Final submission (with title and credits) – due 5/21
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Your submission should follow the following structure:
Create a new Open Lab post. Your post should include a link to your Vimeo or Youtube video of your finalized walk cycle animation (including background, camera, effects, text, and audio) as well as a short description (what did you add/change from the previous version. Reflections on your process, challenges, goals etc. are also welcome).
On Blackboard: A zip folder (see this link if you’re not sure how to compress a folder) containing all your files for the project (.fla, .aep. and .swf, .ai, .mp3, .wav files etc.) as well as link to your Open Lab post
Here is the final grading rubric.
It was quite a journey. I prefer the animation alone rather than adding all the stuff in after effects personally myself, however learning the program step by step and things you can do was mind blowing to me. All I would change is personally I wish I added smoke clouds trailing behind him but I couldn’t figure it out. However I really enjoyed the process.
here it is! also im trying to upload this on blackboard, and i’ve been emailing you about this but im currently trying to press the submit button with the folder zip file, but it isn’t allowing me. by the way i’ve been trying for a few hours now.
<span id=”sample-permalink”><span id=”editable-post-name”>final</span>/</span>
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