Carly Jay Quiles / CJay DB3

What do you see as the relationship between women’s movements and abolitionist movements?

Both the women’s movements and the abolitionist movements were similar and amplified each other in a way. They were both big changes people needed in society, of very big groups. Women used these movements as chances for speaking up for their rights and beliefs, criticizing society’s rules/standards. As from the reading and research, women’s rights were limited, as their husbands and 0verall men had more power over them. Women weren’t allowed to own property, education, or even vote. With that said they had little of a voice, there was none in office, as they weren’t allowed and seen as less still in society.

The abolitionist movement, as to how women were seen as less, similar but much more harsh there was slavery that was in need to end. Due to racism, people discriminated against for their skin color. They were treated as objects of trade to sell and money and labor to bring white people better in the end. Due to two groups put down for things seen as less in society, and they worked for change for being treated equally.

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