Class Wrap-Up Reminders

Tomorrow, Thursday, July 2 at 11:59 pm, Summer Session I and our class, end. Please complete all work before this time. I will be reading and grading all day on July 3rd and will post grades on July 4th.

What is left to do? (…and my suggested order for completion.)

  1. Vocabulary Exam – Is available on blackboard – there is a link in the announcements that takes you directly to the exam and the exam is under “Course Information” with the following instructions.
    • You have 90 minutes to complete the exam. You can take it as many times as you like. Your last graded attempt will be the one that is recorded. You are encouraged to take the exam multiple times if you do not do well on the first attempt. Feel free to use notes and readings.
    • Questions are revealed one at a time. Each time you take the exam, the questions will appear in a randomized order. There are 92 points possible on this exam. Most of the questions are multiple-choice. There are a few true/false questions and there are three matching questions – two of the matching questions have 8 pairs, and one has four pairs. Each question is worth 2 points. For the matching questions, each pairing is worth 2 points.
    • If you have access issues, contact the helpdesk immediately and also let me know ASAP so I can try to help. You can take the exam as many times as you like, and your last attempt will be recorded for the final grade. You have 90 minutes for each attempt at the exam. You won’t be able to start it after the due date – so try it early.
  2. Final Portfolio – If you need more information, this post explains what you should do. The only portfolio that has been started so far is Firdawce’s. When you go to our main page, you can see the portfolio tags on the lower right-hand side.                                              Screenshot of portfolio tags on mainpage PLEASE NOTE – All posts in your final portfolio should be revised from the original post based on feedback. You should not merely add original drafts to the final portfolio. The drafts are just that – DRAFTS. You have all received feedback to improve the drafts for your final portfolio. Please make these edits. I will be looking for them when I grade. While you got full points for doing the draft, the same is not true of the version is your final portfolio. The grading criteria for each paper are found in the syllabus. The Gender Identity Project and the Institutional Artifact Project also include posts with these details. Please double-check you are meeting the requirements.
  3. Discussion 8 – do this last if you haven’t done it yet. It is worth the smallest portion of your final grade and is a reflection on the course. The prompt is available here. I have enjoyed reading them so far and look forward to reading the rest. I may reach out to you with a few questions to help improve the function of both OpenLab at BMCC and the course in general.

Best of luck and please reach out if you have questions. I have truly enjoyed reading your work and interacting with you this semester. I look forward to reviewing your final portfolios and final discussion posts in the coming days.

Author: Brianne Waychoff

Brianne Waychoff passed away in 2022. You can read more about her at the links below:

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