Institutional Artifact Project

Social institutions like family help with the influencing separate but also groups like communities and societies. Family can be considered as the primary representative of socialization, in addition family is also the first establishment through which people grasp an understanding of social behavior, expectations, and roles.

Just like a society as a whole, family as an institution is not steady. It can change along with the community, and as a household and as family construction changes, so does society; to me this is a push and pull effect. As soon as a person is born, they are related to that family up until the death of the said person; participating in the delight and dejection of the individual. The presence of a family plays an important role in child development and again is existent in all human factions. Within families, there is a blood relation, and there are sexual relations between men and women. These are the common relationships within a family and are steady because of the foundation and establishment as an institution.

This is the reason why we should not be promoting what is called a “traditional” family in society and just what that family would consist of; a mother, a father, and some siblings because not every family is mapped out. If someone were to gather a bunch of people, or go around asking whoever they see what a family is comprised of, you would ultimately get copious amounts of variations from those who are defining what their definition of family is and none of them can be considered wrong. We can all agree that we have seen over and over again, what a “traditional” family is, take cartoons like The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, and even the classic family sitcoms like Full House, Malcom in the Middle etc., That everyone has their own ideas on family and another family shouldn’t ill repute the other due to their dynamics. I also believe that their shouldn’t even be a “common standard” that a family(ies) should be held against.

For instance, a child with two dads would consider that a normal family, the same goes for a child who has one parent or, two moms to all of them their individual families are  normal, and who’s to say that they aren’t? Take  the show Modern Family for instanced, a perfect example of a non standardized family. Not only do you witness homosexuality in the family but, there is also a multiethnic marriage including children; representing the many different ways a family is composed of. I consider American Dad in this category as well all because of Roger and the goldfish Klaus, because let’s be honest who do you know who has an alien that is apart of their family. More “traditional” families would be for example, Family Guy, this cartoon is slightly more in accordance to society’s issues and has a coarse way of putting a funny twist on the issues that we currently deal with and face in modern day society. The main focus I’m getting at is that, the world changes and will continue to change and we need to start changing with it, try to make people who aren’t comfortable or have never felt comfortable because they don’t fit society’s, “norms”, and “standards”. They should and need to feel comfortable with who they are, how they identify themselves, and how they express it; in order to have a stable and well functioning society we need to have everyone in it take part of it so that it is productive and not destructive.

The first step to this, is of course communication. Communication is key in life itself and is one of the highest tier of machinery in are arsenal. However, even though we have it we don’t use it to it’s full capability, in any relationship communication is key and very important. The communication between a child and their parent however, is considered one of the most important relationships someone can have. A child, should feel comfortable in their own home and also comfortable with their parents to where they can tell them anything that is happening to them and whats going on in their mind. A child should be able to call home a safe space and feel comfortable in that space. Another reason, on why communication is important is that, kids also need to educated on the importance of acceptance, and accepting others around them in despite of their differences. They should also be taught to treat everyone equally and with respect even if they have a disability, a different sexuality, a insider themselves a different gender, etc., When we ignore different types of groups and different types of people, they pick up on what we are doing and think it’s right because they see others doing it and ignoring the many different types of groups does not make them go away but again influences our kids to do so because they think it’s right.


Once a child knows they are able to go to an adult, regardless if it is their mother, father, aunt, uncle, etc., about any issue they may be having, whether it is bullying, just to talk, school, etc., they will most always do so. When children feel heard, appreciated, accepted, etc., they will continue to keep the lines of communication open. Just having the ability to be able to go to someone may be a great deterrent to something bad. Not everyone has someone they can lean on and that can have lasting and detrimental effects.

The Art of Communication also works in behavioral correction, even though a child’s behavior begins at their household, as the kids grow they must learn on their own in the world as well. Sometimes they may be exposed to the negative behaviors and actions that we have to step in and correct for them and give them an explanation on why this is wrong. There are also books, that one can read that aid in helpful and effective communication between parent and child, that involve the many issues that yet have to be solved, and discussed about; these books are also made for specific ages.

Instructing children on how people are people should be the number one subject, we teach them, what matters the most to a person is who they are, and how they treat those who are around and closest to them. Others, may help along the way with their benefactions that you may or don’t make towards your household and ultimately to the community. Teaching are kids on how it’s not okay to judge other people based on ethnicity, looks, clothes, their families, etc., Is a lesson that should be thoroughly taught. This will help our children to grow into respectful adults who respect anyone and everyone around that are deserving of this respect. In addition it will make them do a double take on judging someone on their outer exterior, thus making them acknowledge that no one can fall under just one category, and that the world is a kaleidoscope. No one on this earth is better than the next person, we all deserve equal respect regardless of our skin color, ethnic background, education, etc., If we can’t learn about each other and neglect each other, thinking that we should all be in our own lunch tables, then we have a long way to go, and at the rate we are going now it doesn’t seem like we’ll ever reach a goal or ever come together as a better community.


Gender Identity Project

Growing up, when I heard the word gender, I thought of the binary genders male and female. Automatically, I thought yeah I am biologically a female, I have all the parts of one and I look like one, I wasn’t aware of the things I know now like gender, sex, and sexuality. Society had formed this image in my head that as a female I should act, talk, walk, and behave as such.

I remember growing up it was just me and my mom, we were in a shelter at first but then had an apartment; looking back at those times I realize now that gender binary was never a thing I thought of. The way I dressed, talked, acted, and behaved was different. I didn’t care about the fact that I was a female and didn’t always dress girly, or I didn’t hang around the girls in my class or that I played tag and football with the boys. I was being me and doing, dressing, etc., how I wanted to act; I was being the person I viewed myself as not tied down to the fact that I was born with womanly/ girly features. Again growing up without the common gender roles that some grew up with, actually experiencing it was a weird and challenging time for me.

