Hamidou Soumailou

A passage that had me thinking came from Bitch Media which stated, “That email came from Cathy Brennan, an attorney, radical feminist, and lesbian activist who is well known for her beliefs that transgender women should be considered men.” Because of the use of the word men, that got me questioning what exactly they mean by that.

I enjoin reading “Transgender people And Bathroom Access” because there’s a absurd debate about it. They believe that transgender’s meant not feel comfortable or safe using public restroom. Since in this world individuals do get bully one way or the other. So they decided to create rights for transgender individuals. The con side about having transgender using a private restroom is the message non-transgender people will receive, some how you telling them that transgender individual are evil and they should be kept separate from others.

An additional conflict I want to add is the view of social. In today’s world women ae suppose to look a certain and men are suppose to look a certain way. If somehow you are enable to do that many individual will judge you and that’s just facts. Well according to “Toilet Training” an individual name Dan share her story on how she got arrested for using the bathroom. Dean identifies as a trans individual, but because she used the man restroom he got arrested.

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