Abdoul Galiou Dabre Institutional Artifact Project

Social institutions are areas having people with similar goals or are serving the same purpose. These institutions are part of a larger dynamic social order, which governs how people conduct their activities. Some conventional social institutions include education systems, families, religious institutions, and places of work. In these places, both men and women interact freely, causing some gender-related issues (McDonald 7). In most cases, members of one gender are oppressed by fellow workers, or the law put forward by the social institution. All education facilities from the lowest to the highest are social institutions that human beings go through. Many gender-related issues arise, affecting both boys and girls in the learning institutions. In the lower stages of the education systems, many gender-related cases are not reported. Still, as students grow, they understand how society runs, making it easy to identify gender bias in the institution.

Universities and colleges are educational institutions that report numerous sexual harassment cases such as rape, sodomy, and body shaming. Most rape cases biased against girls since most boys argue by claiming they had consent from the girl. Almost all girls in universities are eighteen years and above, making them responsible for their actions, and this makes it easy for male suspects to evade jail time. Many universities have recorded many cases of students sleeping with the lectures to get good grades or to avoid harsh punishments such as expulsion. Many of the girls who suffer from this abuse hardly report it to the authorities because it is shameful or because of the leverage the lecture has against the student. The laws that protect girls from such forms of abuse are not followed in many cases making it hard for girls to get justice. As a way to cub such instances of harassment various learning institutions have come up with laws and policies that protect students, staff members and faculty members from any form of sexual harassment.

In my essay, I would like to analyze the City University of New York (CUNY) law against any form of sexual harassment. This a sexual harassment policy promotes mutual respect and understanding between all the students, staff, and faculty members (Blumberg, 350). Sexual harassment against anyone is illegal in the country, and the university will also not tolerate any acts of sexual discrimination or harassment. The policy will be disseminated through the various channels of the institution to educate all students and staff on sexual harassment and put measures and procedures to protect all personnel. The university establishes measures to investigate and punish all people accused or convicted of sexual harassment cases. Any member of the university community claiming to be sexually harassed should report to the necessary authorities immediately since delays might make the investigations difficult. After reporting, the university should conduct thorough investigations on the allegations and provide justice to the offended parties.

According to the university laws, it’s illegal for any member of the community to engage in sexual harassment or retaliate to any person raising concerns on a case of sexual harassment. Notably, it’s illegal not to report any sexual harassment incident or interfere in investigations involving sexual harassment cases. According to the university, sexual harassment is defined as any request for sexual favors, unwelcome sexual advances, or any written or oral communication indication sexual misconduct. For the policy, it’s illegal to give sexual favors to get a good grade, promotion, or employment. In the university, sexual injustices may occur between people of similar sex of different sexes. In most cases, sexual harassment occurs between members of the community with unequal power such as students and faculty, members, employees and supervisors, and faculty members with different authoritative positions.

However, it may also occur between individuals with equal power, such as students or co-workers. In some cases, the person with lesser power in harassing the person with more authority, such as a faculty member being harassed by a student, may appear. According to the policy, types of sexual injustices include demanding or requesting favors for a promotion, employment, or excellent academic performance and presenting inaccurate results for students refusing relationships with faculty members. Other unwelcome sexual misconducts in the institution include sexual teasing or comments, sexual slurs or verbal abuses, discussing sexual activities, suggestive sexual letters, forced sexual intercourse, sexual touching or gestures, and graphic remarks on someone’s sexuality. In the institution, sexual relationships among students occur, but relations between students and faculty members are dangerous. This because students may be forced into sexual activities with faculty members in fears of harsh replications such a poor results. Furthermore, students engaging in sexual activities with faculty members are likely to have an unfair advantage over the other academically. If the relationship ends, both parties are expected to harm each other anyway.

The policy clearly states that each individual has a professional responsibility of making sure that the only activities in the institutions are teaching, grading, counseling, advising, and evaluating students and employees in the institution.  This policy also punishes any person making false claims of sexual harassment against any member of the community. The policy should not be used to oppress or disadvantage any person in the institution. Through the university’s administration, the institutions provide clear guidelines on handling and interpreting sexual related cases. The university president, vice chairman, and Dean of students are responsible for overseeing any sexual harassment cases. There are several penalties and actions taken against people accused of any sexual misconduct to enforce the policy. Some of the penalties include job termination or expulsion from the university. Through this policy, the university has prevented many incidences of sexual harassment against any member of the institutions community.  Clearly, the university has put a good policy to fight sexual harassment but there are still many cases of sexual assault in the institution. The university should educate students and all staff members and students on their sexual harassment so that they can easily report to the authorities. For this purpose the school has introduced institutions such as clubs and gathering that sensitize on policies of sexual harassment (DeFrancisco et al. 132).

