In the work place, you are either work for someone or you have people that work for you. But there are unfortunately other factors that come to play in this dynamic. When it comes to gender in the work place. I have witnessed and experienced many situations where I am put in a better/worse circumstance due to my gender.
There were situations where I was turned away for help because I was female. A customer would ask for help and I would reply with a similar response: “I apologize but we do not have that at the moment” and they would ask to check again or they would ask for the manger or they would go ahead and ask my male coworker the same question and get the same response but will give in after they have had the satisfaction from a male’s perspective.
But there would be other times where my gender would benefit me but in a sexist and submissive way. At times I would make mistakes like any other human being and I would face harsh consequences as others would. For example, if I wasn’t strong enough to do a task, I would be forgiven more easily than if I were male because females are seen to be weaker so it would be expected if I was not able to complete a heavy duty task. Or if I had made a mistake because females are prone to make mistakes, be clumsy and to not be taken seriously.
Hello Tracy,
I appreciated reading your post as i agree that women are often seen as weak, defenceless, and unpredicable at times because most men are wired to think that all we good for is cooking, cleanning, washing, and having babies. Their mind set is ignorant to believe that without a man a women is seen weak, unadmired, and useless. if not married at a certian age, then we are told, we are noot good enough.
Ive been told to many times “Oh girl your lucky to have a good man” without knowing what I have been through behind closed doors. Why cant they be lucky for a change, to have a strong, honest, faithful , hardworking, and beautiful women that can be apprieciated and equally paid for a change.
Important insights here, Tracy, about the ways that patriarchy can benefit women, even if the root of that benefit is based in sexism and misogyny.