“What do this week’s readings have you thinking about? Select a quote from each reading that caught your attention. Discuss the author’s meaning and why these lines stood out to you.”
This weeks readings have me thinking about the word feminism. Modern day I would think many women are with the movement. That is still not the case though, many women still choose or unconsciously follow mens orders, if it is not because of culture it is because people still blindly keep on being a subordinate to men. I really enjoyed reading Feminists politics: Where we stand by bell Hooks. It was so clear and really explained feminism.
A quote that stood out to me in the reading Feminists politics: Where we stand by bell Hooks. would have to be “A woman can insist she would never choose to have an abortion while affirming her support of the right of women to choose and still be an advocate of feminist politics. She cannot be anti-abortion and an advocate of feminism.” The author ties this point to sexism, we live in a world that christian point of views are heavily weighing many individuals down. This lines stood out to me because I am pro choice and believe if a woman does not wan to have a child she should not have to go through and have an unwanted child. Psychologically that affects both the mother and the child in the future. The said child could grow up with an unhealthy view of attachment because the mother didn’t want it. I link mothers with Mary Ainsworth attachment theory, I believe it is true. The way the child is treated will affect the way the child develops themselves and socially. I also think that Hooks mentions abortion because if a women is not willing to have an abortion even if there are circumstances that are not okay such as rape or incest and even illnesses deep down she does not want others to have one as well and that traces back to sexism.
A quote from the reading Age, Race, Class and Sex: Women Redefining Difference by Audre Lorde that caught my attention was “Some problems we share as women, some we do not. You fear your children will grow up to join the patriarchy and testify against you, we fear our children will be dragged from a car and shot down in the street, and you will turn your backs upon the reasons they are dying.” There is an inequality gap that is so big white women to white men and the gap is bigger with white women and black women. I think that until people stop saying “I don’t see color” we will see a greater change than what we have right now. There are different struggles women of color endure and people need to be actively listening, which is a problem on its own. We don’t do much of active listening we are always waiting to speak and what is trying to be said is not fully comprehended. Which the quote “Certainly there are very real differences between us of race, age, and sex. But it is not those differences between us that are separating us. It is rather our refusal to recognize those differences.”
A quote from A Look Back At Women’s Studies Since The 1970s that stood out would be “I would say the first thing is that academic disciplines departments were remiss in their lack of attention to issues having to do with, not just women, but issues having to do with race and gender and so forth. So women’s studies, is not just about looking at women. It is also about looking at ways in which societies imagine or treat women and gender issues.” I think its also one of the reasons why I decided that I if I want to understand individuals I have to take this course. I know it will be eye opening and I already loved chicano studies. The author/ interview is focused on educating people on what and why people should take GWS it will be the gateway to understanding the struggles of minorities and women.