From the artifacts’ analysis, it’s clear that the education system and its objects cause significant gender case issues. The study changed my view on gender-related topics since it is difficult to have a permanent solution. Most of the people who promulgate gender bias do it unintentionally, but people misunderstand the message. However, education institutions should be at the frontline in fighting gender issues and promoting both male and female genders in school activities. This will play a significant role in promoting equality among men and women and creating equal chances for women and men in society. The policies on sexual harassment should be enforced with the intensity they deserves since many people suffer from sexual injustices in the society.

Abdoul Galiou Dabre Gender Identity Paper Final Portfolio

Gender and decision making is still a critical subject when it comes to social construction. How people ascribe various gender roles to both men and women has been a hot topic, especially in the era of feminism. In most cases, families are led by men, and they are the breadwinners of the family. This makes them have power over women, making it difficult to have a say in the decision-making process. In most settings, girls grow, knowing that their duties are house chores while male children are educated and trained to be leaders in society. Many biological theories agree with this idea by suggesting that somethings come naturally, such as being male or female (DeFrancisco et al., 2013). This makes gender roles naturally acquired, and trying to change gender roles is a taboo in many communities. Despite most international conventions stressing on the importance of participation and equitable access when making decisions, studies show some communities still disregard other genders based on gender identity. In some settings, feedback from men is likely to be considered and utilized when making decisions on issues. In some cases, women are expected to follow decisions made by men as opposed to women. These cases possess a question about what influences decision making based on factors such as sex, race, class, and other identities.

Growing up in a village setting where people value culture and social norms in decision making allowed me to encounter a particularly interesting case. I was raised by a single parent who worked against odds to ensure I got the basic needs, including education. In my community, women are not entitled to own hereditary or communal land. My grandparents owned more than 30 acres and had four children (two sons and two daughters). Unfortunately, for some reasons I had to live with my grandparents and aunt who was a twin sister to my late mother.  Since my aunt was not married, we stayed with my grandparents until they all died when I was at a tender age. When the time came for the division of family land, my aunt was left landless since our norms never recognized women as part and parcel of beneficiaries. Furthermore, women are not allowed to own any property or piece of land in the area. My uncles sub-divided the property within them and never allocated any land for my aunt to use. This left my aunt homeless and a squatter in her own land.

My aunt then decided to approach family members in a bid to get some piece of land to enable us to sustain herself. This plea fell on deaf ears as none was able to hear her since she was a woman. She then tried to approach the local authorities and elders. My uncles were summoned to make their comments before the community land committee. My aunt’s arguments were simple; she is not married and has a child to raise. My grandparents never left any will, which should have also guided on the proper way of sharing the land. My aunt received support from other women who were single parents. Unfortunately, during the ruling, the land community followed my uncle’s suggestion, which said one acre of land to be bought outside the family land and given to my aunt. Upon further inquiry from the state authorities, the decision of the community land committee was upheld. By advocating for equal rights when making decisions, he was branded feminists and regarded as someone who does not honor the cultural norms .

Whenever issues arise in my community, the elders set a date for  public hearing, and this is where decisions are made based on peoples’ suggestions. However, this committees are made up of men, making it biased for women. Unfortunately, women who attend these forums are not allowed to speak. Only men are allowed to give their opinions and participate in decision making while women are supposed to listen and adapt to the final rulings. Women, in this case, are classified as children and cannot give sound judgment. This case extends to the family setting where fathers have the final say when making any decision for the family. For instance, when determining economic activities such as farming, a man is the only allowed when making this decision. Women are allowed to access education, but their place and role in society are still defined and fixed. This is because of the power that the community has given men, making it easy for them to rule over women.

According to psychological theories, individuals’ identity is not set at birth naturally but is developed through an experience such as childhood interaction (DeFrancisco et al., 2013). In many communities, there are cultural and social norms that everyone is expected to subscribe to and adhere to. When children grow, they develop a finite mindset that defines an individual’s specific role in society. In many communities, people grow up knowing that women are not entitled to own a piece of land. They also develop a mindset that depicts women as inferior and cannot participate in decision making without a factual basis. When they grow up, these people will continue practicing the same norms without enquiring (Eisenberg, 1996). In my case, my aunt was denied land-based on gender, and her arguments were disregarded without a real basis. In this kind of setting, girls also grow knowing the defined role and remain submissive to men without valid reasons.

Social scientist suggest that some things are natural and cannot be changed. In this case, being born a male or female naturally outlines your role in society (Foss et al., 2013). One of the theory shows men brain is distinct from the females. For instance, men can confront challenges better than women, while women are wired to more empathetic and detail (DeFrancisco et al., 2013). From this research, people in society classify being born a girl or boy will naturally define your role (Foss et al., 2013). This can be one of the reasons my aunt was not even heard during the land case dispute. She is expected to get married elsewhere, and giving them rights to own hereditary land is not right (Eisenberg, 1996). When not approached well, this theory tries to disadvantage and rule out others in the decision-making process.

