Megan M. Ramdin : Discussion 8

  • I’ve always adapted to a mentality that “everyone has a different perspective and judgment on certain issues”, the information I retained from this class was very informational and plan to use it in my critical thinking process when evaluating controversial discussion throughout my life. My perspective changed immensely from the first discussion to the very last. The readings provided throughout the course were intense. When the class first began, I never thought that I would be able to grasp the information I was reading. But with the feedback of others helped, sharing their personal insight on the forum from a completely different perspective.
  • This Gender Women Studies class has not only been overwhelming but informational. I definitely accomplished a lot throughout my 2 years at BMCC, but this class has definitely left an impact on me. Not only by time management but through the topics that were assigned. I’ve definitely known we can pursue anything you want, once you motivate yourself. Also, society will judge you as much as you want but you need to be true to yourself and stand out no matter what.
  • The format of this class was definitely challenging but it was definitely motivating. The time frames within assignments were acceptable. Personally, I like to get my work done before it’s actually due. The assignments due dates were back to back so I didn’t procrastinate, I got right to business once I finished. Thank you professor for this wonderful experience.

Megan M. Ramdin : Gender Institutional Artifact Project

In the popular Netflix series “Thirteen Reasons Why”, a beautiful young girl named Hannah Baker leaves behind thirteen audiotapes before she commits suicide, with each tape addressed to a specific person and explaining how that individual played a role in her death. The main reasons for her death were because of constantly being bullied, harassed, and self-hate.

Throughout the first and second seasons, Hannah Baker struggle with her self-esteem. Adolescence wasn’t an easy stage for her. Like every other teenage kid, high school was a big deal. It’s where you relate and connect with people, try to fit in and be accepted, and try to discover who you are. Hannah like everyone else starts to become interested in boys. She wants to make friends and adapt to her new school. In season 1, episode 1, Hannah immediately locked eyes with Justin Foley instantly attracted to him. After exchanging numbers, they decided to meet at a nearby park. Where they played, laughed, and talked on the playground and Hannah received her first kiss from Justin. The next day, Justin was showing his friends a picture he took of Hannah while she was on the slide, and her skirt flew up. Bryce Walker, Justin’s friend, snatched Justin’s phone from him and mass texts the up-skirt picture of Hannah to everyone in the entire school. Hannah was heartbroken. She felt alone, isolated, and became severely depressed. Throughout the episodes, we see Hannah face consequences by being repeatedly groped by the boys. Derogatory names like “slut” and “whore” were projected towards her. She cuts her long brown beautiful hair into a bob during summer break in order to get a fresh start before junior year. The image others created of her led Hannah decided she didn’t want her hair any longer solely to represent her past experiences. She began to feel like she actually has a fresh start. Hannah’s actions refer to a concept known as Gender Expression. Gender expression is how an individual outwardly shows their identity whether it’s through clothing, hairstyle, makeup, etc. The traumatic experiences that Hannah went through can also be empowering for women to cut their hair as a part of the coming-out process, just as a way to present themselves, that feels closer to who they are.

As the tapes proceed Hannah Baker was not only bullied but sexually assaulted. We not only see this with Hannah but also with two of her other friends, Tyler Down and Jessica Davis. In season 1, episode 9, Jessica throws her end of the year party, Hannah doesn’t want to attend but she only goes because Clay Jensen is going. Going back to the party, Hannah was looking for the restroom and stumbled upon Jessica’s bedroom. As Justin exits, he bumps into Bryce, Bryce forces his way into Jessica’s room drunk telling Justin, “What’s yours is mine”. Bryce then forcefully to rape Jessica, helplessly. After witnessing the rape of Jessica, in season 1, episode 12, Hannah reveals Bryce raped her in the hot tub during another party.  Throughout the first and second seasons, the boy’s baseball team is known as the “JOCKS” of the school. From Bryce’s behavior in the shows portray the Toxic masculinity of men.

