Discussion 7

The institution I want to explore and analyze is Disney princess movies. Because there are quite a few of them I want to focus on the original set of princesses. That would be Cinderella, Snow White, Aurora, Ariel and Belle. I want to focus on these specifically because they play a very big part in how I believe we define beauty, stereotype the gender roles of both men and women, and how we view consent. Through all the readings then thing that stuck out to me the most is how important language is. How we describe ourselves matter, how we identify matters, and the words we choose matter. For all these Disney princesses it is interesting to hear how the narrator describes the women, they are spoken of more as objects than as people. These movies also play very heavily on stereotypes and gender roles.   The woman stays home, she cooks and cleans, she isn’t very smart but man is she pretty. Then here comes a strapping young man to save her, to rescue her from a a tragic end. Most of the time kissing her whiles is unconscious. I just find it very interesting now that I can go back to these movies with a fresh pair of eyes. As a young girl you don’t pick up on the messages these movies are telling you. You just know that one day I want to be a princess and I want my Prince Charming to come and save me.



6 thoughts on “Discussion 7”

  1. Yes! This is a good topic. You might need to narrow a bit if talking about all those princesses becomes too much. But I think it will work. In addition to paying attention to how the narrator describes her, pay attention to what other characters say about her and what she says about herself. Another interesting thing to talk about, though it might not be in this paper is the way that cartoons are drawn. They are much more curvaceous with smaller waists, big eyes, and lips these days than they were back in the 1930s when Snow White came out. You can see the difference when you put Disney’s Snow White and Cinderella next to Ariel and Belle. Even the animals are drawn differently.

  2. Hey Adynah, your topic seems very interesting, I cant wait to read your draft. You made very good points, in most if not all Disney movies princess have to be saved by a prince and they are portrayed as a stay at home women who clean and who are basically in need of a man to come rescue them, growing up us girls didn’t really see beyond the fact of it being a princess movie and how beautiful they were and how we wished for a prince charming but now we realize the message behind it. You chose a great topic.

  3. Hello Adynah,
    I really like your topic because I fell that we all can relate to it. Who didn’t want to be a princess and then rescued by a prime charming and leave happily ever after.
    but you mention the reality os far from this and the underline message hides so many stereotyping about men and women.
    A woman is always weak, and the soft one while the one is always the hero.
    I can’t wait to read your final draft.

  4. Hi Adynah,

    Your topic is super interesting, due to we all grew up watching those movies and you are right, back then every little girl wanted to be a Disney princess and a prince charming to rescue us and have a happy ending but looking back now with the knowledge we’ve gained through the time we might not want to be a princess who needs a prince charming in order to be happy or to have the life we deserve.

  5. Hello Adynah,

    Since your discussion was about Disney movies and related to a princess, I never thought this earlier but why in these kinds of movies there is a prince who dreams of a beautiful princess? Why the princess is not capable to inherit? Because in these kinds of movies I have seen if a princess has to inherit then she has to get married to a prince or boy or there are certain.
    But I guess FROZEN is one little different, where a princess is given the authority but yes all these movies are based stereotype gender.
    We enjoy, love and then these movies are the reason why girls from her early childhood dream of having a male in her life who is like a Prince in these kind of movies.

  6. Hello Adynah, I am looking forward to reading your draft. I think it would also be interesting to see which ways princess movies have evolved and in which ways it has sublimely stayed the same. What does this say about our society today?

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