In conclusion, theories in gender suggest that some things occur naturally, such as a person’s sex. Since one cannot choose to be male or female, gender roles occur naturally where women have specific duties, and men have other different roles (Foss et al., 2013). In many settings, women are low in the hierarchy of authority, making it hard to contribute to society. In my aunt’s case, she never received justice since she was a widow and nobody to protect her. This made it easy for my uncles to grab her share of land, leaving her homeless. Girls should not grow with a mentality of being submissive to men even when they are being oppressed. Women should not be controlled like children, but should be allowed to be free and contribute in decision making. Gender roles should not just be assigned according to someones sex of birth, but through the skills acquired in the learning process.



Andler, M. S. (2017). Gender identity and exclusion: A reply to Jenkins. Ethics127(4), 883-895.

 DeFrancisco, V.P.,  Palczewski C.H.,  & McGeough, D.D. (2013). Gender in Communication A Critical Introduction, Second Edition. Sage publications, Inc.

Eisenberg, N., Martin, C. L., & Fabes, R. A. (1996). Gender development and gender effects.

Foss, S. K., Domenico, M. E., & Foss, K. A. (2013). Gender Stories: Negotiating Identity in a Binary World. Langrove: Waveland press.




Abdoul Galiou Dabre Discussion 7 Final Portfolio

Social institutions are units in the society where people interact for a specific task or purpose, for example, religious institutions or education facilities. For these institutions to run, there is a need for artifacts that represent the tradition or the culture of an institution. Education is a social institution where children and youth interact freely without limitation from parents In sexual harassment, a film called falling down can be used as an artifact since it’s the story of a man who is tired of the constant injustices in the society and becomes a vigilante. In the area there is a local gang that is known for terrorizing people especially women and children with acts such as rape and torture. Michael Douglas who is the star in the film stands up against such injustices against women and girls, which is a very courageous act.

For a long time, many students have been experiencing sexual violations from friends, teachers, and close relatives in some cases.  To protect children from such harmful acts, laws, and regulations, there are policies governing how the school handles sexual offenses. However, there have been many complaints about how these cases are handled, with many people saying that the judges are biased against male victims, mostly in cases involving under-aged children. Most men who have been accused of having an affair with minor children are locked up for a long time without considering whether there was consent from the minor. Understanding this artifact helps in understanding education as a social institution and various concepts in gender studies.

One of the concepts in gender and women studies is feminism. Feminism is the belief that men and women should have equal rights because all sexes are similar. Commonly, men have been known to have power over women, while women are submissive to men in society. In the film, women are not respected by men by raping them and physical assaults. This is a significant basis for assigning gender roles in most communities where women mainly engage in house chores while men are breadwinners in society. In most sexual harassment cases in girls, they fear to come out in fear of shame and her circumstances being dismissed. Women have little or no say in society, which makes it hard for sexual harassment cases to be reported. Empowerment of women is a goal of feminism that strives to give women a voice in society. Sexual harassment policies support feminism since they give young girls the courage to report any cases of assault. However, feminists have been accused of misusing these laws to oppress men through legal channels.

The laws on sexual harassment policies can be strengthened by ensuring that both men and women cases are given the attention they deserve (DeFrancisco 132). Transgender studies are concepts in gender studies that affect policies of sexual harassment. In history, transgender people have always been persecuted and abused by others in society for their sexuality. Most cissexual people in society do not understand transgender people, and this forms the base for abuse. For such people to be protected, they need to be included in educational institutions’ policies of sexual harassment. Transgender people face a lot of struggles in society, making it essential for schools to be safe places for such people (Johnson). Transgender studies should be taught in schools to understand the sexuality of transgender people and interact freely in the learning institutions (Blumberg).

Abdoul Galiou Dabre Journal Entry #5

Understanding the social institutions, feminism and transgender studies have given me a new perspective on the Falling Down as a social artifact against girls and women. Feminism has empowered both men and women in supporting the girl child living the boy child with no protectors in society. Although some feminist sincerely advocates equality between men and women, some people are misusing feminist ideas to oppress men in society. Policies on sexual harassment should be aimed at eradicating any sexual harm that may come in the way of either girls or boys in the community. Notably, understanding policies in sexual harassment has helped in understanding how people in various institutions operate. It helps me know how sexual cases should be handled in social institutions such as places of work and religious places. There are many cases of sexual harassment in many institutions, and solving then should begin by understanding the root cause of the problems. The primary motives of sexual harassment, such as rape, are caused by masculinity and male dominance over women. Also, the weak laws on sexual harassment cases motivate rapists to continue with their behavior. These artifacts should strive to ensure that people in all social institutions are protected.

Indeed, studies on transgender people have had an impact on how I view various policies and regulations on sexual harassment. Transgender people are a group of people who continuously face harassment by people in society for their sexuality. Transgender studies have helped me understand that these people are regular people who deserve respect and being looked past their sexuality. Laws on sexual harassment should be stringent in ensuring that transgender people are protected from sexual abuse in the community. In gender and women studies, policies on sexual harassment are highly regarded as artifacts in social institutions. Both men and women should not live in fear because of their gender. Although cases of sexual harassment involving adults are difficult to solve, social scientists should develop methods of obtaining proof in cases involving sexual harassment.