Mariam Varazashvili DB1

I want to speak about “feminism”, “sexism” and “gender and woman studies”.

I think that feminism is movement where are women and men who try to protect rights of women. In our society, women and men do not have equal terms. Women are under the press and stress by our society. Women have a lot of restriction from childhood. If you are a woman, you must rise a child, serve your husband, stay at home and you must note be ambitious. Feminists try to wake up people and they say to us that the above mentioned obligations are not correct. Women is a person, she is a daughter of the god and everyone is equal in god’s eyes. If your husband and members of family hurt to you and If you are humble by them you must protect your-self. According to the reading, ,,…Feminism is a movement to end the sexism”. They do not mean that men are enemy. They just mean that women and men are equal they must share household chores and parenting and they must have works where is a same terms for both sex. In the reading, we tread that church has a huge influence on the women. According to the ,, Christian” culture, woman must serve the men and it is not norm. Women need to wake up.

I believe that sexism is an ideology that main idea is that different sex people do not have a equal rights. For example: ,, you are a woman, what do you know’, ,, she is a woman and she can not rive a car” and etc.

A lot of people do not understanding sexism and they think that it is not a problem. Some of them think that women juts seeking to be a equal to men. Woman are fighting for them rights. White women-socialism, black woman – civil rights, black liberation and native American Indian women – indigenous rights. Men wants to lead and they want women to follow. Unfortunately, there are females who are sexist as well.

Lastly, I will speak about Gender and Women studies. I think that study about gender and women is a subject where students get more information about this problems in our society. It is a very important thing because that it will have a huge mite in order to have a better generation.

According the reading, women’s studies started 40 years ago. There is speaking about women’s and gender’s issue and gap in our society and college.

1 thought on “Mariam Varazashvili DB1”

  1. Hi Mariam,
    I think your point is very valid! Our society is in a constant battle within itself for the longest. There are and will always been, to put it in a very colloquial wording, haters. However I believe that unity is extremely powerful and that is how we can make a difference! Just like we were able to fight for the right to vote, we united and fought for that.

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