Toxic masculinity is telling men not to express their emotions or making anger the only acceptable masculine emotion. By defining “manliness” as being violent or treating women like objects. The form of sexual assault both Hannah and Jessica experienced was all emotional, sexual, and physical violence. Bryce allowed inflicting his command on his prey in an agonizing way. We need to stop placing boys into a box that keeps them “tough, insensitive, and violent” to prove their manhood. We also need to keep girls out of the box that reduces their bodies into objects. Hannah and Jessica weren’t the only ones who experienced traumatic events but also Tyler Down. Montgomery de la Cruz (aka Monty) was also a jock and idolized Bryce as his brother. Monty was naturally violent, mainly because he had an extremely abusive father. In season 2, episode 13, Monty confronts Tyler in boy’s bathroom about an issue. Monty then begins to feel rage and smashes Tyler’s head against the mirror and dunks his head into a toilet. Monty then takes the end of a broom and brutally sodomizes Tyler as he screams out in pain. Monty leaves Tyler lying on the bathroom floor hurt and bleed. Monty is homosexual but no one knows until season 3. Monty creates this barricade of feelings towards his sexuality because he portrayed himself as a tall and strong man e and does not want to be judged for being “gay”.  Monty not only is a bully but inflicts pain on others to hide who he really is. The image Monty portrays was developed through his father. The violence his dad presented was toxic masculinity and expected his son to be exactly like that. Someone who doesn’t display emotions but only toughness.

In “Thirteen Reasons Why”, socialization plays an important aspect in each and every character. The group of friends always has each other backs but sometimes out casters influence their behavior based on gossip. Throughout the seasons, the gossips among the students tend to get intense, to have them turn on one another. In season 2, episode 2, Courtney and Hannah share an intimate moment, that Courtney initiated. A photo was taken by Tyler at that moment and released to the school. Monty also played a role in spreading the rumors about Hannah and Courtney kiss. When Monty confronts Courtney that she is one of the girls in the picture, Courtney is afraid to admit she’s lesbian and throws Hannah under the bus to protect her image. All of these scenarios that take part in the series are based upon one’s actions. Sometimes in an act, we don’t think of the consequences and when it’s time to fix a dilemma. Instead of performing the ethical act, we ponder upon how others would view you in a situation and create a sustainable image for yourself. Socialization is the process of learning to behave in a way that is acceptable in society.

As the tapes proceed it way down from one person to the next, we see numerous events of bullying, sexual violence, gossips, and objectification. “Thirteen Reason Why” was made to display the life of high school students facing these matters. It shows us that the dominant masculinities demonstrated throughout the series still play a role in how young men interact with their peers and girls. Also, girls are expected to be spontaneous and attractive. “Thirteen Reason Why” demonstrates a numerous topic that any individual in high school might be going through.

Journal 7 : Understanding Sex Talks

  • Human sexual activity or behaviors is in the manner of expression of asexuality and human experiences with another individual. Sex is a very intimate act that is done with a significant other or even a stranger just for pleasure. Sex is another way to communicate with another individual. For example, having sex with a partner expresses love and security with that person. Having sex with someone you do not know expresses lust and just at the moment feeling that is very short-termed. We communicate in various ways in which our communication and expressions can be perceived. When we talk about sex, our consent and refusal can be misinterpreted by the way we may communicate with a person. Flirting, smiling, talking, or showing any type of attraction to a male or female show that you have an interest in that individual and also indirectly give consent to a sexual attraction that would lead to those having sex. Refusal of sex, saying no, or not showing any type of attraction tells that person that you are not interested. In the article “Consent and refusal are not the only talking points in sex”, it states that “ we can autonomously consent to all sorts of bad sex for terrible reasons” this is an issue for most women because we do not know how to say no or we feel obligated to do something that we have control over. Sex should not be forced nor should someone feel as if they are obligated to please a man or woman if they do not want to do so. This sense of action is meant to be loving and intimately special between two genders whether its same-sex or opposite. Rape is an act of forced and non-consented act of sex which is shown throughout the world and is an issue seen between elder males and young teen females. For example, an elder male finding a 16 year old attractive due to personal insecurities or lack of pleasure leads him to vulnerable girls that cannot help themselves. Sometimes we make it seem like we henced an invitation to that person that was taken the wrong way. Another example is a 16-year-old just being nice and friendly because the elder male made a conversation and due to her consistent smiling and talking that man thought that she might like the idea of having sexual intercourse because she seems interested. We must be attentive to the way we speak and use our body language because we can be misinterpreted in many ways that can lead to conflicts, it may also lead to what we want because we truly found that person attractive or sexual fantasies that we may have. Sexual autonomy requires the ability to engage and communicate efficient sexual communication.

