Mariam Varazashvili DB 9

There is speaking about nuclear family. Definition of nuclear family is an elementary family where are two parents and usually two or three children. “U.S. Census findings tell us that a majority of people, whatever their sexual and gender identities, do not live in traditional nuclear families.” According to the reading marriage is a n important factor for part of our society. “Marriage is not the only worthy form of family or relationship, and it should not be legally and economically privileged above all others. While we honor those for whom marriage is the most meaningful personal ­– for some, also a deeply spiritual – choice, we believe that many other kinds of kinship relationship, households, and families must also be accorded recognition.” Although, there are some problems for them who wants to marriage. It is not easy for LGBT people. There are some economic and other policy problems.

I think that everyone must has chance to make a family. I can not see problem if couple do not want to marriage. Even thought I am sure that nuclear family where parents feel love each other has a perfect influence on new generation. This kind of household is more solid. I think that in my case, I will marriage.

1 thought on “Mariam Varazashvili DB 9”

  1. Hello Miriam,
    I agree with you totally and with the barriers that the Census put forth as rules and imitations on what they defined as “nuclear family”. By dividing and excluding Americans of diverse families is another way of oppressing and segregating individuals not by raise or culture like in the past, but by sex and gender and other groups that still have equal rights. Who knows if segregation of color is still in the works and separated by neigborhoods. I believe its all systemic, and laws need to change along with a changing world.

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