. As you read, consider the themes or similarities across the texts– what issues are being taken up by these authors? What are their concerns? What do you notice about their critiques of gender inequity?
When reading the texts is that women should prioritize themselves. Also the inequality of the work of men and women. For example in the reading ” I want a wife” was about how women should cater to men and be a “housewife” and that would be what they would call a perfect wife. which is unfair since it seems like the women is doing more of the hard work. Also the concerns in the text ” women liberation” by Gloria Stienman speaks about the feminist movement to stop the old believing of what women should do. Also in the text “I’m glad I was in the Stonewall riot’ concerns was the mistreatment by authorities and the unfair equity. But they stood for themselves and at the end people fought back and started throwing pennies at them to stop. “All of us were working for so many movements at that time. Everyone was involved with the women’s movement, the peace movemen “.