Megan M. Ramdin : Discussion 7

  • Artifact for analysis is the 2017 Netflix Original show “13 Reasons Why”.
  • My main focus will be on all 4 seasons on how the bullying/harassment throughout the season has improved throughout the seasons.
  • Three concepts I learned throughout the semester to apply to my project will be:
  1. Gender expression
  2. Gender Stereotypes / Masculinity
  3. Socialization 

(I provided a video for better visualization. )

  • Gender expression is how an individual shows their identity whether its clothing, hairstyle, makeup, etc. In season 2, episode 3 “The Drunk Slut”, demonstrates how Hannah Baker was going through an emotional response due to a tragedy and she didn’t want her hair to no longer solely to represent her image. Hannah’s haircut was impacting because it was a new year, she wanted a fresh start with herself.
  • Gender stereotypes are beliefs about how males and females differ in personality traits, interests, and behaviors. Throughout the seasons, the boy’s baseball team are the jocks of the school. Unlike traditional gender stereotypes whereby boys are expected to be tough and masculine, we get to see a new side into the lives of teenagers through Clay. He is not the kind of person who impresses girls with fistfights or showing off. He stands up for what is right due to his sensitivity and compassion, facets that are never encouraged in boys in a society where gender is strictly treated as a binary. We need to stop placing boys into a box that keeps them “tough, insensitive, and violent” to prove their manhood. We also need to keep girls out of the box that reduces their bodies into objects.
  • Socialization is the process of learning to behave in a way that is acceptable in society. In the show, socialization plays a big role. The group of friends always has each other backs but sometimes out casters influence their behavior based on gossip.
  • These concepts show a correlation to the show “13 Reason Why” because it illustrates the life of a teenage student. Being a teenager can be the toughest stage of life in knowing who you are or want to become. Hannah Baker was a new student at Liberty High school, she was hoping to start a new life and make new friends. She was a beautiful young girl who was traumatized from an experience and these concepts will help me portray in my project.

Journal 6 : Understanding Transgender


Firstly, segregation within society has always been there. There have been people who have faced discrimination because of their ethnic backgrounds, stratum, gender, nationality, etc. Considering that these differences a fairly obvious in an individual, it is not a matter of learning to ignore it but rather to not let it be a reason to treat someone with prejudice. Transgendered and androgynous individuals have existed for a while now, yet society is still only taking the first steps towards learning to treat them equally.

Secondly, one might only assume that it feels like any other prejudice to be a transgender. It is the society that assumes that transgender individuals do not fit in a male or female category. However, for a trans, they clearly want to be put in the category of the gender that they have chosen to emulate. Society would need to see these individuals for who they want to be and treat them accordingly. This is the respect that any individual who faces prejudice might want to receive.

Thirdly, in the case of transgenders or any individual who isn’t easily accepted is the problem of knowledge. It is the lack of knowledge about a race that leads to people being unfamiliar with them. This is when people might tend to repel the unfamiliar. In such cases, it is essential to educate the new generations about how people of different are equally entitled to respect and fair treatment. In doing so, we might acclimatize the new generation to trans people, and this might enable them to see them as no different than any other person.

