Hamidou Soumailou

We all know how the Coronavirus pandemics have affected individual’s lives it did matter, man or women. But while reading a passage that can from The Simple True talks about who were mostly affected by the coronavirus pandemic. It states that more women were affected than men, to be more specific women of color. Considering the start of the pandemic, a large number of women than
men have lost jobs because so many works in industries that have shrunk in 2020, such as the restaurant, retail, hotel, and travel sectors, etc… I am not okay seeing this because it will make women feel like their no need for them in the outside world instead of just staying home as a domestic.

According to AAPI Women’s economic security that talks about wage gaps in women’s economy. Women in the U.S. who work full-time, year-round
are typically given only 82 cents for every dollar adjusted to their male equivalents. And when it comes to race it’s even worst, your race indicates the amount of money you can receive. We don’t choose our races you get what God gives you, but that shouldn’t determine your worth because at the end of the day we are all humans.

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