Guidelines: Discussions

In each discussion, you are expected to 1.) engage with the assigned texts in your own original posts and 2.) engage your classmates’ work by responding to their posts.  You will be given a writing prompt and/or activity to guide each discussion.

Discussion Posts are due twice weekly on Thursdays & Mondays by 11:59 pm. Response posts are due on the next due date following the original post’s due date. For example, if I share my original post on Thursday, May 28 by 11:59 pm, I should respond to at least THREE classmates’ original posts from that discussion by Monday, June 1 by 11:59 pm, and share my original post for the discussion due that day.

Original Discussion Posts should be:

  • 400-600 words, unless otherwise specified. Longer, but not shorter, posts are fine.
  • written in complete, well-formed sentences & carefully proofread
  • engaged with the assigned text by explicitly referring to and/or citing them
  • submitted by going to the plus sign at the top of the site > type a title* and type the body of your post > choose the category “Discussion __” with the corresponding number for the discussion on the right > publish.
  • *Please use the title format “[FirstName] [LastName] Discussion __” (insert corresponding discussion number)

Response Discussion Posts should be: 

  • a minimum of 3-4 complete sentences
  • written in complete, well-formed sentences & carefully proofread
  • engaged with the assigned text by explicitly referring to and/or citing them
  • submitted as a comment on the post of a classmate by selecting the title of the post > scroll down to where you leave a reply > type the comment > post comment.

Kianna Holm Discussion #8

  1. My perspective has definitely changed since the beginning of this class. If I’m being completely honest I was interested in this class. This is my last semester so I guess I’m just eager to finish. But as the class continued I really started to actually learn things. More importantly as a female I’ve learned more about myself and my body. 
  2. One of the most important topics that I will be taking away from this class is acceptance. I know that wasn’t entirely what our lectures were about but throughout the course we’ve read about people with different races and sexuality. We all know that discrimination is a thing and happens often but that doesn’t make it right. 
  3. The format of this class really helped me to. In this class we have to write our responses and respond to our classmates. I think this was very helpful for me. It helped me not only view the discussion from my point but my classmates too. And because this class had a lot to do with race and gender, it was really interesting that we had people from different places to give a perspective. I found it ironic how we all may come from different places and grew up with different traditions but for the most part we all go through similar things.

Lisa Blamfort Discussion #6

In this essay “Cisgender Privilege, Intersectionality, and the Criminalization of CeCe McDonald: Why Intercultural Communication Needs Transgender Studies” Dr Julia R. Johnson define “transgender” persons who identify as transfeminine, transmasculine, transsexual, Two-Spirit, cross-dresser, genderqueer, same-gender- loving, in the life, female-to-male (FTM), male-to-female (MTF), intersex and more. she argues that her definition is problematic in some contexts because some people of color associate transgender with whiteness and western conception ss of gender binary. But Johnson ultimately settle on using in his essay ‘‘trans’’ because the author wants to alert gender nonconformity and to constantly remind people that gender is known in its interaction with other identity heading.

Johnson defines “cissexual” and “cisgender” If one’s sex identity matches her/his morphology, then s/he is cissexual. If one’s gender identity aligns with sex morphology, s/he is said to be cisgender. she argues that those definitions are significant because they highlight that sex and gender are most often recognize in connection to a solid and socially irrevocable focus when, in fact, the categories of sex and gender are fabricated and executed. CeCe McDonalds’s case does connect to definitions of cisgender and of Cissexual because Schmitz and his friends settled gendered, racialized, and sexed frontier between themselves and McDonald. She also faced cissexism through the court system because she placed men’s prison even though she identified herself as a woman.

According to Johnson the intersection of race, gender, and sexuality does impact McDonald’s life and, in particular, this case against her because her arrest, sentencing, and imprisonment and the way treat trans people of color in the prison system

I believe a trans woman or men can openly secure a job in my field of study because accountant or bookkeeper mostly work behind close, doors our role are prepares asset, liability, and capital account entries by compiling and analyzing account information. Documents financial transactions by entering account information in a computer, we don’t interact with clients if we don’t want to, we can just make a phone call, it is not like a social worker job.

I learn that the system criminal is not fair to minorities because of People of color, particularly black males, face longer sentences than their white non-Hispanic counterparts for similar crimes. People of color are extremely overrepresented in the juvenile justice system and they are making up more than 60 percent of the people behind bars among 47% black trans people. Black transgender people face awful abuse in jail and prison by inmates and staff. They are lodged according to their gender at birth, instead of their gender identify. They are denied medical care. There is nothing just or fair in the criminal system for black trans and people of color. There’s only barbarism and savagery for them.


Kianna Holm Discussion #6

After watching the film, “Free CeCe!”, I saw  how gender, race, and sexuality of a person affects how they are treated in the criminal justice system. McDonald was arrested and then charged with second-degree intentional murder. She argued it was self defense which I agree with. In this case, CeCe McDonalds was harassed and physically harmed by Schmitz. Although there was clear evidence that McDonald had been acting in self defense the court decides otherwise.  Imagine having to live in a world where you constantly have to feel like your life is at risk, not only the risk of being African American but also being a transgender African American woman can you really put all the responsibility of this incident on CeCe McDonald? On the night of June 5, 2011 CeCe McDonald was walking with four friends while a group of about four white people began harassing her and her friends. While making several degrading remarks to CeCe they began to take it a step further by approaching her and hitting her in the face with a glass of alcohol. After being called racial slurs like “nigger” and other disrespectful remarks being made like “faggot” and a physical assault CeCe McDonald, she still tried to retrieve from the situation as she was in fear for her life but yet McDonald ends up being the only one who had to serve time for second degree murder as a result of the incidents that took place this night. Any reasonable person can see the unfair treatment of CeCe McDonald based on her gender race . Although McDonald was the only person who was responsible for the harm that caused a persons death she was also the person who was verbally and physically assaulted before the death took place. CeCe McDonald was obviously targeted and the criminal justice system didn’t do anything to address that which is the original problem here.