Community: Open Education Seminars | Winter 2023

active 1 year, 1 month ago
Open Education Seminars | Winter 2023
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A virtual learning community for faculty who are participating in January 2023 OER/ZTC Course Redesign or Open Pedagogy Assignments.

(image credit: “Open Sign” by AlanDavidRobb is free to use under Pixabay license)

May be cloned by logged-in community members. It has been cloned or re-cloned 3 times; view clones.

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Recent Posts

Vasiliy Znamenskiy

Physicist. Scientific direction: Computational Physics. PhD. in Physics and Math […] See MoreVasiliy Znamenskiy

Open Pedagogy Assignments

Due by 5pm on Wednesday, January 18: In the comments below, share the working draft of your […] See MoreOpen Pedagogy Assignments

David Caicedo

As a firm believer in, and long-time user of, OER/ZTC materials in all of my PSY courses (100- […] See MoreDavid Caicedo

Recent Comments

Comment on: Open Pedagogy Assignments

Sorry for the lateness!! This is a draft of my assignment. As I missed the last week, I'm sure it […] See MoreComment on: Open Pedagogy Assignments

Comment on: Open Pedagogy Assignments

Hi All, Here's a photo-essay assignment I am currently working on for the "American Government" […] See MoreComment on: Open Pedagogy Assignments

Comment on: Open Pedagogy Assignments

Here is a revised version of my tentative assignment pending course assignment by BMCC. I chose to […] See MoreComment on: Open Pedagogy Assignments