Mariam Varazashvili DB7

According to the video, there are a lot of problematic issues of trans gender people. Generally, everyone is equal before God, but unfortunately society can not recognize this fact. There we can see that trans gender people are under the press. Society is not ready for communication and cohabitation with trans people. In the video, I have seen one important problem that was toilet. I can say that it is a very important problem because people are confused about trans. They have not enough knowledge; because of this they do not know how treat them. At this time, trans people are oppressed. They are victim of bulling and violence. They are human, citizens and persons whom have rights but no one try to protect they. For example: If he/she wants to go in toile, he/she will have a problem. People can not get they. There was a one place where have solved toilet problem. They created “All-Gender bathroom”. Everyone can use this kind of bathroom. They try to training and educating society. I think that the best way to solve this problem is educating people. I live in Georgia and number of trans are killed. I am interested about what is happening in other countries where old traditions have a huge role in the community.

In the video I have seen other problems. There was a guy who was dropped out from the school, because of his orientation. I have seen women who have a problems in job.

Time is gone, but problem is still caustic. Trans gender people are still rejected.

1 thought on “Mariam Varazashvili DB7”

  1. Hello Miriam,
    Yes i can agree with you that there is not enough education on this issue. We should be re-wired differently regarding freedom of choice. Who are we to say, what others think we should do? Its interesting to know that inidivduals are quick to point the fingerand just to cover their own issues People who practice being just is always condemed by those who are unjust. Its a battle we as the people will have to face till the end of time. In order to see change we have to keep on fighting for what is huamn rights across the board. Thank you for your post.

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