Megan M. Ramdin : Discussion 6

  • The film that I watched was “The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson” by David France. Marsha Johnson was an African American transgender activist who played an important aspect in the gay rights movement. While watching the documentary her body was found in the Hudson River and the police conveyed her death as a “suicide”, but many suspected she was murdered. A woman names Victoria Cruz who works with the Anti-Violence project who starts to investigate Marsha’s death through many resources to actually find out what happened to Ms. Johnson. Gender, race, and sexuality of a person can be a threat to others. They can’t accept you for who you are because their mentality is portrayed to only one understanding.  As we can see, attacking transgender women has been going on for years, from 1992 Marsha Johnson’s death to 2016 CeCe McDonald. CeCe McDonald was a black transgender woman who was attacked by Schmitz. In the process of trying to defend herself, Schmitz died and CeCe was incarcerated into a men’s prison in Minnesota. It states “In spite of the fact that McDonald survived a vicious attack, she was the only one arrested” (Johnson, 97). Although she did nothing but provide self-defense for herself, she faced many injustices because she was a black trans woman. Schmitz’s ex-girlfriend was white and was included in the brawl but had to face no charges. The judicial system is clearly biased towards transgender individuals and especially with color compared to a Caucasian person.
  • She is not only a survivor but a brave leader to inspire other individuals to fight for what they believe in and tell their story. Transgender is an umbrella term for persons whose gender identity, gender expression, or behavior does not conform to that typically associated with the sex to which they were assigned at birth. We all are brought up by our parents, as either a male or a female and when we grow up and begin the search for our identities we do find some things which were kind of ignored by our parents since even they considered it to be not normal and that is why as young adults it becomes difficult to embrace one’s identity with which one truly recognizes with. Sometimes, a person’s gender identity doesn’t fit neatly into two choices. People who see themselves as being both male and female, neither male nor female nor as falling completely outside these categories may identify as genderqueer. How a person communicates their gender identity, through dress, behavior, voice, or body characteristics is their gender expression. A person’s gender expression may or may not line up with society’s expectations of masculinity or femininity, which we are all brought upon with. The public’s understanding of gender identity and expression is evolving as more transgender people share their stories. And, even I consider them as a normal person and not categorizing them into any box and putting a definition to their identities and choices. Each one of us is different from each other, our preferences and choices are different, and we should all learn to embrace that and let people live the way they want so that one feels ashamed of who they are as a person. When describing transgender people newspaper magazines and other media tend to use gender inappropriate names or pronouns as well as other languages that trans persons find insensitive or offensive this is quite an example of a microaggression.

Journal 5 : Understanding Social Institutions and Microaggressions

  • The social institutions have taught gender socialization in way more ways than anyone around. The family teaches women to be calm, soft, and gentle and men to be manly, masculine, and also always wanted to boss around. There are many cultures that have underrepresented women in all aspects of life no matter how far we go. The politics and laws are also made such that the manner in which women are presented is weak in comparison to men. But things have changed with time. Due to more technical and educational advancements, women seem to have come to the level of men and taken a high stand in all walks of life no matter how things shape to be. We have to break the traditional norms and rituals to establish ourselves as strong and independent women of power and might.Mass media has completely distorted the image of modern women. They have failed to portray women in an empowered role. They continue to reproduce discriminatory stereotypes about women and portray them in sexist ways. As a rule, women are portrayed in a narrow range of characters in mass media. Women are often associated with the household or sex-objects. In advertising and magazines, women are usually portrayed as young, slim, and with a beauty that meets the accepted standards. This has become a social problem for women as they have to fight with the image that the media had created for them. Plus size women and not so fit women’s have to face criticism in the outer world, all thanks to the advertising industry.
  • Microaggressions are the everyday verbal or nonverbal insults, intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership. This may appear to be very normal but actually can carry more drastic effect which when perceived by the target group leads to interpersonal conflict impeding the relationship development. Racial Microaggression is the feeling of insult colored people has to face by the white people, in their daily life, it can be verbal, nonverbal, intentional or unintentional, but it sends the hidden message of insult, derogatory feelings, and discrimination. The microaggression can be in the form of microinsult, microassault, or microinvalidation, the communication may be covert and disguised, it will be said innocently as if it is being done with good intention but often they are done with the hidden feelings of hatred and discrimination because the person is judged by his appearance. In an overt type of microaggression, the communication is often open and consciously displays the hatred.


  • Prejudices are pre-conceived notions that are negative in nature towards members of other groups. They are formed on the basis of irrational and baseless information which influences a person’s behaviors towards others. Prejudices sometimes lead to discrimination as well. Discrimination is the behavior or actions, usually negative, towards an individual or group of people, belonging to a certain race, class, religion, gender, etc.

Megan M. Ramdin : Discussion 5

  • I believe many have one race that has more privilege than others. White privilege goes beyond everyday injustices, as well, and discusses more systemic issues such as long-term accumulation of wealth, education, and power. For example, a white child born into a wealthy family is likely to be sent to good schools, tutored either by knowledgeable parents or expensive tutors, have an expensive private college at least partially paid for, and then be introduced to a social network of powerful people. An African-American child born in a lower-income area will be sent to failing schools, have parents who do not have the time and/or the resources to help them with their work, and then they will have to find a way to put themselves through school, which at best means community college or city schools, and then graduate into no network. As of today, we are still fighting racism. Some individuals feel like this world shouldn’t be diverse and only contain people they are comfortable with, but sadly it doesn’t work that way. After watching the video, you can clearly see that the people of color have fewer advantages than people who are portrayed as “white”. I believe people of color or colored people will never experience “white privilege”, that is something you are born with but not given too. But it doesn’t always with have a race, but sometimes we have objects that some people don’t. For example, some of us have the opportunity to go to school for free and in other countries, children can’t even receive an education. I would say that’s an extremely gifted privilege to myself.


