Oppression: By Frye

Leticia Rodriguez


What Frye means about oppression is that its correct meaning is misconstrued or misunderstood in many cases. Being frustrated or miserable/unhappy does not mean people are oppressed. Oppression is feeling your caged in unable to get out. like she refers to the feeling like a bird being caged up. Having bars all around him where is confined to a tight space.  

Oppression can be hard to see because of how the mind perceives oppression. Some people perceive oppression as being married and wanting to get out of it, which is not oppression it is a person which is miserable or frustrated with the opposite partner, while others believe oppression is systemic racism or sexual stereotypes on women which explain a better meaning on the word oppression. 

Women are oppressed as women being members of a certain race or economic class or group but men that are in that economic group are oppressed as well because of being of color but not men are not oppressed as men.  

Evidence to this statement by Frye is true today because, women do not make the same salary the males makes even if they carry the same job titles or positions. We have been labeled as homemakers even if we hold jobs to feed the family. We are sexually profiled by man and in some cases our own husbands. 

1 thought on “Oppression: By Frye”

  1. Hi Leticia,
    I agree with what you say women are most likely to be oppressed rather than men. Some cultures praise that toxicity willingly and unwillingly (subconsciously ) just like in the hispanic community. I think oppression is something that is difficult to get out of. I am a very enthusiastic person in general so it sometimes stresses me out why some people are miserable and do not change their patterns or the way they view life. If given the opportunity I personally know some people that do not have the motivation to change their life style, that puzzles me because they arent happy about it, so why have this continuous routine.

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