Coming into this class, what are some of your initial impressions of the terms “feminism,” “sexism” and “gender and women’s studies?” How do this week’s readings define or explain these terms? Use specific quotes or examples in your response.
When coming into this class, I had an idea that feminism is when women want equality. Sexism, is when discriminated based off gender and gender women studies is examining social and cultural constructs of gender.
This weeks reading really got me thinking on the word feminism. How it was viewed before and the ideas people thought feminism is. Yet some people in this day still have the same beliefs of feminism as back then. A lot of women still don’t believe in feminism and believe as women we should still cater to men.
A quote that stood out to me in the reading Feminists politics: Where we stand by bell Hooks. would have to be “As all advocates of feminist politics know most people do not understand sexism or if they do they think it is not a problem. Masses of people think that feminism is always and only about women seeking to be equal to men. And a huge majority of these folks think feminism is anti- male. Their misunderstanding of feminist politics reflects the reality that most folks learn about feminism from patriarchal mass media” This stood out to me because I do believe patriarchal mass media does play a role on the misunderstanding on feminism. Usually paints the picture on society that women are anti-male. Which does a play a role on why a lot of women still haven’t considered on joining the movement based on the things they only have seen on mass media.
I agree with your post. Strong independent intelligent not to mention beautiful women are intimidating to many men successful or not. In this world we will never be equal to men but we have to have a voice and power as a whole to voice our equal rights as women not because the stereotype of women are anti-male but want the same equal rights as males because we are both of human species.
Hi Leslie,
I definitely agree with your post, when you mention that “As all advocates of feminist politics know most people do not understand sexism or if they do they think it is not a problem.” individuals truly believe that women hate men or we want to override what they say. Its not that we have to have open minds and that is what some lack. We do not want to be treated as men, we want respect just like men receive. In some cultures the women’s opinion is still invalidated to this day just because they are women.