Srijana Bhandari_Discussion#8

I am a girl, who has faced a lot of challenges since my childhood especially when it’s about gender equality or getting my right place at my family, among friends. I always wanted to create my own identity. So, when I had to take a writing-intensive class and got the option for the “Gender and Communication” class in this term, I was really interested in the very first place. But I had no idea how the classes would be. I still remember our first discussion of our class which was about our own introduction, that very first discussion developed a lot of thoughts in my mind. I mean all my life the way I had known who I am maybe little bit illusion, a little bit of truth, had a little bit of fact on it and more place to explore myself to create my own identity.

I have learned this from my own experience that if you enjoy what you are doing than you do not feel pressure and you actually love what you are doing that what happen to me during this class. I didn’t feel any pressure like any other class to pass or fail, instead of in every discussion post, or journal, either it’s the reading journal, or going through the discussion of my friends or writing my own discussion/journal I was exploring more of me, I was getting chance to know my classmates through their story though we physically never met. I learned as a girl we face a similar problem, as a colored people we go through different life experience, as some of my male friend’s post, I came to know that not all men mean to be same, they struggle but still remain strong. I came to know it’s not only me who had to develop this feeling of unsecured but there are individual like me who had to develop similar feelings but had to keep fighting so it motivated me to remain strong and remain who am I with proud and fight for my rights, fight for what is right and treat everyone equally. I didn’t realize until this class how unintentionally who could be making other people feel bad or make other unsecured. So, I learn to be more careful with what I do, or what I say.

My all first two paragraphs explain what I learn and that’s what I am taking from this class but one thing in particular that I had taken away from this class is to create my own identity. I learned that its vast to know yourself, but you will know in different phases, your different rule and most importantly you need to humble with everyone. Create mutual understanding either it’s male or female, colored or non, privileged or unprivileged, treat, and get treated as human. You are born as human and you have full rights to live as a human. No one can take away your identity.

This class, we have people from different backgrounds, different countries but yet we came with similar norms and values when it came to creating our identity. We shared the value of being equal, shared the thoughts of treating yourself right and other people right. Like I have mentioned earlier and also, I have made these comments on most of my colleague’s discussion posts that everyone stories have given a new lesson to learn. Has given to know-how on the same thing we can have a different perspective but still, we come to the same conclusion.

Lastly, I would like to thank you Professor Brianne for being very supportive and making us the work that helped to develop our thoughts and create our own identity. Thank you, all my classmates, for sharing your stories, which were personal and very touching. I guess I have not to share any of my fears, or what I felt even to my close friends and family but was able to do here through the discussion post and journal.


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