Jason Huang: DB3

  1. What do you see as the relationship between women’s movements and abolitionist movements?

From what I can see, the abolitionist movement and the women’s rights movement are similar in many ways. They both look to end inequality and mistreatment of specific groups of people; the main difference being the group of people and how they are being mistreated.

For the abolitionist movement, they are looking to end something inhumane such as treating a person as an object because of their skin color. This could be considered the worst out of the two since black men were sold off like animals to do hard work. They had no rights and many of them die for wanting freedom.

This isn’t to downplay the women’s movement as women also suffer a lot of mistreatment. They had no choice on whom to marry and they have to listen to their husbands no matter the circumstance. They had no influence on society and many of them could no work since men believed that women cannot do the same things as men.

All these factors resulted in the creation of these movements. Although they had different methods and ways to accomplish their goal, their overall message was the same; to end inequality and mistreatment so people can live without the worry of their life. Although we still see major problems even in today’s society, without these important movements, we would not have progressed to where we are today. We, as humans, should keep moving forward to create a better society.

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