When I first began this class, I knew that we would be talking about gender and how opposite sexes communicate and deal with one another in everyday life. But I did not know the depths of the definition of gender. I have learned that gender is not just the sex that was assigned to us at birth, but it is how we behave. Our background, culture, beliefs etc. All those things and more make us who we are today, I have a better understanding on social constructions and the limits society tries to place us in. Gender plays a huge role in almost everything we do in our lives. Also being in this class I did not expect for us to have many open discussions as we did. I truly enjoyed the transparency of everyone’s story’s and experiences including opinions. It helped me open up and talk about my life, as time went on, I realized the discussions and topics we focused on shed light on things I never really thought about or investigated detail.
What I took away from this course, was paying attention to the treatment of others due to their appearance, gender, background etc. Not to always assume that a person is a specific way just because of how they look or maybe even behave. Take time to get to know that person, we may be surprise when they turn out to be the opposite of what we thought. In my everyday life I will now apply more of what I learned in what I see. Gender is political as well and we must deal with equality, resources and opportunities. I refuse to be discriminated or declined due to my gender identity, I have a better understanding on how we can expose the negatives of the many issues that occur in the workforce, homes, and communities.
The format of this class was unique. I was so used to using blackboard in most of my classes but using BMCC’S open lab was very organized. Professor Waychoff clearly explained each assignment and was helpful in her comments when I needed help. Personally, for me I am a visual learner, so the videos and diagrams we watched and learned about was extremely helpful. It kept me interested, not only did the videos help me but the writing as well. I knew this class was writing intensive but it hit me when we really got to writing , I said to myself “ wow this is a lot of writing” but as I continued to write through out the weeks , the terms we learned and history stuck with me. The information that I now have installed in me will help me in life and remind me of the importance of gender communication and identity.