Ligia Urdiales Institutional Artifact Project

There are certain customs that we never leave behind and for most people it is very important to continue with that mindset. Gender roles has played a big part in people’s lives. When we talk about gender roles we refer to the behavior or role that a person must follow based on their gender, in this case women have always been seen as sensitive and caretakers and as someone who needs a man in order to be stable, while men are the leaders as the ones with an important job or position in society and they are the ones who are supposed to provide for their families. An important artifact that I believe is important and needs to be analyzed is the show Friends. There are many events that take place that are very important and could be analyzed since this shows how gender roles, privilege and objectification play a big part of the 6 friends in this show. I will mainly be focusing on Rachel and Ross since these characters evolved through out the show.

As a woman I believe this artifact is important because the idea of woman needing a man or even a male figure in general to be successful is not always true woman can achieve great things alone and be even more successful. I do believe that in some cases race privilege allows woman or any gender to be able to have more opportunities to grow. In this case Rachel is a white privilege woman, meaning that as a white person she is seen superior than others and although she might not have the experience or the qualifications for some jobs she is definitely handed opportunities. Although Rachel’s white privilege helped her a lot she did work hard to keep her job and prove that she is capable of accomplishing things alone.

In the show Rachel was portrayed as a woman who depended on her families money, and she was going to marry Barry who was wealthy without loving him, when she made the decision of not marrying Barry she finds herself lost because she has never been on her own. She than proceeds to get a job, she finds a job as a waitress which is not a very professional job for her, its a low paying job for her or any woman, and its usually the men who get the high paying jobs, and we see this change when Rachel evolves with her jobs and even gets an offer in Paris. However Ross expects her to stay in NYC for him, after he finally realizes he loves her she must give up on her dream n order to stay with the man she loves however the question rises to me is why didn’t he move to Paris with her in order for her not to give up on her dream job?

Another great example of gender roles Ross and Rachel are trying to find a nanny for their daughter and Rachel wants to hire Sandy who is a man as the nanny and Ross is against this because he does not believe a man should be a nanny and he does not agree with the fact that Sandy is very emotional. Ross believes that man don’t cry. In the show Ross tells sandy, “I’m not comfortable with a guy whose as sensitive as you”. He also mentioned that he isn’t comfortable because of his father since while he was growing up his dad was a tough guy. This shows that Ross’s way of thinking man should never cry and be tough because that was the way he was raised. After  Rachel ends up not hiring Sandy because of Ross, this comes to show how man can have certain control over the decisions women make.

Objectification refers to the action of degrading someone to the status or being more of an object, and to be used for certain things. We see objectification occur with Rachel since men are only interested in her beauty and only want sex with her. Although she worked hard to accomplish her goal she was always seeking male attention. When Chandler tell her coworkers Rachel only wants to have a fling multiple are interested, but when he told his coworker Patrick that Rachel was actually looking for a serious relationship, Patrick ended up breaking things up with Rachel. Through the show Rachel never finds a serious relationship other than with Ross.

After going into depth and analyzing the show through gender and privileges it made me realize things that I personally did not even realized when I first watched this show. After watching and discussing gender roles, sex and gender in general it made me see certain episodes and really see the meaning behind them. Every women in this show either had a low paying job meanwhile the men had jobs such as an actor , office, and paleontologists. It was interesting to see the roles be reversed in the show when Rachel finally gets her dream job, Monica gets a job as head chef, while Ross is on temporarily leave due to his behavior and anger, Chandler loses his job and does not like the fact that now Monica is the only provider at home. This show evolves and it shows us different aspects of how gender roles are implied and it breaks that, like I mentioned Sandy is a very emotional man, Monica becomes the provider and Chandler is at home cleaning and Rachel who was always very dependent on her families money is evolving with getting a job I the fashion industry which is what she always wanted.


Journal 6

When we hear the word “transgender” we know it refers to a person whose gender identity is not aligned with their assigned birth sex and who may have or have not changed their body and identity though surgical procedures. There have been many events that have taken place against the LGBTQ community and it is very unfortunate. It is crazy to see how we live In a society where if your black, Hispanic, gay, lesbian , trans you will face discrimination and wont have privileges as a straight or white person would. I don’t consider myself as having any privileges but this reading made me realize so much more such that transgender people have the fear of going outside or cant even walk outside without being attacked meanwhile I can walk outside with my significant other freely without people yelling out names or trying to physically hurt me.

The story being told in the reading is very tragic and so nasty because people are so cruel against others. Whatever someone else’s preference is, its their business they can do whatever makes them happy , how does their happiness affect those attackers. “Cisgender privilege, intersectionality, and the criminalization of Cece Mcdonald ..”‘by Julia R. Johnson talks about the story of Cece Mcdonald. Once I started reading it made me so mad at those who attacked her and she was the one to be arrested for a situation that could’ve been prevented if those attackers would’ve mind their own business. This situation was not only gender discrimination but also racial discrimination since Cece along with her friends were African American. The attackers screamed out horrible names such as “Faggots” and “niggers”. As much as Cece tried walking away from the situation the attackers got physical and by trying to defend herself, someone got hurt and killed and yet the attack against Cece was overlooked and she was charged with murder. Something that shocked me and upset me a lot was the fact that Schmitz one of the attackers stated that a real man cant be black and that Cece was dressed as a woman to rape him. Discrimination in the society we live In is unbelievable, and the calmness in which these people talk about transgender and black people is as if it was completely normal and okay. This society has a lot of changes to make or else things wont get any better and crimes will be overlooked.

