Hamidou Soumailou


Why are Black women near such a high risk of dying from pregnancy?

Before I dig into my topic I want to talk a little about what’s the aim of news in our daily lives. The News is that part of the delivery that keeps us knowledgeable of the changing events, problems, and characters in the world outside. Although it may be interesting or even entertaining, the foremost value of news is as a benefit to empower the informed which is us the individuals. An issue I believe that will become a major topic worldwide which many people are not aware of is why are black women at such a high risk of dying from pregnancy? And why is that, numerous individuals think it’s an issue of poverty, lack of fetal care or not having access to the best hospitals which is sometimes the case. But we should all keep in mind that Racism also plays an important role. Childbirth is far more uncertain for Black women than white women. In New York state, the Department of Health affirmed that three times more Black women died from pregnancy-related complications than white women. More than 60% of these deaths can be preventable if appropriate caution is given fairly. It doesn’t matter if your rich or poor almost every black woman has faced discrimination within childbirth care. 

For the reason that I believe black women near such a high risk of dying from pregnancy is according to the American Heart Association, it’s a nonprofit organization in the United States which aims to reduce death caused by heart disease and stroke. On February 20, 2019, they published an article called, “Why are black women at such high risk of dying from pregnancy complications?” which talks about two known individuals called Serena Williams and Beyoncé. Serena Williams is one of the best tennis players, and Beyonce is a top rank singer. Although these two individuals have different values they both are black women, millionaires, and still experienced life-threatening difficulties in their pregnancies. As the article mentions, “Basically, black women are undervalued. They are not monitored as carefully as white women are. When they do present with symptoms, they are often dismissed. That’s what happened to Williams when she experienced a pulmonary embolism a day after giving birth to her daughter via cesarean section. Williams was gasping for breath and recognized that blood clots were blocking one or more of the arteries in her lungs.” Williams’ story illustrates the biggest obstacle black women face even when they are successful and wealthy. Racism affects so many things before a patient even gets to the clinical encounter. They are already classified once they step foot in the hospital. Just how we say money doesn’t buy you everything. 

In addition to why I believe black women near such a high risk of dying from pregnancy is agreeing to a news company called NPR news which issues an article called, “Black Mother Keep Dying After Giving Birth.” DR Michael Lu is an Orthopedic Surgery Specialist, and the article states, “Dr. Michael Lu spent years as head of the Maternal and Child Health Bureau. That’s the main federal funding of programs for mothers and infants. He and others have done studies showing that an important cause of poor outcomes in childbirth for all black women is prolonged exposure to the indignities and dangers of discrimination.” Pregnancy causes stress to the body, And not having proper health care can put the woman at greater risk. 

To sum up, everything that has been stated so far black motherhood has been facing discrimination throughout their lives and it’s a major conflict in the society which individuals need to be aware of and take action on. Keep in mind that the Constitution was created so each one of us have the same right, equality, and privileges. But that’s not the case here, whites tend to dominate people of color and that’s something we individuals will never sit watch happen. 

1 thought on “Hamidou Soumailou”

  1. Hello Hamidou Soumailou,
    I agree with you in this issue. I see how many women of color have so complications giving birth or getting the care they rightully need. Its a fact that this is discrimination and must be addressed. I appreciate your writing and speaking out on a ongoing problem for women of color. I would like to be part of making a difference for all women of color.

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