Danny Washington: DB 6

Hello everyone, hope all of you had a good weekend. The weather was amazing. One thing I’d like to talk about is Moonlight the movie. Since watching the movie it has lived rent free in my mind. Moonlight displays and deals with the complexity toxic masculinity, vulnerability, the perception of black men by the black community and “outsiders” , as well as drug addiction.

The movie starts with Chiron running from a group of children, or at least this is the first part of the movie I remember. The children are chasing him because he’s “soft”. They feel as though what they’re doing is the right thing to do. We later see the same child, Chiron, playing with a group of young boys. They’re playing football and from Chiron’s body language we see that he isn’t much like the other boys. They start to pick on him for this until Kevin steps in. Kevin shows everyone that Chiron isn’t soft by fighting with him to display their masculinity. Later on we’re introduced to Juan. Juan is a drug dealer in the area and happens to find Chiron in an abandoned house running from the children from earlier in the movie. Juan basically becomes a father figure to Chiron, showing him kindness, love, vulnerability, he’s well mannered, caring and somehow still maintains a hard exterior when needed.

One of my favorite parts of the movie is when Juan holds Chiron in the water. Juan helps Chiron to float, trying to teach him to swim, but this wasn’t before letting him know that his sexuality does not define him. He says to Chiron, “you could be gay but don’t let nobody call you a faggot”, Chiron first introduction into being a man. He later tells Chiron to be whatever he wants to be, and that he has to make that decision himself.

We later see Chiron as a teenager in high school. He is still getting bullied because he isn’t up to the masculine display of what a man should be. His bully continues to antagonize him until Chiron relaiates. After Chiron relaiates he gets to the respect of some of his classmate but at the cost of his image and safety.

Later on in the movie when Chiron is an adult we see him completely distant from the person he once was. He isn’t quite, timid or shy. He is seemingly confident and prosperous, he followed in the footsteps of Juan and is thriving. However, something doesn’t seem right. He is still having nightmares about the treatment from his mother or the trauma he has endure. It isn’t until he meets up with Kevin, his childhood friend, that we see some vulnerability from him. They talk and we are even given a flashback as Kevin and Chiron look at eachother. THe flashback is of Chiron as a child. I believe this is a representation of their relationship and how Kevin views Chiron. Despite the grills, chain and hard exterior Kevin can see past the facade into who Chiron truly is.

There was so much more that happened in the movie that I did not share. However, that isn’t important. This movie shines an important light on many issue the black community face. As a child I was not allowed to do basic things such a enjoy myself if enjoying myself was dancing ballet or singing. These things, in the eyes of my father, weren’t “manly” or “too girly”. My parents would often convince me out of doing something because they were worried of the perception people would have of me. This greatly affected my childhood, to the extent I would be over concerned about how I dress and how I look, or the perception people would have of me. It has affect my relationship with people and my relationship with myself. At a point in time I felt deserving of misfortune because of my sexuality and self expression. I am finally breaking from what people perceive me to be, whatever that may be, to living and ENJOYING my life. I can truly say these past few have been the most challenging and necessary years of my life. Thank y’all for coming to my ted talk.

2 thoughts on “Danny Washington: DB 6”

  1. Thank you for sharing your experience with this movie Danny, it’s wonderful to read what an effect it had on you. Moonlight has been on my list since it came out, but I’ll be moving it to the top now. Would love to have a conversation with you once I’ve watched it!

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