  • The term “microaggression” is defined as a statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group such as a racial or ethnic minority. For example, Asian Americans being complimented for speaking good English since they are perceived as aliens in their own country who might not know English. when an African American passes by a woman, the woman automatically clutches her purse more tightly, indicating that they are more prone towards committing crimes, etc. All these prejudices, discriminations, and everyday microaggressions, has led to strong stereotypes and negativity in our society of treating everyone unequally. Such negative attitudes have increased racial violence even on social media, wherein people are spreading hate messages about each other creating communal differences, brainwashing, and harming people.

Journal 4 : Understand the Language and Concepts

In the reading “Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy” gave us some descriptive and challenging meanings on what Feminism actually is. Feminism can be defined as the idea of freedom for women politically, economically, and socially with equal rights and opportunities for women as same as for men. The idea of feminism has been undergoing different changes and improvements. It identifies ways in which dominant conceptions and practices of knowledge attribution, acquisition, and justification systematically disadvantage women and other subordinated groups, and strives to reform these conceptions and practices so that they serve the interests of these groups. A feeling of altruism becomes important for ensuring the root feelings of feminism. Moral attitude is also required for keeping the feelings of the welfare of women alive. A committed behavior is also required to live the principles of feminism. If it remains in word, then there is no use of such feelings. Strong dedication and positive feelings are always required. In the other reading, “introduction to women, gender, sexuality studies”, discusses how one is viewed through one’s appearance. The fear that someone else will judge one’s appearance or behavior negatively and thereby conform that person’s prejudiced attitudes is known as stereotype threat. I think as diversity increases, people will stop making quick judgments about others as they will have no idea what the other person is based on their looks or appearance. We can stop making judgments based on appearance only when we understand the meaning of sayings that have been with us since the beginning of time. “Don’t judge a book by its cover” or “Beauty is skin deep.” We need to reject the stereotypes of how people look.

Megan M. Ramdin : Discussion 4

People make automatic assumptions about individuals based on his or her appearance. While certain assumptions are a necessary part of life, judging a person totally based on appearance can be considered prejudice. I would categorize myself as “People of color”. I get numerous of baffled reactions on my appearance. Some say, “are you Indian?” or “is your hair real or is it weave?”. Many make these assumptions because of society’s depictions on how one is supposed to look, and they try to categorize you into a group that fits their mentality. Forming opinions based on an individual’s appearance is inevitable. Most of us judge people on the way they look, dress, and maintain themselves. Yes, strangers have also misjudged me on my appearance at various accounts. One day a fest in my school, I wasn’t dressed the way students dress at fests. Everyone wore beautiful new dresses and miniskirts whereas I wore the same old t-shirt and kept my makeup at minimum. I got stares throughout the fest on how inappropriately I presented myself. We can stop making judgments based on appearance only when we understand the meaning of sayings that have been with us since the beginning of time. “Don’t judge a book by its cover” or “Beauty is skin deep.” We need to reject the stereotypes of how people look.

I think the theories in “Feminist Philosophy of language” that stood out to me are “Maleness as Norms”. The society reacts in an increasingly hostile and threatening manner when a woman can do what a man can do. for example, it states “Moreover, they call attention to women’s presence in positions of authority—doctor and manager. Nonetheless, most feminists who think about language find these terms objectionable”. Many make the assumption, when we think of a big corporation and the CEO, often a male role is pictured to play the part. This can be a woman’s job as well as it is a man’s job. Society has created the assumption that men and women are categorized to do a specific job because of its task. For example, Men take the role of playing a manager when a female takes the role of being a nurse/caregiver. Society keeps on reminding the girl of her sexuality and the dangers that come with it. Girls are kept in a greater state of ignorance than boys and are often ill-prepared for what is to come.