Final Portfolio Instructions

This portfolio is a collection of your best writing from the semester that you have revised and brought together. It should showcase the critical framework you have developed during the semester for understanding the influential role of gender as it intersects with race, sexuality, class, physical ability, etc. Your final portfolio should be a total of 2500-3000 words. It must include: 

  • Revised Gender Identity Paper of 750-1000 words (10% of the portfolio)  
  • Revised Institutional Artifact Paper of 750-1000 words (10% of the portfolio)  
  • Revised Informal Writing pulled from discussion post and reading journal between 500 and 1500 words depending on the length of the above revisions (15% of the portfolio)  

Because these will be revisions of previous posts, you do not need to change the categories. You can simply go back to your original post and edit, removing the word “draft.” If you prefer, you can create a new post instead of editing the original. If you do that, please select the category that best fits that writing – most likely the same category as the original post.

How do you share? For these posts only, you will create a tag using the convention “[FirstName] [LastName] Final Portfolio” and add it to ONLY the posts you want to be included in your final portfolio. You create a tag on the right-hand side of where you create your post, by simply typing it into the box and pushing “add.”

add tag

After you have created your tag, when you start writing the first few letters, it should automatically come up. You can also select it from”Choose from the most used tags.”

populating tags

After you do this, your tag will show up on the course site and you can use that to see what you have included in your portfolio. Right now, the only tags are two I have made called “Video” and “Vocabulary,” but yours will appear soon.


How do you choose informal writing to include? You can look back through your discussions and reading journals. If there were any that you are particularly proud of, those would be good choices. Any posts that your classmates gave you lots of good feedback on might be another one to revise and include. It is up to you, but keep in mind you want to revise all these posts for proper grammar, punctuation, citations, technical writing, etc.

Some additional notes on posts for your portfolio:

  • The only place your title should appear is as the title of the post – not in the body.
  • Do not include your name, date, class, title, or any other information you would at the top of a printed paper in the body of your posts. They aren’t necessary because the digital nature of this course does that automatically and they do not count toward your word count.
  • Continue to use other elements of MLA formatting when citing and quoting.
  • Word Count does not include Works Cited.

DUE JULY 2 AT 11:59 PM

Author: Brianne Waychoff

Brianne Waychoff passed away in 2022. You can read more about her at the links below:

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