Basketball is one of the most popular sports that have attracted vast interests and created sporting heroes and legends who have been idolized in society. All over the world, basketball is a sport that is played and viewed by people of all gender, race, ethnic background, religion, and socioeconomic backgrounds. As the world is increasingly becoming inclusive and diversifies, women’s basketball teams have been established to provide a platform for women to showcase their talents. However, women and men basketball teams and player are treated differently due to gender concepts such as: gender equality, gender stereotypes, and gender mainstreaming.
Gender is one of the most significant differences between the two leagues. Gender inequality is a common occurrence witnessed since history in the sports industry, politics, corporate world, and society. Both genders were brought up differently, with the boys being encouraged to be exuberant and physical, whereas girls are taught to be modest and less physical. The inequality in treatment for males and females has resulted in unfair opportunities and advantages for men, with women being forced to fight for what they deserve. Historically, athletics were male-dominated, leading to gender discrimination in sports. As a result, unequal media coverage, limited resources and exposure, and a significant wage gap have been recorded. The two significant leagues were established to cater to the different needs and genders of the basketball player.
The National Basketball Association is a professional league for men playing basketball, whereas the Women’s National Basketball Association was formed in 1996 as a professional basketball league for women. Over the years, both leagues have evolved into successful basketball associations that attract large crowds. Notably, the NBA seems to be gaining media broadcasts as opposed to the WNBA. There is no doubt that women receive little credit for their basketball efforts compared to the men. Notably, sexual objectification of women by the media is higher, as the media prefers to talk about their personal lives, relationships, and personalities to their talents (Rowe 548). As a result, women’s basketball has not been broadcasted, as it deserves even though women work just as hard as men; and they are equally competitive. As the WNBA strives to make positive progress with most women advancing in their basketball profession, the media continues to give attention to the men’s teams. Therefore, this is an illustration of gender mainstreaming in the basketball industry.
Media broadcast of women’s basketball is significant, as it boosts young female athletes’ confidence while also rewarding them for their hard work. For an equal amount of dedication and work, the WNBA players do not get the same expectations, just as in most careers where women are paid less than the men while doing the same job do. The media exposure of NBA players earns them more commercials and television shows, better endorsement deals, increased sales of sportswear, and filled basketball courts, which make the NBA players more revenue, which increases their pay (Wang et al. 37). The highest-paid player’s salary in the NBA is currently twenty-five million dollars, and the minimum wage being about eight hundred thousand dollars. For instance, in one season, Michael Jordan, a basketball legend, would earn thirty million dollars. In contrast, the WNBA paid salary for players is approximately one hundred and ten thousand dollars annually. Notably, the wide gap between the league’s players is an illustration of gender inequality.
Ticket prices, sponsorships, and merchandise sales generate some revenue for the leagues, part of which is used in the compensation of the players. Due to the publicity gained, the NBA enjoys more broadcast, attendance, partnerships, endorsements, among other deals, and the players receive about fifty percent of the revenue earned. However, the WNBA compensates its players less than fifty percent of the income earned, due to the poor broadcast, meaning the players are underpaid. Debatably, some of the WNBA players are reputable for their high skills, competitiveness, and proficiency in their profession as compared to some NBA players. Yet, the NBA teams continue to generate more revenue than the WNBA team. The women’s basketball seasons are also longer than the men’s, and they are characterized by increased trips overseas to play. The NBA also comprises of over thirty teams, which means the league receives increased viewership attendance and revenues. In contrast, the WNBA consists of twelve teams, which earns the league less income.
While it is quite challenging for women to have equal opportunities in sports like their male counterparts, it is more challenging for women of color or those within the LGBTQ communities to attain the same opportunities. However, women athletes have come a long way, with most of them standing on the shoulders of athletes such as Billie Jean King and Lisa Leslie, who advocated for inclusivity in sports. As a result, women in sports have a larger podium today that enables them to collaborate and unite to fight for their rights. Household names, such as Serena Williams inspiring younger women from all races to have confidence in their craft and fight for equality. To reduce the inequality, stereotypes, and gender mainstreaming, male athletes and basketball players can help spread awareness and advocate for equal treatment of their colleagues. Similarly, developing gender equality policies are to protect male and female athletes and sportspeople from exploitation. Providing fair media coverage will attract more audiences to both leagues that generate support for women and girls, leading to equal compensation.
Works Cited
Rowe, David. “Media and sport: The cultural dynamics of global games.” Sociology Compass 3.4 (2009): 543-558.
Wang, Yubo, et al. “Television coverage and outcome uncertainty in sports: Empirical evidence from the NBA and WNBA.” RICYDE. Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte 10.35 (2014): 34-45.