There I have got a lot of necessary and interesting information. There are articles that tell us about problems of women in our society. I am from Georgia and there is a caustic issue of women place in our society. Step by step, minds of part of the new generation become more progressive but there are still problems about rights of women.
I have read the article ,,I want a wife” and I have remind our traditions of marriage. There are different sides in my country and every sides of Georgia have own traditions. I will tell about one traditions that is from SVANETI (mountain side of Georgia). There are radically reduced rights of women. Children sometimes engaged form babyhood and sometimes 12-13 years old. Women must be virgin. After the first night, boy’s mother takes a sheet that is smudged with a blood and she hangs it on the balcony. They are proud that their bride is a virgin. In this case, If bridge is not virgin, boy will not marriage with she. That kind of girl will be shamed in the society. There women has some obligations in family: women must have more and more baby. Of course, she must have a boy who will be the main man in family. In this case, if the woman does not have a boy, she is oppressed by members of family. Women must take care of children and husbands. They must wash legs of their husbands, clean house and everything; also cook dishes and women must do everything at home. Years ago, women and man did not eat together. The man is a head in family. They have not been allowed to set together on the table. The men could do everything; they used to think that men was right if he beats or humiliations his wife. Unfortunately, the woman from childhood thinks that the man is everything.
The second example from our society is that women try to become leaders last 15 years. They start driving cars, they try to get education and find a job. Someone reached a high positions in different fields and the huge number of women are in migration and they earn money. They send it in our country and it is a big helping process for our economic system of country. Almost, there is a still patriarchal society. A lot of women are killed by husband who is just jealous. The woman must be virgin while she get marriage and etc.
Step by step, there is changing mind of people; we hope that one day everything will change.
I learn that women and men have equal rights. We must fight for our rights. I learn it from my daily life. Every day I see how is pressing the women by the men. I do not like it. My expectation is that after 15 years everything will change. There are opening borders. People travel in abroad and the young generation goes to abroad in order to get education, because of this I am sure that everything will change. Also, social media causes some changes.
There is a serious problem about oppressing the woman; I think that a new generation must to do everything to change our society.