Instructions/How to post here
For this week’s discussion board post, please respond to one of the following prompts:
- What do you see as the relationship between women’s movements and abolitionist movements?
- Discuss the two versions of the speech by Sojourner Truth. What do we see when we compare the two versions? What can this show us about the context of that time?
- Pick a quote or two from one of the texts that spoke to you or that confused you. Describe and explain the quote(s) as best as you can and/or identify your questions about them.
Please title your post: First Name Last Name: DB 3 and select “DB 3” as the category for your post.
Professor Soniya Munshi
Introduction to GWS 100-140 W
February 20, 2021
The relationship between the Abolitionist Movement and the Women Movement.
The abolitionist movement is a social and political movement to end slavery on Afro-American’s, which was led by a religious group that include Frederick Douglas and Sojourner Truth. The women’s movement was described as the women’s suffrage movement in the 1800’s for the freedom for women’s right to vote, which this movement did not become a legal right for women to vote until 100 years later. The relationship between these two movements is that both are fighting for freedom of bondage from slavery to all people of color, while the other movement fights for women’s equal rights to vote, and to be equal to men as one human being under God’s earth. Both movements have some similarity because, it speaks about both movements being oppressed by elite parties, that practice inhumane rituals and cruel laws. People of color and women have been oppressed for centuries, labeling colored folks and women minorities over the white elite supremacist’s groups.
The comparison between the two versions of Sojourner Truth speech in 1851 to Frances Gage version in 1863 is that Frances Gage’s version did not give full detail of her original words that has so much more meaning and it did not paint the picture of her Sojourner’s speech. Gage re-wrote the speech in a southern style accent which changed the tone of the speech and did not give the same meaning to her clamor and truth.
My favorite quote is line 15 “The lady has spoken about Jesus, how he never spurned women from him, and she was right”. This quote spoke to me so much because one that came from heaven to become flesh and die for our sins, so we could choose to live by grace, never rejected no women. Infact what was given to a woman is something powerful which is deep and winners of battles. Women are made leaders by birth which is a strong mind and sense of empathy which most men lack. It is written that a wise woman edifies her house, but a stupid one will only destroy it.
Frances Gage’s version line 21 and 22 which states “Whar did your Christ come from” which speaks to me about false prophets or hideous cult teachings. She implies your god is unknown.