationships legitimate instead of same sex marriages, as if they are dismissing them.

the government finds same sex households to be non traditional, meaning that they don’t follow the norms. same sex households are being limited by being called a not normal family. in my opinion I don’t think it matters what house hold your in , same sex , non same sex , whatever you like and you have family , I think you should be seen as a family and have equal rights and treatment.

They are really juts trying to let people recognize them, and not dismissed there feelings on what they call a family. trying to change the status quo, having the opposite sex as parents and a certain amount of kids does not make you a family, having a place to call home and being around people who you love and love you makes a family , it doesn’t matter who is in your family or circle. that’s the point that feminist and queer were trying to make.

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