Jarlyne Zuniga: DB1

Coming into this class, what are some of your initial impressions of the terms “Feminism”Sexism” and “Gender women studies”?

Some of my initial impressions of the term “Feminism”Sexism” and “Gender women studies” were that, women fights for their equal right(equality) such as same pay rate as men, or career. Sexism is where a person believe that a men because they are muscular and have a penis are superior. where as to a sexist men believes that a woman was made to cook, have kids and provided for man.

This week readings explained these terms by really making me under the meaning of what is women studies. Dr. Guy-Sheftall defines women studies by stating “The simplest way, I think to define it is to say that its like black studies, Chicano studies, gay and lesbian studies. It actually is the study of women and issues surrounding women such as: race, class, gender, sexuality.” before coming to this class I didn’t think how deep we will be getting into women studies. we will also be learning how when women get together , they create an empire . Nothing is more amazing when females are getting along and helping each other.

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