Where my mom grew up in Grenada these roles are a very common aspect in life after my mom went to basics (in the Army) as well as my aunt, I had to live with my grandmother there and it was not an enjoyable experience. Since I was a child who is old enough to take care of people by their standards, so ultimately I had to take care of the two cousins that were also with me, not to mention help my grandma with washing the dirty clothes, cooking, and cleaning up after my two uncles. One of my uncles worked, the other one didn’t do anything at all besides watch anime in the living room, on my grandmother’s computer but, even though my working uncle had a job that’s all he did besides tinkering with broken electronics. As a female child, he would tell me “I should know my place” and that “girls shouldn’t be playing games”. Now at the time, he said that it didn’t quite register in my mind, what he meant as he said it but now, I understand what he meant. Just because I am biologically a female doesn’t mean I should be doing what a female “has” to do. I am a person when I see myself I don’t see gender, when I look at others I don’t see gender, to me you are who you are, and that’s all that matters. The sad part about this is that some people in my family still think this way, for instance, my grandfather; he treats the females as if they are supposed to take care of him and spoils the boys. Making me and especially my 15-year-old cousin does EVERYTHING for him, wash his clothes and cook for him especially. Treated like a maid at the age of 15 because of her gender and refers to us jokingly as his “girlfriend’s/wives”, this is disgusting, disrespectful, and uncomfortable. In addition, if you don’t do what he asks he gets mad at you and starts acting like a donkey, we have even physically fought each other even though it was a one-sided fight. It was over the dumbest thing too; a can of Pringle’s. I ended up getting punched, my hair pulled and thrown down some steps. Some may think that has nothing to do with my gender or sex but that is where you are wrong because again the females in my family are treated lesser than the males. My grandpa doesn’t fight with the boys but will fight the females.

The emotions I was feeling I had never felt before, pure and prominent rage, hate, and the utmost and purest form of disrespect. I still think about what happened and the emotions that come up aren’t as bad but the respect is still the same and won’t change. What’s happened in the past though has really shaped who I am today and has helped me to develop my mentality further. I am more patient, calm, understanding, and I don’t dwell on what people think about the way I am, how I act, the groups I hang around and most importantly I am more comfortable in my own skin and more reassured in my own identity. I consider myself a cisgender person and I couldn’t be happier about it but, at the same time, I sometimes don’t even think about my gender. It is not a thing that I really talk about or cling to and quite frankly I don’t care about it; again whatever I like and whoever I like is that simple as my ABCs and 123s. I will never let someone tell me that because I am a woman, I am incapable of doing the same things a man can do or, treat me less than I deserve. At the end of the day, we are all people, and we all deserve to be treated as equals.

Journal 6

Sex in this modern-day and age is a very talked-about and common subject amongst anyone and everyone; an unfiltered, no restriction topic, that in this article conveys how to speak what is the language of sex, and how vital it is in communication. At a young age, we are taught to not engage in sex as well as, refuse it until marriage (sometimes) or until we find the right person. When the topic of sex comes up, what is mainly talked about is consent but not the inviting of sex, men and women have both done things that have shown their sexual desire for example; nudes and comments explaining what either on of them would do to each other sexually. I wouldn’t consider these comments inviting in a sense and “Sex Talk” describes the importance of an invitation and being invited when it comes to sex. When you get acquainted with someone, for example, a fling to a serious relationship, solicitation is a rather more common, ordinary, and definitely, more satisfactory means of initiating sex; Rebecca Kukla basically stated in the article that it isn’t a bad thing to demand sex from your partner and instead is an act of good faith. Adequate sex instead of solicitation can be helpful and is good when you greet the person you are acquainted with and is a key to healthy sex. Again though generally, open convos associated are restricted to a correlation that is: the request for sex that can be followed by the acceptance or denial. To engage in sexual activity in a safe manner making sure that there is consent, clear communication about what roles each of you has, your expectations from the act, and the willingness to take part in moral sexual acts that both people can be satisfied to a certain extent. Not to mention, the creation of safewords which allows anyone to participate or engage in various activities, with active rules that can help each person to cease the activities at any time without hurting themselves or one another.

Discussion 1

Evening everyone, my name is Zakiyah and I major in Liberal Arts. I hope to graduate by the end of next year, and will then try and transfer to a 4 year or an HBCU to pursue my bachelor’s in Biology. The goal is to ultimately pursue a career in the animal field whether its rescuing animals, being a vet, or zoology. I believe this class can develop me as a person and guide me as a person and who I am personally and probably help others on their own odyssey. I love animals, reading, video games, traveling, food, and being around people with good vibes. Being able to understand different congruences aids in trying to relate with others as well as effective communication between others too; I trust that this class demonstrates that aspect.

I enjoyed the videos and how divergent they were from each other. As previously stated in the reading, each one of us identifies ourselves differently. Even though this is an obvious statement it is refreshing to witness it first hand.

I was born in New York, but my family is mainly from the Caribbean (I also don’t consider myself American). Most of my family is from Grenada which is above Venezuela, gender roles consist of women cooking and cleaning while the men work and come home. In our schools, we don’t really learn about gender roles and gender equality; our school system is advanced so we learn about our basic 4 important common core subjects, with little extra subjects such as script and agriculture as well as our history and we have an assembly every morning before school starts where we sing gospel and recite the Lord’s prayer.

I didn’t live in Grenada for a long time (only a year) but from what I’ve been told depending on who your parents are being homosexual can either be a problem and have repercussions or be completely fine. In my opinion, it shouldn’t matter whether your child is homosexual or not and roles shouldn’t be classified by gender.