I’m a sucker for my dog, and every single morning we wake up and spoon – I truly believe she’s my soulmate and she’s kept me almost sane through the past year. Here’s a picture of her zonked out after a her birthday steak last night.

I find comfort in Twitter because everyone on there feels as unhinged as I do. I think the following two tweets are hilarious, like belly laugh out loud. They kind of describe me as a person. I hope you guys laugh too, and have a wonderful week(+end).

(*I think this one is a WandaVision reference, for those who watched)
Happy birthday Millie! and yess thats definitely a Wandavision reference
I loved that quote. ANd I LOVE WANDAVISION! also dont know about you but I laughter and jokes as a coping mechanism.
Laughter being the best medicine is kind of corny but so true. I use humor to deal with a lot of my trauma lol.
Your pup looks so snuggleable, what a cutie! Love these quotes from Twitter, especially that second one, hah, so relatable, especially after this year. Thanks for sharing.