Claudia Domfeh-osafo, DB5

When reading the article and watching the film, theme is more of equality , oppression and safety. The article summarizes the fact that colored females go through a lot of negative aspects in life and not only that they are not granted the same opportunities. when watching the film I can say it sends the same message but its more about females coming together and protecting themselves and also fighting for their equal rights.

In the article the “Black feminism and the combahee river collective” it gave examples on what colored women faced in society it was more than not being able to vote, it was about how they were being treated. For example,”we are actively committed to struggling against racial, sexual, heterosexual, and class oppression”. This quote lets me know that they face a lot limitations just because they are women. The film also showed things like that, but it showed women protecting themselves( learning to fight) , it seems like black women were being targeted a lot. they came up with a way to protect themselves by learning how to fight and protesting about it and calling their movement “Women’s War”.

my thought about this writing and film is that its interesting and informative. in my mind I believed that females only faced limitations on voting and equal rights. now learning that females were harmed ,beaten, raped ,etc is shocking to me because that never crossed my mind.

I feel that some of these issues resonant today because when it comes to female being harassed and sexual assaulted , that still happens. There are allegations on a lot of men pertaining to them harassing females. when you watch the news sometimes you do hear about men beating other women but I can say when it comes to equal rights that has changed for the better today. Females in careers that they have pay the same as men or even more, such as engineering. females tend to have a bigger paycheck than men.

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