I don’t have a specific meme or song that helps inspire or motivate me , but there is this quote that my mother tells me all the time when I’m feeling overwhelmed with life In general or even school. it has helped me become resilient to most situations and I feel that this quote can help my class mates or even my professor.
“If you can’t fix or change it , don’t dwell on it “
That saying that my mother says goes a little more deeper. If you are going through something and its fixable , go ahead and keep trying and make it a better situation than it is . But if you are going through something and it can’t be changed , don’t stress your self out or become overwhelmed , keep moving forward.
I love this advice from your mother, Claudia! It’s a good reminder that if we can not make change in our conditions, we can often still make a decision in how we relate to the problem. Thank you for sharing!