Gender Identity Project

Gender identity Is something that has been a topic of importance for such a long time. We are assigned a sex the moment we are born, we are either born with a penis or a vagina and are consider to be a male or a female based on our body’s anatomy. From this point on society and even religion already have gender norms for men and women. Each gender has to behave and do certain things. Everyone is different some are happy with their gender either male or female while others feel like they are born in the wrong gender body and this is where gender identity is very important because it is a personal and you express those feelings by showing who you truly are and feelings comfortable with who you want to be.

Gender identity can influence everybody in different ways. In my situation I believe that what has influenced me the most is society, family  and their religious/cultural beliefs on certain norms, and my social life. Personally my gender identity is female I am considered to be cisgender because my personal identity and gender correspond with my birth sex. My sex at birth was female and I accept, love and feel comfortable with the sex I was given.

My family has influenced me because of their cultural beliefs. When it comes to cultural beliefs it is basically families customs and their views on different things. I grew up in a house hold where my grandparents had the same perspective as society has which Is that women are house wives, care takers while men are the head of the household, hard working and superior. My mom and my aunts were expected to do everything meaning, clean cook take care of younger siblings while my grandpa and their cousins went to work and everything had to be ready for them and they had to serve them. The moment my aunts wanted to work in order to pay for their education it was seen as bad and they weren’t allowed. My younger aunts had the opportunity to get an education, unfortunately my mom could not. Although my grandparents norms were very precise and strict, my mom  has shown me that women are capable of more than that. My mother is the head of the house hold and has been ever since my dad passed away and she has worked hard and cooked and clean for her kids in order to give us a better life and education. She has inspired me because now I work hard for what I want, and do and dress how I want as long I feel comfortable with myself.

While growing up, I was not only taught but also by choice to be in way “girly”, I played with dolls , my favorite colors were purple and pink which was what girls were expected to like. Meanwhile boys needed to play with cars and whose favorite color was blue. Now growing up with my brother things changed and in a social way. Since we both played whatever we wanted, for example I liked playing basketball and soccer with him and he would play with me when I wanted to play with dolls etc and this in other peoples eyes would not be right because my brother shouldn’t be playing with dolls and I shouldn’t have been playing basketball. Being judged for playing ‘boy games’ always made me feel upset because it made me happy to play those games and to be judged for it was not right.

Social life has influenced me a lot throughout the years since I have met a lot of people. Social learning theory refers to behaviors that are acquired by observing and imitating others for example I went from being “girly” into wanting to be in oversized t-shirts and sweat pants and barely putting makeup on which isn’t a bad thing but I like dressing both ways and dressing up whenever I feel more comfortable. Gender identity is said to be developing in infancy since it is parental expectations and the concept of mimicking behavior. According to Theories of sex/gender it states, “When children are positively rewarded for mimicking preferred behavior, the behaviors attached to prescribed social roles become internalized habits” . To a certain extent this Is true because kids learn when they are rewarded for behaving good and they realize that what they were punished for shouldn’t be done, but when we enter to our teen years and adulthood we socialize with other and we start liking different thing or experimenting with different things.

Societies expectations on gender roles and identities has not gotten in the way of me doing what I feel best doing. I have a boyfriend who supports me greatly and whom I help around since we live together and this to my grandparents was a surprise because they expect my man to take care of me financially and for me to do chores at home. Being able to break cultural and social norms has made my relationship stronger because we share things and have fun doing chores together and having our own personal life when it comes to work. I love being able to go to work, workout, dressing in sweats and long t-shirts no makeup or hair done sometimes, and then other times I love getting my makeup done and wearing something nice out and that all depends on what I feel most comfortable at the moment not depending on what society thinks a women should look like everyday.

Ligia Urdiales Discussion 2


Gender can be a bit confusing but after reading and analyzing the different gender diagrams I strongly believe that best one that describes me is, “Sex, Gender, sexuality Interlace.

A very important group in this diagram is my family group. My family has shaped who I am now and most goals I have set for myself. I am the second oldest and since my sister Is in Ecuador I am basically the role model for my younger siblings. This has been really difficult at times since my parents expect me to be perfect in order to set a good example for my siblings. Therefore when it comes to school as hard as it can be I try my best because I know my siblings look up to me. My family is not perfect but they are very supportive and have always been with me through every single step I take. My family is very important because they have shaped everything I believe in and have shaped the person I am today with morals and respect for others and to always value family.

Anther very important group is my future. This is very important to me now because my goals for the future make me work hard now, even though sometimes it may seem impossible. Imagining what my future will look like makes everything worth it. My future is very important for me and my family, because without them and their support I wouldn’t be as strong and determined. My families hard work makes me look into my future and be who I want to be in order to in one way or another give them back for all their hard work and effort to make me a better person. I cant wait to see my classmates diagrams because by doing this discussion board and diagrams it has shown me how everyone’s gender and experiences/goals are different but no matter what our gender/ sexuality is or who we become we all have goals and are equally important.